Slim models are sometimes overshadowed by their plus-size colleagues on the catwalk. But does it mean that chubby girls are more sexy than thin ones? Let’s figure it out.
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Interesting facts about women!
Amazing facts about women worldwide!
Since ancient times, the problem of opposition male vs female worries humanity. It can’t be any other way. They are so similar and at the same time so opposite in their essence, way of life and even in the structure of the brain. But what makes us different?
Not so long ago neurologists discovered striking differences in the structure of the brain of men and women, which have a direct influence on the formation of their worldview. Simply put, men and women perceive the same situation differently and react differently to it.
Since the appearance of the term “political correctness,” it has been assumed that there is no difference between men and women. Of course, it is not correct to say so. There is no doubt that men and women should be equal. However, the difference between men and women exists, and it is quite natural. They are not worse and not better than each other — they are just different. They have different priorities, they live according to different principles and at the same time constantly challenge the behavior, opinions and beliefs of their partners.
Opposition male vs female is not a reason for confrontation, but the possibility to harmonize the society, complementing the features of one gender by the features of another, and create a positive vector of development from their common advantages.
Slim models are sometimes overshadowed by their plus-size colleagues on the catwalk. But does it mean that chubby girls are more sexy than thin ones? Let’s figure it out.
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