There are the strongest women whose force greatly exceeds men’s strength. Let’s check out top-7 of them.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
Over the past few decades the idea of a perfect female body has changed more than once. There were times when the prize for the best body belonged to thin and pale-skinned girls, or puffy beauties, or tall supermodels, or juicy figured ladies a la Marilyn Monroe.
However time passes, and all these moments become a relic of the past. For a long time no one has sought a painful thinness so popular in the early 90-s. Then thin Kate Moss gave rise to a new era. Fragility, sunken cheekbones, thin wrists, pale skin — all this was considered the peak of beauty.
Fortunately, the popularity of this appearance has passed, and sport has returned to fashion again. The girls ran in droves to sign up for gyms to make their figure slim and fit…
It is easy to guess that people from different countries have different ideas about the perfect female body. However, there are some common stereotypes.
Both men and women, describing the ideal female body, prefer slim long legs, flowing hair and a flat stomach. At this similarity of tastes ends. Further, when choosing a bosom, most men prefer lush busts, and if they speak about woman’s hips, they prefer this part of the body be really luxurious. But women themselves prefer smaller sizes.
There are the strongest women whose force greatly exceeds men’s strength. Let’s check out top-7 of them.
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