Here are 17 amazing leadership women who did their best to dominate in their times in science and history.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
Once the role of women in politics was exhausted by the volume of her dowry. Princesses were just a bargaining chip, at best — a nice attachment to their lands. Of course, even in those cruel times there were women-rulers who could defeat any adversary, both in political machinations and on the battlefield. But then they were the exception in the rule.
Now, on the contrary, every year more and more women appear in politics.
Are women in politics necessary? No one can give a definite answer to this question. Some men think that women have no place in politics. If you ask a woman about this, then you risk running into a strange situation.
For some people this question will cause confusion which can be explained by extreme apoliticality. Others are sure that threateningly waving the banner of feminism without doing anything is simply shaking the air. And others can resent only because someone dared to cast doubt on the very possibility of women’s entry into politics.
However, the majority of male politicians in European countries believe that women in politics are wisdom, everyday experience plus intuition multiplied by knowledge. It is women who make the most correct and balanced decisions.
Here are 17 amazing leadership women who did their best to dominate in their times in science and history.
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