From 1943 to 1946 a lot of beautiful French women were charged with collaboration with German occupants and had their hair cut. How did French women live through the war, what did some of them do to survive?
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
It is customary to think that women in history are always on the second roles, and the key characters in the history of the mankind are courageous kings, brutal leaders, talented orators, restless revolutionaries and public politicans.
However, in the world history there were many strong and intelligent women who made their priceless contribution to the mankind development.
Art, science, sports, politics — there is no sphere where a woman cannot succeed! Women were capable of anything even at a time when their opinions were not considered. Even then there were bright and brave ladies, whom we still remember about.
Many of them encountered a lot of difficulties, they were oppressed, they were called strange, but that did not stop them! They challenged society, stubbornly seeked to their goals and fulfilled their dreams!
This category contains articles about women scientists, women empresses, women writers. You will learn about women who meticulously built and systematically destroyed the great men’s careers, turning the course of world history more than once. Learn more about women who are more than once ahead of their time, women who have shown a real perseverance and incredible hardness, women whom we admire and still try to imitate their style.
From 1943 to 1946 a lot of beautiful French women were charged with collaboration with German occupants and had their hair cut. How did French women live through the war, what did some of them do to survive?
Read moreAmazon females were great women warriors lived ages ago. Did they set up orgies, eat boy babies, or do some other strange things? Here are 7 interesting and even shocking facts you maybe didn’t know about amazons.
Read moreWomen in Africa live quite differently than in Europe or in America. Some African tribes have really shocking traditions about women…
Read morePolyandry in China (when a woman has several husbands) is the unique family phenomenon existed in the Celestial Empire…
Read moreUnder the Nazi regime in Germany, women had a special place and their lives were characterized by many extravagant traits. We will take a look at the top 7 unusual facts among these:
Read moreThe role of Soviet women in history of the World War II cannot be underestimated. We will take a look at the facts on Soviet courageous women during the War.
Read moreThere were many women kings in ancient history. Here you can know about the most famous and warlike of them.
Read moreHere are 17 amazing leadership women who did their best to dominate in their times in science and history.
Read moreHow did Ancient Egypt women live? What were their lifestyle and habits? We will take a glimpse into the life of Ancient Egypt enigmatic women.
Read moreHere are 11 historical female leaders who ruled their countries at different times. Can you recognize them?
Read moreWho are the bravest women in history? We will sketch the profiles of the bravest women who have been making world’s history throughout the ages.
Read moreHave you ever heard about great female inventions? Probably not. Inventions are not considered the thing that women do better than men…
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