He got famous not only due to his “love” for Italy, but also due to his passion for women. Here is the list of the most famous Mussolini women.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
The countries of the Second World War made every effort to win, and women in ww2 did not stand aside. Of course, we often say that “the war has not a female face”, but as a matter of fact women had to take active part in these events: every country needed all its forces to gain the victory. Many women voluntarily enrolled in the armed forces or performed traditional male work at home, in enterprises and at the front.
Spies, pilots of bombers, soldiers, snipers — men were not the only ones who showed courage, ingenuity and determination during the Second World War. Women worked in factories and in government organizations, were active participants in resistance groups and support units.
Relatively few women fought directly on the front line, but many were the victims of bombing and military incursions. By the end of the war more than 2 million women worked in the military industry, hundreds of thousands voluntarily went to the front as nurses or joined the army.
In the USSR alone, about 800 thousand women in ww2 served in military units on a par with men. The history keeps a lot of great stories about what had to be moved and sustained by women who took an active part in the hostilities of the Second World War.
He got famous not only due to his “love” for Italy, but also due to his passion for women. Here is the list of the most famous Mussolini women.
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