Blonde fashion models are known not only for their ability to walk down the catwalk gracefully, but also for being one of the most highly paid models. Let’s check out who they are.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
We consider that blondies are childishly delicate and fragile, femininely refined and elegant … whatever we think of them, the hottest blondes invariably attract our attention. Why?
Today, only one woman out of twenty can rightfully consider herself to be a natural blonde. And every fourth colours the hair to look like it. Light hair color remains a distinction. It doesn’t matter whether it is natural, skillful highlighting or radical lightening – it helps a woman in her aim to be noticed and desired.
The very first mythical blonde was the goddess of love Aphrodite: according to the beliefs of the ancient Greeks, she was golden-haired. In the Middle Ages blond hair was considered an attribute of seduced Eve — it was because of her unforgivable frivolity that people were driven out of the Paradise.
In fairness it should be noted that among women who remained not in myths, but in real history, there were many hottest blondes (Ivan III’s wife – the Byzantine princess Sofia Paleolog, the queen of the Great Britain Elizabeth I Tudor, Margaret Thatcher, who does not need anyone’s introduction). So do not be in a hurry to think of cute angels as naive and narrow-minded — if they wish, they can eat you for breakfast!
Blonde fashion models are known not only for their ability to walk down the catwalk gracefully, but also for being one of the most highly paid models. Let’s check out who they are.
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