why women leave men

Why women leave great guys: 5 reasons

Women constantly complain that a lot of men seem to have died out, disappeared from this planet. All these are lies! There are plenty of men in the world, and there are enough even suitable persons for life.

It’s all about the mankind because not everyone knows how to attract a woman and make her fall in love, and also keep her close. You can often observe a situation where a woman split up a man, even if everything was wonderful in their relationships. Let’s try to figure out why such life incidents happen so often.

The image of a good man

What kind of men should be considered under “good”? After all, every lady images her own ideal partner. Any woman envisions the man of her dreams in different ways – and he is constantly different.

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Almost all women appreciate such important qualities in men as devotion, kindness, fidelity, caring, reliability and the absence of bad habits. Those who are between 20 and 60 often say that they would like stability and peace. And also, they would like such a husband they could hide behind and really do not think about the problems. So, it’s interesting to know why women leave men.

No matter how amazing a man is in the imagination of every girl, it’s still impossible to find a 100% perfect and good one. The fact is that human virtues are almost always balanced by some kind of shortcomings. So, it was and always is going to be.

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Here’s an example: a man is caring, but earning too little to provide for a family, or a man is very generous, but extremely demanding. Nevertheless, some men have positive qualities come to the fore, while others have a lack of such qualities as care and kindness. Everything is known in comparison.

Why women leave good men

If you are a caring, kind and reliable man who is able to be faithful in a relationship, then you can safely be called a “good man”. If it happened that your beloved woman left you, this could happen for one of the following five reasons:

1. Lack of masculinity in appearance and behavior

why women leave men
Photo: freepik.com

Lots of women strive to combine what is impossible: for a man to be soft and masculine at the same time. Such a combination of personal qualities is rare, and if it does, then 1 time in a million.

Kind and caring men usually cannot be go-getter in life; they would never become tough alpha males. That’s why women leave such men. On the one hand, a woman wants to feel cared for and to be on hand. On the other hand, excessive care can annoy her.

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Also, the gentleness in the character of a man, the inability to be a leader and to make a career, removes all the feelings that have flared up in her. If her ideal is a strong, domineering real male winner, then there is a risk that she would leave you.

2. Boredom and lack of thrill

A “good man” is attractive to women because he is able to provide life stability. But the catch is that there are a number of women who are not ready for stability and calmness in a relationship.

Some women love romance, which is full of passion, unpredictability and fire. They love violent quarrels and passionate reconciliation. If a man gives a woman what she wants – e.g. frequent influx of adrenaline – then she would never leave him. If she doesn’t have enough adrenaline in her life, then she would go to the one the relationship is like a rollercoaster with.

3. Disrespect for others’ personal space

Some men don’t understand that care and overprotection are two different things – that’s why women leave such men. So, he begins to control every step of his woman, as if she isn’t able to do as she wants at all.

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Being with such a person, a woman feels constrained, as if she is being strangled in an embrace. It is important to respect your partner’s personal space if you want to keep him close to you. First, a woman should be comfortable psychologically, otherwise she would just leave.

4. Incompatibility of the characters

Psychologists believe that two people won’t be happy together if they are very different in character and temperament. Psychologically incompatible people often anger and annoy each other. Such an attitude cannot be dealt either with care or tenderness.

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When one partner is a mobile choleric and the other is a slow phlegmatic, it would be very difficult for them to adapt to each other, because they are so different. Therefore, if a woman leaves, then this does not mean that the man did something wrong. She leaves a man because there is incompatibility between them.

5. She fell in love with another man

why women leave men
Photo: pxhere.com

Love has a great power, since it is able to create strong alliances and destroy relationships. Sometimes a woman decides to leave the ideal man because she just stopped loving him. If a woman has no feelings, then she is unlikely to stay close to a man. The only thing worth doing in this situation is to forgive and let her go.

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A woman begins to look for a “good man” for her when wisdom and experience comes to her. A young and inexperienced girl listens only to her feelings, she doesn’t think at all about the difficulties and future problems that may await her.

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People appreciate the good only after they lose it. It often happens that a woman leaves her husband for another man she fell in love with, and then comes back. The return is due to the fact that over time she realizes that in previous relationships she was much more comfortable and calmer.

Therefore, if you are a “good man” who knows how to care and love, then you would certainly find your soul mate. In turn, she’ll appreciate it, love you and never leave you.

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