I run into a comparison of modern American and English women somewhere. I remember that an American woman spends about $300 a month on her look, while an English woman spends less than $50 on it. I don’t know anything
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
Over the past few decades the idea of a perfect female body has changed more than once. There were times when the prize for the best body belonged to thin and pale-skinned girls, or puffy beauties, or tall supermodels, or juicy figured ladies a la Marilyn Monroe.
However time passes, and all these moments become a relic of the past. For a long time no one has sought a painful thinness so popular in the early 90-s. Then thin Kate Moss gave rise to a new era. Fragility, sunken cheekbones, thin wrists, pale skin — all this was considered the peak of beauty.
Fortunately, the popularity of this appearance has passed, and sport has returned to fashion again. The girls ran in droves to sign up for gyms to make their figure slim and fit…
It is easy to guess that people from different countries have different ideas about the perfect female body. However, there are some common stereotypes.
Both men and women, describing the ideal female body, prefer slim long legs, flowing hair and a flat stomach. At this similarity of tastes ends. Further, when choosing a bosom, most men prefer lush busts, and if they speak about woman’s hips, they prefer this part of the body be really luxurious. But women themselves prefer smaller sizes.
I run into a comparison of modern American and English women somewhere. I remember that an American woman spends about $300 a month on her look, while an English woman spends less than $50 on it. I don’t know anything
Read moreI know! Each of you had such a situation in your life: you’re drunk, go to a club, then you go for a walk somewhere, and you wake up to a girl next morning.
Read moreHungary has a great deal of nice women. The charming look of Hungarian women is admired by men from many countries. Danube’s beauties conquer modeling agencies and beauty contests. Many of them star in movies and win gold medals in
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Read moreDating a plus-size woman is what many men secretly dream about. But what is behind their soft skin and voluptuous forms? And should you try to date such women? The answer is below.
Read moreMany men wouldn’t mind dating a tall woman. But what awaits them when they want to make a move on a tall female? Well, let’s figure it out.
Read moreBeautiful European women are the objects of desire for not only men living in Europe, but also for males from around the world. Let’s find out where the most beautiful of them live.
Read moreNorth Korean women live in an isolated country that has eccentric rulers and weird rules. No wonder the females’ life abounds with challenges that might shock you.
Read moreBlack women and Asian women look like they come from different planets. In fact, they live in the same world and have to compete for the attention of the same men. Let’s find out which of them can do it
Read moreNot only thin girls can cause men’s arousal. Hot curves of plus-size models also excite male imagination. We’ve compiled a list of top-10 gorgeous chubby models who can easily give a head-start to most of skinny girls.
Read moreEvery woman’s body is beautiful and unique. And it’s also such a sophisticated system that even women themselves are unaware of most of its features and how complex its design is. So, let’s find out 11 facts about female body
Read moreIt’s widely assumed that only men are capable of disgusting actions. But women don’t lag behind men in many things. We’ve compiled a list of 10 shameful things every (or almost every) woman does to prove it.
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