There are women who managed to become prominent voices the American nation would listen to. Let’s look who the greatest women in American history are.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
It is customary to think that women in history are always on the second roles, and the key characters in the history of the mankind are courageous kings, brutal leaders, talented orators, restless revolutionaries and public politicans.
However, in the world history there were many strong and intelligent women who made their priceless contribution to the mankind development.
Art, science, sports, politics — there is no sphere where a woman cannot succeed! Women were capable of anything even at a time when their opinions were not considered. Even then there were bright and brave ladies, whom we still remember about.
Many of them encountered a lot of difficulties, they were oppressed, they were called strange, but that did not stop them! They challenged society, stubbornly seeked to their goals and fulfilled their dreams!
This category contains articles about women scientists, women empresses, women writers. You will learn about women who meticulously built and systematically destroyed the great men’s careers, turning the course of world history more than once. Learn more about women who are more than once ahead of their time, women who have shown a real perseverance and incredible hardness, women whom we admire and still try to imitate their style.
There are women who managed to become prominent voices the American nation would listen to. Let’s look who the greatest women in American history are.
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