Many foreigners associate Indian women with mysterious oriental beauties from Bollywood movies. However, if you are a man who wants to start dating Indian girl, you probably want to learn more about girls from this far-off country. So let’s do it right now.
1. Indian women take care of their appearance

Most of the local girls are beautiful. They look like actresses in classic Indian movies – oriental beauties with gorgeous smiles and big eyes.
Moreover, the ladies wear attractive outfits, especially when they are dating someone.
Anyone who has ever seen an Indian woman in a sari has probably looked at her with admiration, without taking their eyes off her.
Indeed, this traditional outfit of an Indian woman is simply mesmerizing in its beauty. You will be lucky if you see a girl dressed in this clothing during dating.
Sari is considered one of the oldest types of women’s clothing. Sarees were worn in Ancient India. They say that this item of clothing is as old as the country itself. Since then, the sari has undergone virtually no changes. It is still a piece of fabric about five meters long.
Girls are taught to put on a sari from about twelve years old. After all, in fact, fastening such a large piece of fabric on yourself beautifully is a real art.
A woman in India is supposed to always look beautiful and be well-groomed if she wants to start dating a nice guy. That is why the females of this country always have a lot of jewelry. Various natural and artificial materials are used for this purpose.
Gold jewelry is of particular importance. The more gold a girl has, the richer she is. Even if a girl was born into a very poor family, parents save money and try to buy gold earrings for their daughter as soon as possible.
In addition, according to tradition, no matter how old the girl is, she simply has no right to appear in public with a bare neck, not to mention when it comes to dating situations.
Therefore, an Indian father must present his daughter with a gold chain as early as possible.
The hair of an Indian woman is normally decorated with fresh flowers.
2. They focus on serious relationships

If you are dating a local female long enough to start thinking about getting married with her, you should remember that the concept of “divorce” does not exist in Indian culture. It came to India in the 20th century, first from Islam, and then from the West.
Initially, there were not even words in Indian languages that could be used to describe divorce. All modern words with such a meaning are borrowed.
According to Vedic scriptures, after a man and a woman have physically united, they are considered husband and wife. And no papers with seals and signatures can break this bond for the rest of their lives. And local women are aware of that already at the stage of dating a man.
To stop fulfilling your duties to your husband or wife means to commit a great sin. Especially if a church wedding (vivaha-yajna) has been performed after a certain period of dating a guy.
We can give an analogy from Christian culture: “What God has joined together, let no man destroy.” And even if a man and a woman separate, their bond is not broken, and their future life with other partners will be overshadowed by this past relationship, not to mention the consequences that they will have to bear in the next life.
Indians have this understanding of life in their blood.
Despite the fact that there are married Indian couples in which husbands mock their wives all their life, cheat on them and often beat them, the wives never even think about divorcing their partners and start dating someone else, because they understand that their duty is to serve such husbands that fate sent them.
It is important to emphasize here that such women do not appear to be unfortunate victims of “domestic violence”, since they have made their choice based on the understanding, rooted in the mind of even the most uneducated Indian, that this life is just one of many. So there is no point in trying to take everything from it, it is better to endure it, whatever it may be, for the sake of a better future.
3. They tend to be faithful

Indian girls, who are interested in dating males, view themselves as future faithful mothers rather than women who will cheat on their partners and destroy the family.
The point is that the position of a mother in India is considered very honorable. Mother is glorified in the shastras (sacred scriptures) and in everyday etiquette.
For example, well-mannered Indians address all women except their wives, even little girls and females they are dating, not as “woman”, “girl” or even “comrade”, but as “mataji”, which is a respectful form of the word “mother”.
And this is not a simple formality, the wisdom of such an address is that, calling a woman a mother, a man’s mind can no longer regard a female he is dating as an object for the enjoyment of his not very elevated feelings.
This has a positive effect not only on men, but also on women themselves.
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When a girl calls a woman unfamiliar to her “mataji”, she involuntarily remembers that in front of her is someone’s future or real mother.
The role of a mother in traditional Indian society is valued more than the role of a mistress.
Therefore, if we do not take into account large cities like Delhi or Calcutta, in India most women behave quite reservedly, wear a sari and do not try to seduce everyone who crosses their path and who they are dating with their revealing outfit.
In childhood, all Indian girls are taught that a woman should never be alone with a male stranger, much less talk to him, even if she wants to start dating him, unless the man is her husband, son or father.
The strict etiquette applies not only to contacts with the outside society, but also to relationships within the family. For example, well-mannered women do not even talk to male relatives, unless they are their husbands, sons or fathers.
4. Indian women adore fair-skinned Western men

Indian females admire white skin. Everyone in India, except the most notorious snobs, really admires fair complexion.
For Indians, white skin is, firstly, very beautiful. Secondly, it is a sign of wealth and high origin. As this is especially important for those ladies who are interested in dating European guys.
The colonial past is firmly ingrained in the minds of Indians. They compare themselves in many ways with Europeans and dream of being like them. Including being just as “beautiful”, just as “fair-skinned”.
For this reason, Indian fashionistas put a lot of effort into whitening their faces as much as possible.
Thus, millions are made on whitening creams by cosmetics manufacturers in India.
Well, you can remove a layer of tan by using these cosmetics, but it is much more difficult to seriously affect the natural complexion of Indian skin. However, persistent Indian women spare no expense to become at least a little whiter in order to be attractive to white men and start dating them.
If you ask Indians how to determine whether a person is beautiful and whether they would like dating him, they will respond that first you need to look at how fair the person’s skin is, then at their facial features, and only after that at everything else.
Everyone loves beautiful and successful people. That’s why white skin really means a lot to Indians.
Fair-skinned people attract the opposite gender because they are considered beautiful. And Indian women really like to look at white faces and discuss what products can whiten their skin to a similar state.
That’s why white foreigners are very interesting to Indian girls as dating partners.
5. They speak decent English

Why does everyone speak English in India? This question often comes to mind for male tourists searching for a new dating experience in this country.
For many people of Western culture, it is common for the population of a certain country to speak its national language. In Poland they speak Polish, in Japan they speak Japanese, and in Russia they speak Russian.
But, oddly enough, in the eastern state called India, you are more likely to hear English speech instead of the national language of India – Hindi.
In general, English is popular in all of India, not only in tourist areas where foreigners are dating local females.
Despite the fact that at different times, different territories of modern India were under the rule of Portugal, France, Holland and other states. Great Britain had the greatest influence on the cultural development of India.
For a long time, (long before Western tourists started dating oriental girls), vast territories of India were colonies within the British Empire, so it is not surprising that the language of the colonizers quickly took the place of the national language.
Moreover, different Indian provinces had their own dialects, so English became the universal language of understanding both between the British and Indians, and between people from different regions.
After India gained independence in 1947, there were many attempts to push out English and return Hindi to the status of the state language, but the initiative met with unexpected resistance from local residents.
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It even got to the point where Indians committed suicide in protest against the imposition of Hindi. Under public pressure, the government was forced to make concessions and leave both languages as state ones, to the delight of modern foreigners dating local women.
Even if not all modern Indian women speak English, they all understand it. Young people living in Indian cities and having access to education can speak, read and write it.
This fact will definitely improve and simplify the process of dating an Indian lady.
1. They are prone to being overweight

If you watch Indian films from 30-50 years ago, you will easily notice that the main female characters of these films are distinguished by their clearly noticeable curves. Simply put, most Indian actresses of the old school can be called plump.
In India, it is considered an advantage if a girl has a small tummy. The folds on the waist, which many Western girls struggle with, are a source of pride for Indian women.
It is believed that it doesn’t prevent a girl from dating a decent man.
Excess weight in India is a sign of wealth. It means that the girl does not belong to the workers, which indicates that her family can afford to eat well.
Being overweight is considered an attribute of luxury in this country, and local girls do not even think about slimness and losing weight, even if they are interested in dating a fit guy.
Striving for the ideal, girls eat a lot on purpose to gain weight. In their view, thinness indicates illness or a deplorable financial situation, malnutrition or excessive physical activity.
It is also believed that slim girls are not interesting to the guys that are looking for dating partners, because such girls are not able to produce healthy offspring.
To this day, according to Indians, the ideal female figure implies the navel is the center of the circle formed by the hips. That’s why a slightly protruding belly, full hips and voluminous buttocks are a prerequisite for female beauty.
2. They don’t have career ambitions and all right with spending her partner’s money

Indian women often lack social ambitions. And they don’t hide it from a man during dating.
Surely, the reason for this is the deep religiousness of Indians. They rely on their husband and God in everything, as well as on relatives and neighbors who will support them in case of trouble.
A foreign man who wants to start dating a local female should be aware that there is a very important concept in Indian philosophy called “stri-dharma” or a woman’s duty. It means that if the soul was born in this life in a female body, then it must fulfill its female duty.
The scriptures say that the primary duty of a woman is to be a good mother and a faithful wife. And there is not a word about the need to make a career, become a successful company director or a famous nuclear physicist.
A wife in India is called “dharma-patni”, which is translated from Sanskrit as “keeper of dharma”.
Dharma is the duties prescribed by the scriptures that every person must perform in order to live a pious life, not commit sins and get a better birth in the next life or even break out of the cycle of samsara and return to the spiritual world filled with eternal happiness.
And the woman, according to the scriptures, is given a very important role: while the husband is busy with social activities, earning a living, the wife performs all the necessary religious rituals and takes care of the household deities. In this way, she protects the entire family.
3. Dating foreigners is not encouraged in India

For Indians, whether they dwell in India or in some other country, marriages are not made in the sky. They represent the outcome of careful planning and conspiracy by the members of a family, acquaintances and various “good people” who help unite “suitable” guys and girls.
Many parents stubbornly refuse to support their kids’ choice of partner or come to terms with it reluctantly.
Dating or getting married to an Indian from other social circles is still frowned upon in some Indian families.
A lot of Indian parents still want their kids to marry within their religion and caste. Unions outside these social formations have often resulted in tragic consequences.
And what to speak of marriages with foreigners? They are not at all accepted by Indian society. Even when living abroad, parents match their children with fellow Indians.
That’s why if you intend to date an Indian woman who lives close to her relatives, your intention is doomed to failure.
Indian children born outside India end up marrying someone from the Indian community because that is what their families expect.
Indian women living in Indian communities outside India, such as the US or UK, avoid associating with non-Indians because they risk being labelled as “promiscuous” by their family and friends.
The burden of maintaining the custom, culture and “chastity” falls on the female, and if she marries outside her social circles, she is seen as bringing dishonour on her society and her family.
As you can see, dating Indian girls is different from going out with Western ladies in many ways. The deep traditions of the society they live in leave their mark on how local females treat men and how they build relationships with them. However, the openness of modern Indian women to the world makes men from abroad interesting to them.