How To Date a Portuguese Woman: 8 Dos and 8 Don'ts

How To Date a Portuguese Woman: 8 Dos and 8 Don’ts

Portugal is a country that is remarkable not only for its spectacular landscapes, seashores, cuisine and rich history, but also for its stunningly beautiful Portuguese women. They are not averse to dating foreign guys.

Let’s look at what you should and shouldn’t do while going out with a local girl.


1. Searching for a date through online apps

Searching for a date through online apps

Dating on the internet is a common way of reaching Portuguese females, even though Portugal is a rather traditional nation. Major metropolitan areas like Lisbon and Porto, which are home to vibrant cohorts of single qualified individuals adept at using technology, are probably where you’ll find the greatest amount of online engagement.

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Similar to other nations, there are several apps and sites for dating that provide services for starting both committed and lighthearted relationships in this country. There are quite a few dating platforms in Portugal. Certain ones are well-known, others not so much.

Of course, some Portuguese dating applications charge a subscription fee, but you are less likely to come across fake accounts on such services. For example, among the most well-liked dating services for people seeking committed partnerships with Portuguese women is Hinge and Pure.

2. Spending time by the sea

Spending time by the sea

Although Portugual’s dating customs are quite comparable to those of other European nations, there are a few aspects that foreigners should be aware of. Going out with a girl in Portugal usually implies visiting eateries, restaurants, green spaces, and entertainment events, just as in other countries.

Nonetheless, the nation can offer access to the sea, stunning weather and mouth-watering seafood specialties. As a result, it should come as no surprise that a lot of Portuguese residents enjoy being near the shore at one of the numerous wonderful beaches.

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Consequently, Portuguese women expect that dating will involve yachting, surfing the waves, swimming or fishing. So don’t forget to wear sunscreen!

3. Being gallant

Being gallant

In Portugal, it is customary to shake hands with new acquaintances. In addition, a male often waits for a lady to extend her hand before extending his own when he says hello to her. Fortunately for women, gallantry is part and parcel of the Portuguese dating customs.

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For instance, a local male probably helps a lady put on her coat, adhere to a “ladies first” rule, and thereby highlight his romantic personality. Regarding the splitting of a bill after dinner, which is considered a normal occurrence in Western countries, here the situation is different. A local male picks up the tab for both him and his date without a second thought.

4. Being good at cooking

Being good at cooking

Given Portugal’s diverse and vibrant culinary scene, you may anticipate that a Portuguese woman you are about to date is better versed in gastronomy than the majority of individuals you’ve ever encountered.

A local lady would probably rave passionately about the must-try dishes at neighborhood eateries. She may even divulge her family’s exclusive recipe to her date if he is lucky. Although regional variations exist in Portuguese food, if your significant other is a skilled cook, you can anticipate a lot of olive oil, tomatoes, onions as well as garlic.

As you can understand, it would be great if you also have culinary skills and knowledge to ensure that you both are on the same page when dating.

5. Discussing sex

Discussing sex

Even though Portugal is a somewhat traditional country, you may find out that a Portuguese woman tackles the topic of intimacy and sex with candor and openness when dating a man.

This implies that these ladies won’t be deterred by a plain talk about the direction of development of her relationship with you or about whether it is a suitable moment to bring the relationship to a new level.

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Local people have fewer prejudices associated with talking about sex and intimacy, since they are typically more at ease revealing their emotions than people belonging to other peoples of Europe.

6. Being respectful to her family

Being respectful to her family

The social fabric of Portugal is based on the family. Being faithful to your loved one and respecting the members of her family is highly regarded. With that in mind, you should view meeting your date’s parents as a big milestone in your romance. Additionally, you may need to put in a little more effort than you normally do while dating a representative of some other nation to win over your potential in-laws.

Giving a firm handshake is the proper way to welcome the Portuguese relatives of your partner in case you are seeing them for the first time. Additionally, it is usual to bring a modest present, for instance, a bouquet of flowers or a box of chocolates, when you visit the residence of another person in Portugal.

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Make sure to complement the culinary skills of your date’s parents after having a meal with them. One amusing piece of advice that definitely comes in handy is to drink all beverages her father pours you and eat all dishes her mother provides! Thankfully, Portuguese cuisine is excellent, so you’ll probably relish every bite. Lastly, you can improve your impression by trying to say some phrases in their native language.

Local parents normally look with favor on their daughter’s boyfriends and go out of their way to make them feel at home, so you just need to unwind and have fun.

7. Showing your fatherly qualities

Showing your fatherly qualities

With regard to child rearing, one of the biggest distinctions between Portugal and other nations lies in the fact that grandparents frequently move in with young couples to babysit their grandkids. This is especially true for conservative Catholic households and rural communities.

However, grandparents aren’t the ones who carry the main responsibility for child raising. The primary responsibility falls on a baby’s father.

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It’s interesting that Portuguese males are typically more involved in bringing up kids than in many other nations due to the country’s strong emphasis on family. Despite the close-knit family structure in Portugal, kids are typically encouraged and allowed to follow their own passions.

Until they become self-sufficient economically or start living with their significant other, children frequently remain in the family house.

Therefore, it’s a great plus point for you if you can show your Portuguese date that you are exactly the one who likes to spend time with children and take care of them.

8. Respecting her aspirations and desire to be independent

Respecting her aspirations and desire to be independent

Portuguese women now have more options for schooling and employment than in times past. That’s why local girls are increasingly obtaining higher education and taking interest in carving out a career.

Moreover, as a result of the growth in equality between men and women and the rise of feminism, their priorities in choosing a partner have changed. Many of them now want to find a spouse who would endorse their professional ambitions and be supportive of their aspirations.

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All of the above led to the fact that a Portuguese woman is increasingly searching for a foreign partner these days.

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Broad thinking and a progressive, liberal and non-hierarchical outlook on relationships are the most alluring attributes of foreign guys for Portuguese women. Local females have frequently complained of feeling repressed and underappreciated in partnerships with their male compatriots, who typically hold more conventional ideas about the roles of women.

That’s why you need to show an interest in the professional objectives of your date from Portugal and be a strong advocate for gender equality when dating her, if you want to build a strong bond with a local female.


1. Looking for a girl in towns as well as rural settlements

Looking for a girl in towns as well as rural settlements

Obviously, dating culture is more developed in big and bustling cities like Guimarães or Lisbon than in the minor localities and countryside regions of Portugal. Urban dwellers frequently meet their future dates at eateries, drinking establishments or nightclubs because they have more locations where they can find new acquaintances.

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Portuguese rural dwellers, in contrast, tend to be more traditional in terms of culture of relations between men and women. So they normally discover their love in their local close communities and groups.

Moreover, the inhabitants of small Portugal’s towns are lacking opportunities to socialize because they can’t boast of having a lot of entertainment venues. This could make it more difficult for foreigners looking for a date in minor cities to succeed.

2. Initiating a conversation without knowing the Portuguese language

Initiating a conversation without knowing the Portuguese language

It is essential to keep in mind that although English is normally taught as a foreign language in many metropolitan areas of Portugal, miscommunication may still provide difficulties for you in certain dating situations.

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This could be problematic if you don’t know a little bit of Portuguese, particularly if you’re using an online dating platform to initiate contact. In light of this, now could be an appropriate moment to start learning the Portuguese language.

3. Being late

Being late

First of all, it’s critical to understand that tardiness is especially discouraged in Portugal. It is considered really impolite to be late in this country, so it will be wise to be at a meeting point ahead of time to ensure that you started off well.

4. Sitting down for an evening meal too early

Sitting down for an evening meal too early

By the way, speaking of time, a Portuguese woman or male seldom sits down for an evening meal before 8 PM, which is a rather late hour compared to the suppertime of the majority of Europeans.

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Thus, if you are eager to go to dinner with a Portuguese lady, you shouldn’t schedule your meeting at 6 or 7 PM. Moreover, it should be noted that in Portugal, the biggest meal of the day is typically lunch. So if you’re asking a Portuguese woman out to lunch, be prepared for a substantial feast.

5. Wearing casual clothing when dating

Wearing casual clothing when dating

Both Portuguese women and males delight in looking nice, even though they aren’t as obviously obsessed with fashion as, for instance, their Italian or French counterparts. For this reason, putting on torn jeans when you are getting ready for a date is not a smart idea.

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Local people often dress traditionally, with males wearing a suit and tie and ladies wearing gowns or skirts. It may sound archaic, but in Portugal, clothing is typically seen as a sign of accomplishment and social status. Therefore, you need to take care that you look amazing and wear high-quality clothing and textiles if you intend to score points in the eyes of a local girl right away.

6. Being ignorant about Portugal’s history

Being ignorant about Portugal’s history

Aside from cuisine, Portuguese women and males are especially interested in their country’s history and traditions. Local females would probably tell you everything about their nation’s background and they are always up for talking about their ancestors, their ways of life, customs and culture. That’s why you should treat her country’s history and traditions with respect.

7. Talking about marriage

Talking about marriage

The Portuguese women and males are among the European nations that are especially reluctant to get married, which is quite unexpected considering their conservative stance.

Moreover, this number of marriages is decreasing in Portugal, according to data from the country’s statistics institute. In addition, in over half of Portuguese marriages couples cohabited before they registered their relations officially.

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Curiously, most local children are born out of wedlock these days. This suggests a dramatic change toward more contemporary lifestyles where starting a family doesn’t require getting married, which means that civil unions are growing in acceptance over time.

For this reason, you don’t need to discuss marriage when dating a Portuguese woman, at least in the early stages of a romance.

8. Expecting her to be outgoing on the first date

Expecting her to be outgoing on the first date

The point is that, despite their intense exuberance and generally upbeat attitude about life, Portuguese women are frequently referred to as “Nordic people of the South,” and there is an explanation for this.

Even their traditional musical genre, Fado, is marked by melancholy melodies; contrast that with the Dominican bachata dance or classic flamenco music, which is common in Spain, and you’ll notice how they differ.

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It’s acceptable for a Portuguese woman to be a little chilly and reserved on her first meeting with a guy; this is just the way things operate there and it doesn’t imply that the female doesn’t like you. Initially, a Portuguese woman might not be too flirtatious and enthusiastic, but the reason for this is that she takes the partnership seriously and that it is uncommon for a Portuguese woman to take the lead and initiate interaction when dating a male.

However, if your date is truly fond of you, she will become much more affectionate and emotional after several encounters!

As you can see, being supportive of a Portuguese woman’s aspirations and career objectives and being respectful of her family, country’s history and traditions as well as having fatherly qualities and not rushing things when talking about marriage are key to successful dating with Portuguese women.

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