30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move (It Really Works!)

Women’s desires are incomprehensible and mysterious to men. That’s why many men have trouble recognizing females’ signs that they are waiting for males to make the first move. Let’s review the list of subtle cues indicating that a lady expects action from you.

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1. Touching you as if by accident at the first opportunity

When a woman likes a male, she is more willing to experience tactile sensations of his body. And if a girl often touches you as if by accident, for example, stroking your hand or patting your shoulder, perhaps she is waiting for you to make the first move.

2. Highlighting the beauty of her hair

A female becomes preoccupied with a hairdo the moment the desired man looks at her. Women’s hair has a magical effect on men, so ladies instinctively attempt to make their hairstyles more appealing by smoothing it or twisting a strand of hair around their finger.

3. Having that special look in the eyes

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: teentoday.co.uk

It is not for nothing that they say the eyes are the window to the soul. That is where you should look for the answer. When talking to a woman, do not listen to her words, but look into the eyes. If she does not look away, or quite often lowers her gaze to your lips, this is a yes signal for you to take action.

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If the girl does not concentrate her gaze on your face, but looks as if through you or over your shoulder, then she clearly shows no interest in you.

4. A rise in body temperature

It is not easy to control your emotional reactions, but you can learn to do so. But it is simply impossible to control your physical reactions. Make an attempt to unintentionally touch a woman’s hand. If the lady’s body is hot, then the probability that the lady is not indifferent to the object she is communicating with is quite high.

5. Becoming envious when you flirt with some other chick

Are you curious as to whether she anticipates you taking the lead? Making a woman envious is the finest approach. Find a friend of the girl who seemingly has romantic feelings for you and start flirting with her. In case your flirting is interrupted by the female left without attention, who in a veiled or joking manner brings to your notice she is offended at your lack of interest in her, then you are faced with clear signs that she definitely likes you.

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6. Being concerned about a desired man

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: zazzle.com

Men are accustomed to the fact that they are the ones who should take care of ladies. But this same desire also manifests itself in females. A girl in love shows care for her beloved. And this care reveals itself in completely unnoticeable little things at first glance. Such behavior is determined by the maternal instinct, which the lady projects onto her beloved on a subconscious level.

7. Letting you into personal space

Anyone who has even a little interest in psychology has heard about the concept of personal space. This is a set of boundaries that a person does not allow anyone to violate except for close people. So, if a lady is calm about casual touches and other similar things, then you can assume that she also considers you to be close to her.

8. Granting you access to private belongings

Again, this is the line the girl will not let just anyone beyond. The most striking example of this is granting permission to use her smartphone or take something from her handbag. If the female calmly hands these things over to you, then she fully confides in you. If the lady has given a man such access, then she sends the male signs that she is in love with him and anticipates that he would take decisive actions.

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9. Taking heed of a man’s advice and recommendations

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: yourtango.com

The saying “women love with their ears” is not unfounded. A female hears absolutely all the comments of her beloved man regarding her looks and actions. This might not be an accident if you think a lady started to change quickly for the better. It is entirely possible that it was you who suggested the lady grow out her hair or wear those adorable earrings.

10. Sending you baffling texts allegedly “by mistake”

In order to insinuate that she is up for chatting with you, a girl may send you puzzling texts and emoticons in a messenger or on a social network, and as soon as you try to check it with her about what she meant, she will answer that she sent you the message “by mistake”.

11. Difference in real-life and online behavior

In everyday life, a woman may behave calmly and even formally around you, but when you return home and start communicating with her online, the female starts flirting with you. Why? Because by doing so, she demonstrates that she lacks the bravery to unwind in real communication. And the task of transferring flirting from the virtual plane to the real one falls on you.

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12. Having a natural expression on her face

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: pexels.com

Many women can perfectly control their gestures and body movements, but they are unable to control expressions on their faces. And this is good news for you, because facial expressions are one of the most reliable signs that a girl likes a male and expects decisive actions from him.

If parts of her face move smoothly and naturally, and do not seem to be forcefully pulled as if by invisible threads, then she gives you the go-ahead.

13. A shift in speech patterns and vocal intonation

While conversing to a male she likes, a woman’s voice sounds either higher or lower than her usual voice. A high voice indicates an intention to appear more feminine, attractive and gentle than she actually is. A low voice reflects sexuality and passion. By speaking with such a voice, she demonstrates her sexual attraction to you.

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14. Showcasing weakness and defenselessness

You can tell from the following signs that the girl pictures you as a strong, patronizing man. For instance, she may start demonstrating her weakness in front of you (she can’t pull up a zipper on a jacket, unscrew a bottle cap, etc.). She might also display her vulnerability to “danger,” such as a scary scene in a movie, a loud sound, or a spider.

15. Laughing at your clumsy jokes

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: goodfon.com

If you lack a sense of fun, or if your humor is so peculiar that your buddies constantly criticize your stupid jokes. But on the flipside, there is a female who laughs heartily at your witticisms and believes you are the funniest guy on the planet, then this is probably love, and you should not pass it up.

16. Mirroring you

How can you tell if a girl is expecting something from you? It can be determined by observing the way she syncs with you. Do you notice that she is copying your demeanor, expressions on your face, lingo and speech patterns? If so, congratulations. Mirroring is one of the most reliable signs a woman likes a male. So be mindful of this indicator when speaking with a female.

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17. Discussing a man with her buddies

If a lady likes some guy, the damsel will most likely share her feelings with friends. It is important for a female to know whether you can become a good couple. Any lady wants confirmation of her guesses from those close to her. It is possible that she will ask one of her friends to suss out some information about your private life.

18. Changing posture and gait

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: pexels.com

To strike you with the beauty, a woman can adopt a model pose: straighten the back, pull in the stomach, stick out the butt slightly. If she passes by you at this time, she will sway her hips. She might not even be aware of her actions, since it happens unconsciously.

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19. Displaying openness with the help of body language

If a girl is truly eager to date you, she will intentionally position her body in such a way that expresses trust and openness. She will face you in an open pose, straighten the shoulders, turn the feet and knees in your direction.

20. Utilizing the pronoun “we”

Don’t underestimate the power of the word “we”. It has great significance. A woman may use the word “we” multiple times even in a brief conversation. For instance, a damsel may say “We have similar literary tastes.” In this way, she is subtly expressing her desire to be your girlfriend. In case she likes to employ the pronoun “we” when discussing you both, then this is one of genuine signs a lady’s subconscious already perceives you as her significant other.

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21. Eating little when being around a desired male

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: istockphoto.com

Women eat less in the presence of someone they are attracted to. She may have a great appetite at dinner with her buddies, but when you are around, she will only eat as little as a kitten. Girls have a notion that eating with such discipline makes them more delicate, feminine and graceful.

22. Being sincerely curious about your life

You can be certain that you have become a female’s object of research if she inquires about your goals, values, relatives, interests and beliefs. By posing questions of personal nature, she shows that she is really curious about your background, ideas and feelings, and she is making an effort to learn more about you.

23. Remembering the details of a previous talk with you

If a girl recalls even minor elements of previous chats with you, it is frequently an indication that she is listening carefully to your words and hence is truly into you. She values those chats with you if she can recall the particular nuances of them. Remarks associated with people that women find appealing is something that they always treasure.

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24. Introducing a man to loved ones

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: Mark Busse / flickr.com

A lady will gladly acquaint her buddies and relatives with a male she likes. This kind of behavior ranks among the surest signs of affinity and trust. In a sense, this might be seen as a kind of social acknowledgment, since she is not shy about telling people she considers important about you.

25. Revealing personal tales to a male

A girl confides in a man and feels emotionally connected to him, if she shares her life stories and background with this guy. She can, for instance, share memories from her childhood, complain that she is afraid of something, and reveal details of a difficult situation from her experience. This way, she showcases an eagerness to strengthen a bond with you.

26. Giving you many compliments

When a female is attracted to a male, she won’t fail to spot and value his positive traits and she may use compliments as a way to show her appreciation for them. These positive comments may concern a male’s intelligence, humor or looks. She quietly conveys her romantic desire by complimenting him.

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27. Adding a phone number to a social media account

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: freepik.com

If a girl reveals a phone number on her social network page, then this clearly shows she is eager to communicate with a male.

If a lady did not have an intention to be written and called, she would not publish her number. However, if the number is visible on her profile, then the damsel gives you signs she is all for chatting. You can safely contact her directly on the social network, or you can also find her by phone number in messengers like WhatsApp. In addition, you can directly call and suggest a meeting. It all comes down to your level of bravery.

28. Setting statuses on a social network page that point to the lack of a partner

Often women do not fill in the field indicating the status of relationship at all if they have a well-established intimate life. Girls who have boyfriends and married young ladies can set such statuses as “Married” or “In a relationship”. The lady who craves your attention and messages will most likely set the status “It’s complicated” or “Single”.

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If you see such statuses, you can safely write to the female. This message can be read as “I want someone to write to me”, “I want a relationship”, “I crave meetings with a guy”.

29. Jibing at a man and picking on him

I think many young men are familiar with the situation when a girl, for no apparent reason, starts picking on them or teasing them about their appearance, clothes, etc., which can be quite offensive. However, you shouldn’t be upset. Very often, if a female picks on a guy, teases him, gets him emotional, then this means that she is attempting to get this guy’s attention because she truly likes him.

30. Provision of clues by a female’s friends

30 Obvious Signs She Wants You To Make The First Move
Photo: pexels.com

It could be a sign that a lady’s friends are aware of something if they have begun to ask you how you feel about her or have altered their attitude to you. The damsel may have informed buddies about you if, for instance, they sit alongside you both and ignore the girl at all, or if they leave you alone with the lady so that you can coo together. If her buddies giggle, smile, or watch when she communicates with a male, he can be certain that she likes him.

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Proceeding from the above, there are a lot of signs that might help you determine whether a woman is looking for you to take decisive action. All you have to do is observe how she behaves; the greatest time to act will be when you see that she is displaying the signs of sympathy.

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