You must’ve heard of Queen Cleopatra many times and think that you know everything about this legendary Egyptian. Then you should learn the facts listed below that will definitely surprise you!
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
It is customary to think that women in history are always on the second roles, and the key characters in the history of the mankind are courageous kings, brutal leaders, talented orators, restless revolutionaries and public politicans.
However, in the world history there were many strong and intelligent women who made their priceless contribution to the mankind development.
Art, science, sports, politics — there is no sphere where a woman cannot succeed! Women were capable of anything even at a time when their opinions were not considered. Even then there were bright and brave ladies, whom we still remember about.
Many of them encountered a lot of difficulties, they were oppressed, they were called strange, but that did not stop them! They challenged society, stubbornly seeked to their goals and fulfilled their dreams!
This category contains articles about women scientists, women empresses, women writers. You will learn about women who meticulously built and systematically destroyed the great men’s careers, turning the course of world history more than once. Learn more about women who are more than once ahead of their time, women who have shown a real perseverance and incredible hardness, women whom we admire and still try to imitate their style.
You must’ve heard of Queen Cleopatra many times and think that you know everything about this legendary Egyptian. Then you should learn the facts listed below that will definitely surprise you!
Read moreWe’ve grown accustomed to the fact that, for the most part, perpetrators are men. But female criminals are also a common occurrence. Below you will find some cases in point.
Read moreA human gets away with a lot of things, especially if this human is a woman. However, there are top-6 scandalous women whose behavior caused such an uproar that many people still remember their actions!
Read moreContrary to the popular belief, the richest women in history were able not only to spend money, but also to invest it, increase their capital and many more. Here is the list of facts about the richest and extraordinary women.
Read moreAt all times first ladies have had a big influence on the presidents and their political activities. Some of the hottest first ladies became the most favorable by the public.
Read moreHe got famous not only due to his “love” for Italy, but also due to his passion for women. Here is the list of the most famous Mussolini women.
Read moreIn modern movies about women’s life in the Middle Ages, brave knights would do anything for a pretty lady. But was there really so much romance in the life of medieval woman? Let’s check out 10 interesting facts about them.
Read moreMany of us know that gladiators made history as fearless and strong people. Less well-known is the fact that there were female gladiators among them. Here you will find 10 unexpected facts about those women.
Read moreFor the people who are interested in the history of ancient times there is no surprise that there are many bizarre records about the inhabitants’ lifestyle, attitude and behavior. Here are some interesting facts about women in Ancient Rome.
Read moreThe severe crimes of fascists still terrify people all over the world. And among those who gave inhuman orders were women, no matter how scary it is. Let’s look at the top-10 cruel women of the Third Reich.
Read moreIt’s hard to believe that not only men became pirates. Women pirates were also engaged in such “business”. We have compiled a list of 10 most cruel mistresses of seas so that you make sure it’s true.
Read moreWomen who made up their mind to move to the Wild West are a specific category of heroes the American nation has built a number of legends about. Let’s find out 7 features of the Wild West women.
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