Black women and Asian women look like they come from different planets. In fact, they live in the same world and have to compete for the attention of the same men. Let’s find out which of them can do it
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
`This can’t be happening!` – This is the first thought that comes to the head of a man who has the opportunity for the first time to see closely pretty black women. Their forms are fantastically sculpted — and this is without any silicone, with not a single gram of fat, not a single fold or wrinkle on moire skin.
Their movements are free and graceful, like those of a panther, and they all breathes the unfeigned, living energy of the hot sun, violent thunderstorms and tropical nights.
Communicating with pretty black women, you keep from the cutesy, capricious, cold women of the North, besieged by the ideas of gender equality.
In Africa a man easily can find everything that primarily attracts him in a woman: natural femininity and sincere sensuality. There is no need for false preludes: if yes, then yes, if not, then no.
The first question asked about Africans by men who have not been in these parts is: “How beautiful are African women?”. Yes, they are very beautiful. But the question “Which country has the most beautiful women there?”, does not have a definite answer.
It is believed that in Ethiopia and Somalia. Many pretty black women are from those edges. But to single out only Ethiopia and Somalia is to offend the rest of Africa. There are beautiful women everywhere, and their beauty is infinitely diverse.
Black women and Asian women look like they come from different planets. In fact, they live in the same world and have to compete for the attention of the same men. Let’s find out which of them can do it
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