32 alpha male attributes that make you perfect for women

32 Alpha Male Attributes That Make You Perfect For Women

There is a myth that to win a woman’s attention, a man must be physically attractive and rich. However, in practice, the emotional and psychological alpha male traits turn out to be more important. Let’s find out more about them.

1. Self-assurance

Generally speaking, women are drawn to self-assured guys who understand their value and can compete in any setting. A man’s capacity to communicate constructively, voice his opinions, act decisively, and make judgments are just a few of the ways that self-confidence shows up in his conduct. A confident alpha male is more appealing to women because he is not ashamed to express his emotions or show them off.

2. Self-worth

Another crucial trait in relationship psychology is having a high sense of self-worth. Women will find a man appealing if he appreciates himself and his accomplishments. An alpha male like that knows how to look after himself, keep an eye on his health and attractiveness, and advance his knowledge and abilities.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that self-esteem and confidence are not synonymous with aggression or haughtiness; rather, they refer to the capacity to recognize and appreciate your own abilities.

3. Walk and posture

When waiting, standing, sitting, or talking with someone, an alpha male exhibits a great lot of confidence in his posture and movement.

Since certain physical movements depend on a man’s muscular power and innate leadership, exhibiting a confident posture or gait as mentioned above conveys to women his vitality, well-being, and masculinity, all of which enhance his appeal.

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Make sure you have proper posture and are not slouching or lowering your head to the ground while you move if you wish to boost your self-esteem and attractiveness in this way. It is impossible to look like an alpha male without proper posture.

4. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence
Photo: reemusb.com

Men who possess emotional intelligence and are able to relate to their partner on an emotional level are valued by women. This refers to a man’s capacity to perceive a woman’s emotional state, listen to and comprehend her emotions, and offer support and assistance at a trying time. An alpha male with emotional intelligence is more appealing to women because he becomes a dependable companion and source of support.

5. Sensitivity

From the perspective of psychology, sensitivity to a partner’s wants and feelings is another crucial trait of an alpha male.

A man will appear more trustworthy and appealing if he knows how to show his partner that he cares about her. Sensitivity is the capacity to notice small details, including presents, compliments, and demonstrating support and caring in daily interactions.

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A sensitive alpha male is able to identify when his partner needs assistance and is prepared to provide it without needless interrogation.

6. Ability to lead

An alpha male’s role is to be the boss and guide a woman. And even “strong” and “independent” women expect you to do that. Thus, always be the one to initiate action.

Choose where to spend dinner with her, where to sit, when to leave, and other details. Send her the first text message. Ask her out.

The boss is you. And when a woman notices this, she will start preceiving you as an alpha male right away, even if she didn’t previously think you were a physically attractive man.

7. Honesty

Photo: cdc.gov

According to ladies, one of the primary alpha male traits that women look for in men is honesty. An honest guy is more appealing to a woman since he does not conceal his thoughts, feelings, or intentions.

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In a relationship, honesty refers to a man’s readiness to be open and honest with his spouse, not to conceal unpleasant situations or challenges.

8. Openness

We can safely view a man’s openness to new people, notions, and experiences as a desirable trait. An open alpha male is willing to take on new challenges and chances and is not scared to step outside of his comfort zone. He is also a more appealing and captivating conversationalist since he understands how to listen to his partner’s thoughts and recommendations.

9. Persistence

The skill of tenacity is the ability to keep fighting until you reach your goal without giving up at the first setback. It is also one of the characteristics that sets alpha males apart from the rest.

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Persistence is key when dating in order to get a female’s phone number, kiss her, and spend the night together. If a man lacks persistence, any lady will immediately and definitively reject him. Alternatively, she will take advantage of him. For instance, she will never cook him breakfast, sleep with the man or kiss him, but at the same time she will be happy to go to restaurants at his expense.

10. Humor

Photo: independent.co.uk

Men with a good sense of fun are frequently admired by women. A funny outlook on life not only turns an ordinary guy into an appealing and engaging alpha male and a good companion, but it also helps his female partner deal with stress and challenges.

Humor can take many various forms, ranging from jokes and cheerful laughing to irony and sarcasm. The ability to keep the mood light and positive is crucial since it will reduce stress and improve communication with a lady.

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If a man is boring, tedious, too serious or pessimistic, then it will be difficult for him to keep a woman by his side. Even if she loves him very much.

11. Resourcefulness and the spirit of enterprise

Effective problem-solving skills and resourcefulness are also critical alpha male traits. For a woman, a guy who can make the right choice and find a way out of a tough circumstance appears to be a real alpha male.

To become resourceful, you must cultivate mental flexibility, the capacity to adjust to shifting circumstances, and an openness to learning and growth.

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For a woman, a man with an entrepreneurial spirit who can find new ways to put his ideas and projects into action will seem like an intriguing partner and alpha male, since such an individual is capable of making choices, accepting accountability, and acting with conviction.

12. High social value (status)

High social status
Photo: fastcompany.com

Women are biologically programmed to be sexually attracted to men with higher status. Such alpha males offered females the best chance of survival in times when our ancestors lived in tribes in a hostile environment full of saber-toothed tigers and other dangerous predators.

Sure, our living conditions have changed since the Stone Age, but the female brain has remained more or less the same.

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But that doesn’t mean you have to be rich or famous to attract beautiful women. For starters, you can have higher status simply by being known in your social circles, because the respect of others is also a high social value that is attractive to women. It indicates to them that such an alpha male knows how to make connections that can be incredibly beneficial for successful survival in any negative environment.

13. Accountability

One of the most important alpha male traits, according to psychologists, is responsibility. Men who are willing to accept accountability for their choices, deeds, and commitments are valued by women. A responsible man looks out for his girlfriend and is always there to help her through tough times. An alpha male is also capable of making critical judgments, planning for the future, and carrying out his duties in the home and at work.

14. Reliability

A man cannot succeed with women and establish lasting relationships if he lacks the quality of reliability. Women appreciate men who are trustworthy and always willing to lend a hand. A reliable man constantly follows through on his commitments to his partner and others. Because of this trait, he is a desirable alpha male for women.

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15. Neat appearance

Neat appearance
Photo: luxe.digital

Girls love guys who not only know how to dress stylishly, but also look clean and neat.

You don’t have to be an incredibly handsome guy who stepped off the cover of a fashion magazine in order to become an alpha male. It’s enough to just shave and get a haircut at a normal barbershop, cut your nails, wash your hands, keep your clothes and shoes clean, use deodorant and your favorite perfume, and also take care of your face, skin and teeth.

16. Respect

Respect for a partner and other people is one of the highly-valued qualities of an alpha male. A respectful guy knows how to listen and accept his female partner’s opinions, as well as take her feelings and needs into account. He also shows respect for those around him, including family, friends, and colleagues, which makes him an even more attractive and valuable partner to a woman.

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17. Kindness

One of the alpha male traits that will undoubtedly leave no female uninterested is kindness. Kindness and the ability to show compassion to other people are also important qualities of a man from the point of view of many ladies.

Being compassionate to others, animals, or a loved one are just a few of many ways it might show up. A kind man is ready to help others, to show patience and understanding, and also knows how to forgive and forget insults. This quality makes a guy a desirable person in the eyes of a woman, as she sees him as a reliable and caring alpha male.

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Genuine kindness cannot be mimicked or substituted. When a woman observes a guy being kind to others, especially to those who are weaker than him, she is confident that the man will treat her in the same way.

18. Loyalty

Photo: astrologify.com

When asked what qualities women appreciate in relationships, loyalty is the first attribute mentioned. Although there are, of course, certain exceptions, no girl will choose to live with someone who blatantly cheats on her. However, a girl may consent to this for a variety of reasons, such as financial gain, a dread of being alone, or intense love.

It’s also important to remember that a lot of family dissolutions occur specifically as a result of one partner’s adultery. As a result, loyalty is among the most crucial alpha male traits for a man who wants to establish a solid, enduring family bond.

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Planning a future together, getting a mortgage, and starting a family will be challenging for a female if she believes her spouse is cheating on her or is simply eyeing other women.

Furthermore, loyalty is not limited to situations in which a man and other women do not have sex. It also implies an alpha male’s commitment to family, beliefs, ethics, and fidelity to his word, as well as the lack of romantic feelings for other girls.

19. Ambition

Men with aspirations and a drive to succeed are frequently admired by women. An ambitious alpha male is self-assured and prepared to work on his own growth and development in order to succeed in life. Because he can motivate a lady to succeed and grow as a person, this trait makes him a more alluring and fascinating partner for her.

20. Determination

Photo: mensjournal.com

Another crucial alpha male characteristic is determination. A woman will find a man more appealing and trustworthy if he is aware of his goals in life and knows how to create reasonable objectives for himself.

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A goal-oriented man is more appealing and engaging to a woman as a companion because he can conquer obstacles, grow from his mistakes, and gain knowledge from experience.

21. Physical strength and “inner core”

In the same way that flowers draw bees, an alpha male’s physical prowess, stamina, ability to withstand stress, and “inner core” draw women to him. According to women, these are the characteristics that make a man “real,” attractive, and sexy.

It is crucial for a guy to possess both physical and spiritual strength. Women are repulsed by weakness and infantilism, because in this case they are forced to either become strong themselves or leave such a partner. Therefore, a guy should participate in athletics if he doesn’t feel strong or have a nice physique. In the end, both his relationship with girls and his health will be improved by this.

22. Intelligence

Photo: ideapod.com

One of the most prominent alpha male traits in relationship psychology is intelligence. A smart man can draw a woman’s interest with his expertise, ability to evaluate difficult circumstances, and capacity to hold a conversation on a variety of subjects. Because a woman views an intelligent man as a like-minded individual and an interlocutor, he becomes a more appealing and fascinating partner.

23. Education and broad outlook

Another crucial thing in relationships between ladies and males is education. A woman will find a man who is well-educated and has a wide range of interests to be an intriguing and appealing alpha male. An educated man is a more enticing and engaging interlocutor because he can facilitate a discussion on a variety of subjects and is skilled at listening and expressing his opinions.

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A broad-minded alpha male is particularly valued by any intelligent woman. It’s safe to say that some women won’t date a man if he makes mistakes in his writing and can’t carry on a meaningful discourse about difficult subjects.

24. Hard work

Hard work
Photo: wallpapers.com

Hard work is one of the qualities a man is unlikely to become an alpha male without. Men who know how to work hard and succeed in their careers are valued by women. A man who works hard is willing to work on his own growth and development, which makes him a more desirable and trustworthy partner for a woman. Hard work also manifests itself in the ability to take care of his family and provide for it financially.

25. Purposefulness

Without purposefulness, a man cannot become a successful alpha male in both life and love. It is crucial for a man to be able to create and accomplish lofty goals by considering the necessary steps. A woman feels it “with her skin” when a guy knows what he wants and takes the actions that will help him achieve it.

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Furthermore, it’s critical that a man has a purpose in other spheres of his life besides work and finances, such as his hobbies, his connections with his beloved lady, and fatherhood.

26. Generosity

Photo: hotelgift.com

Nobody likes a selfish man who counts every dime and rarely spends money on a girl. A woman can only cohabitate with such a man if she has low self-esteem, has had severe mental traumas, or loves him excessively.

But a generous alpha male, on the contrary, attracts the attention of girls. Furthermore, a man’s willingness to spend money on his family and her partner is more significant for a lady than the amount of his income. Having big sums of money in the man’s account, after all, does not ensure that the guy will not skimp on necessities like food, clothing, or medications.

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Moreover, you should also remember that frugality is not the same as greed. The future couple will need to save money anyway if they have big plans, for instance, to construct a home or purchase an apartment. However, even this situation won’t let an alpha male deny his sweetheart presents and necessities.

27. Communication culture

One of the key characteristics of a man who is popular with women is his communication culture. A man with a strong communication culture knows how to act in a way that makes others feel at ease and secure. Along with knowing how to effectively communicate his thoughts and feelings, an alpha male also knows how to treat his girlfriend and other people with respect and attention.

28. Self-sufficiency

Photo: vecteezy.com

According to women, a man’s self-sufficiency should be evident in all areas of life and on multiple levels, such as social, psychological, and economic. It implies that a man should be content both while he is single and in a relationship.

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A self-sufficient alpha male assumes complete responsibility for his life, thinks independently, and is not influenced by the ideas of others. He doesn’t require the same level of care as a young child or adolescent. And his partner doesn’t work for him as a cook, a caregiver, a psychologist, or in any other capacity.

It’s crucial to remember that some women prefer guys who are dependent on them and lack independence. But only the first months or years in a relationship can a female appreciate living with such a partner. After that, it starts to wear a woman down and causes scandals.

29. Listening skills

Another crucial aspect of a man in relationship matters is his capacity to listen and take into consideration the ideas of others. A man who respects the thoughts and feelings of others, including his partner, always turns out to be a good listener. Because a lady thinks that such a guy values her thoughts and feelings, a woman finds him to be a trustworthy alpha male.

30. Tenderness

Photo: brides.com

Any girl wants to be aware that her partner is tender and loving both in bed and in real life. When a tender alpha male is close by, a female always feels adored. In addition to words, gestures, and smiles, tenderness can also manifest as hugging, kissing, and caressing.

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31. Sexuality and temperament

All girls respect an alpha male’s temperament, desire, and the capacity to win over a woman. It’s crucial that a man attends to his partner in bed and adjusts to her preferences and physical attributes. A woman will always remember such a man if she ever encounters him.

Furthermore, many women who take marriage and sex seriously probably have not had enough partners to develop into seasoned lovers. In this case, an alpha male is tasked with exposing her sensuality, teaching her how to unwind and have fun in bed, and figuring out her preferred positions and rhythm.

32. Fatherly qualities

A man will instantly gain points if he gets along well with kids and enjoys playing with them, even if a lady is not yet planning to have children. Since women occasionally desire to be the erratic child in a relationship, it is crucial for men to be kind, understanding, and patient with both children and women.

When speaking to a girl’s younger siblings and nephews, a man can demonstrate his paternal traits. Additionally, a man’s friendship with a female’s child from a prior marriage can draw her attention to him even if she hasn’t taken interest in him before.

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As you can see, apart from appearance and richness, there are a lot of alpha male traits that are appealing to females. And you can easily become a desirable man if you begin to develop these qualities.

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