Each woman prefers different male traits, this item is very individual. First, it depends on age, as well as on culture and upbringing.
The most attractive male traits for women of 18-30 years old
Young people usually prefer not to think about the future and live for today. They crave vivid impressions and events, they do not value practicality. This age is characterized by love at first sight and bright feelings. There are several basic features, which attract young ladies the most:
1. Attractive appearance
Appearance is the visiting card of every person, but it is especially important for young girls. Athletic guys without excess weight attract them the most. Stylish clothing and hairstyle are also important male traits. This is the most important thing, if you want to win the heart of a lady under 30.
2. Sense of humor and wit
Girls like bold and active guys who always find something to answer. The ability to joke and make her laugh is also an advantage. Girls fall seriously in love with such jolly, self-confident guys.
3. Romanticism
Young girls appreciate magnificent courtship, lush dates and beautiful gifts. To surprise a girl, you should show originality and come up with something special. It can be a poem, a song with a guitar or an unexpected journey.
How to act on the first date so a woman looks forward to the second one: 8 Yeses and 5 Noes
4. Strength and courage
A girl wants to feel safe next to a man. A courageous and brave man gives her a sense of calm. So, if you want to attract young women, take up boxing, power-lifting or martial arts – these are good male traits. She would definitely begin to admire a strong man.
But it’s important to know, that this rule is true only for very young girls. Older women value not the bright cover, but the inner content. More experienced women, who saw the troubles of life, value practicality and real man’s actions more than appearances and words.
The most attractive male traits for women aged 30-45

Women after 30 rarely fall in love at first sight, because they have already disappointed due to previous unsuccessful relationships. They are in no hurry to fall in love with a new man, and want to be shown the seriousness of their intentions.
Before falling in love, a woman evaluates whether this man is worthy of love. There are the most important male traits, which attract women after 30:
1. Finance
It is important for a woman, that a man can bring money to the family. A woman would not have a relationship with a man who does not work and does not have a regular income. This is easy to explain, because in case of the childbirth, all financial affairs are becoming the responsibility of a man. In order to meet a woman, it is not necessary to be an oligarch, but the income should be enough for the necessary things.
2. Intelligence and education
A woman over 30 is not interested in empty jokes and ranting. She needs an interesting interlocutor who can keep up the conversation on a variety of topics: politics, religion, art and other. This requires a broad outlook and some life experience that can be great male traits for women of 30-45.
3. Generosity
Women do not like greedy men. This does not mean you need to spend all your wages on her, but it is not difficult to present gifts from time to time. Financial support is very conducive to a woman and makes her feel needed and loved.
4. Ready to build a family
Usually a woman of this age want serious and stable relationship, periodic dates are not interesting for them. Women after 30 usually want to be married, especially if she has not yet been married and has no children. A woman expects the same serious intentions from a man.
5. No bad habits
Addiction to alcohol or drugs greatly reduces the chances of a man having a relationship with a woman over 30. Conversely, a healthy lifestyle increases your rating in the eyes of women.
Of course, women over 30 like romantic and handsome men as well, but practicality comes first. Calmness, reliability, stability play the most important role and are perfect male traits. Thus, if you are a good fit for the role of a husband and head of the family, a woman over 30 will like you.
What do women over 45 like in men?

At the age of 45 and over women begin to think about oldness, and they want to meet not a brutal, sexual man, but a caring and loving person. Therefore, in men, they begin to appreciate purely human qualities, including:
1. Diligence
At the age of 45 and over, health problems may arise, therefore women prefer to have a caring person nearby who can come to the rescue. In addition, often at this age, when children are grown up and left the home, there can be a feeling of loneliness. Therefore, it is so important to have a partner with similar interests nearby, a good interlocutor who can also provide psychological support.
Women appreciate any manifestations of care from a man very highly. If you take care of such a woman and have appropriate male traits, she will appreciate and love you.
2. Complaisant character
Elderly women do not like scandals, but they really appreciate peace and comfort. Therefore, they look for a man who do not argue much. If you want to earn the love of such a lady, carp less on trifles.
3. Devotion
Older women are not ready for disappointments and partings, so they are looking for a reliable person for the rest of their lives. It is important for a woman to feel that her partner is devoted to her and is not going to find a younger and more beautiful replacement for her. At this age, it is especially necessary to feel needed and desired.
4. Understanding
At the age of over 45, it is important for a woman to have a person nearby, who understands her and knows when to sympathize, when to support, and when to laugh together. It is the age when the mutual understanding is more important than passion, and these male traits are appreciated.