15 clear tips on dating a Lao woman: they are beautiful and mysterious

Laos is a mysterious country with interesting traditions. Very beautiful women live here. They are as beautiful as flowers. Their straight black hair and dark eyes drive crazy not only local men but also tourists.

Many Lao women wear traditional clothes: bright light skirts and loose blouses with beautiful e
mbroidery. Their hair is usually gathered in a bundle and decorated with hairpins. Many men dream of meeting them and having a nice time. But the problem is that males know little about the peculiarities of Laotian women. We offer you to get to know the beauties of Laos.

1. Lao girls are diverse

Lao girls are diverse
Photo: wikimedia.org

Many people mistakenly believe that Lao beauties prefer to live a quiet domestic life with their families. In reality, most Lao women have already excelled in many areas of life. There are many successful businesswomen and politicians among Lao beauties.

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When dating a Laotian girl, you should pay attention to her outlook and hobbies. If she wants to start a family, you can take her to a restaurant and treat her at your own expense. With confident women who have set themselves the goal of creating a successful career one should behave in such a way that she can reveal her potential.

And if you offer such a woman to pay her bill in a restaurant, she will think that you are infringing on her rights. In Laos, men and women are equal. So be careful of your companion if you don’t want problems.

2. Lao women are faithful spouses

Lao women are faithful spouses
Photo: jclao.com

These beauties are excellent housewives and wise women. They are devoted to their husbands with all their hearts. But these are not all the positive qualities of Lao wives. These women have unique characteristics that allow them to win the hearts of their husbands.

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Women do everything to keep the eternal flame of love alive in their family. If you go on a date with a Lao woman and realise that you have fallen in love and want to tie yourself to her with the bonds of marriage, then boldly make her a marriage proposal. Any Lao restaurant or other romantic place is suitable for this purpose. Then both of you will remember this day for the rest of your lives.

3. Lao women value their culture

Lao women value their culture
Photo: indochina.tours

These beauties deeply honour their roots and Lao culture. They know many interesting things and pass them down from one generation to another. And don’t be surprised if on a date with, a girl can enthusiastically share her knowledge with you.

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You keep on topic, don’t skimp on the praise. Lao women really love it when men admire them. You will be fascinated by the wonderful world of Laos. These women know how to maintain interest in their person.

4. Lao women are social media enthusiasts

Lao women are social media enthusiasts
Photo: pinterest.com

It’s no secret that Lao ladies love to be on social media. They advertise their pages and upload colourful photos. The most common social networks actively used by Lao girls are X, Instagram and Facebook. Any man has free access to the pages of Lao people.

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Now social networks offer us all the convenience to find the necessary candidates. With the help of a filter you can select the country, city, age, gender and other information that the system offers.
There are also many dating apps and sites where Lao women are looking for companions for different purposes.

5. Lao beauties respect customs

Lao beauties respect customs
Photo: pinterest.com

Lao women honour all the traditions of their nation. It is important for you to be patient when dating such a girl. Before meeting her, study the peculiarities of cultural life and behaviour of Lao women. If you ask a girl out on a date and do not know anything about Lao traditions, you may inadvertently offend your date.

There was such a situation when a man came with a woman on a date. They were sitting in a café and he was constantly laughing at all the passers-by. Then he noticed tears in the girl’s eyes. After all, she had a deep respect for the local customs and way of life. Be vigilant!

6. Lao women are true romantics

Lao women are true romantics
Photo: elitemailbrides.com

Dating local beauties should be done in romantic places. For example, girls like to take walks in nature, among trees and flowers. They are like children admiring the local landscape. Next to such a woman, even a realist becomes a romantic.

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One man, who flew to Laos from London, tells about a date with a Lao woman: “We were walking with her in a wonderful park, there were many tropical trees and unknown to me birds. And suddenly we saw a small lemur. My beauty laughed like a little girl. She gave me a romantic fairy tale that I am still in today. We parted, but I remember her with warmth in my heart”.

7. Lao females are unhurried

Lao females are unhurried
Photo: vietexperttravel.com

Men always want to get everything at once. Lao women live in a different rhythm of life. It is different from the usual European running around. Even those women who build a business, they are consistent and punctual. Their lives do not pass in a constant hustle and bustle. Lao people welcome peacefulness and love the practice of meditation.

When dating a Laotian woman, a man should not rush her. Enjoy the time you spend with your beauty.

8. Lao women like to be listened to

Lao women like to be listened to
Photo: asiandatingjournal.com

It’s not to say that Lao ladies are chatty. However, they are enthusiastic to talk about their life, the culture of their people and other everyday moments. A well-mannered man should listen attentively to a lady and not interrupt her. Lao women take great offence if men ignore their interests.

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A male tourist from India says: “I was sitting in a café with a beautiful Lao woman. She was telling me about her life. At the moment of her monologue, I looked the other way and was absorbed in my own thoughts. When she called out to me, I saw sadness in her eyes. She didn’t like that I wasn’t listening to her”.

9. Lao girls like to talk frankly

Lao girls like to talk frankly
Photo: yourbrideglobal.com

These beauties are not afraid to let men in on the details of their lives. Some of today’s Lao women are following the example of European ladies and have very open conversations.

On a date, Lao girls open up to men and expect them to do the same in return. This does not mean that on the first date you have to give her the details of your whole life. You need to build a dialogue with the girl so that you both feel comfortable. Get to know each other better, take a walk around the beautiful places of Laos. Try to be alone in a park or a café. Your souls will not be able to keep silent against the background of this splendour.

10. Lao women do not like pressure

Lao women do not like pressure
Photo: istockphoto.com

When you ask a local woman out on a date, be gentle with her. From all of the above, we can conclude that Lao women are very romantic and peaceful. They are unhurried and act gradually to constantly nourish interest in each other.

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Mutual attraction is the foundation of a successful relationship. Therefore, do not push a girl away from you on the first date. Do not pressure a girl if she is not ready for intimacy. Do not rush if she does not tell you all the secrets of her life. Lao women are quite frank, but they do it gradually. They are like a book which pages you will read little by little.

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11. Lao women are very religious

Lao women are very religious
Photo: indochinavoyages.com

Most of the people of Laos adhere to the teachings of the Buddha. Therefore, you should not be surprised if on a first date a girl would talk a lot about her religion. Your goal is to keep the topic interesting and support your date. If you will mock her worldview, it is better not to ask the girl out on a date.

Do you not believe in the existence of gods? Then you can tell her about your views on religion. Then explain to the girl that her views you deeply respect, but you are a convinced atheist.

12. Lao females are good-hearted creatures

Lao females are good-hearted creatures
Photo: youtube.com

Many male foreigners who have interacted with Lao women claim that these beauties are very sweet and kind creatures. A sincere naive smile is their main difference from European women. In their presence, you should not bring up topics of violence and cruelty.

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On the first date, these charming girls deserve a reverent attitude to themselves. Some topics for conversation may seem too unfamiliar to a man. For example, Laotian women are very tender towards nature. They are able to admire their surroundings as if they were little children.
In their hearts, many men dream of such women. Next to them, they feel easy and comfortable.

13. Lao girls are cheerful creatures

Lao girls are cheerful creatures
Photo: meets.com

These girls are very sweet and naive. They can laugh at such ridiculous situations that Europeans do not pay their attention to. Tourists do not take Laotian humour seriously.

If on a date a girl laughs at some joke, try to support your companion. Do not criticise the girl if you do not find the joke funny.

A traveller in Southeast Asia stopped in Laos. He found a beautiful girl from this country on a dating website and asked her out. When they were walking through a beautiful garden, she started telling him a funny story related to her younger brothers. She laughed gaily after her story, but when she found her companion silent and his eyes full of bewilderment, she became silent and sad.
This story showed that one should respect the humour of a foreign country.

14. Lao women are superstitious

Lao women are superstitious
Photo: stock.adobe.com

Local girls like to go to fortune tellers and shamans. They often go to healers. Fortune-telling is a common practice.

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When you ask a beautiful woman from Laos on a date, do not be surprised if she would tell you stories about how she went to a shaman and asked for all the blessings for her family. Next to such a woman a man will not be bored. She is unusual, she will find a way out of any situation. A Lao woman is a gift for any man.

A tourist from Spain travelled to Laos to meet the local beauties. He had been dreaming about it for a long time, and his wish came true. When he asked a girl he had been corresponding with on Instagram out on a date, he was surprised by her appearance. She had a bracelet made of some herbs on her arm and a strange red symbol on her cheek. The beauty said that it is a mark of a magician who helps her to solve her health problem, and the bracelet is an amulet. The Spaniard was surprised, but did not ask any questions.

15. Lao women keep their distance

Lao women keep their distance
Photo: khiri.com

Lao women do not tolerate physical contact with strangers. On a first date with a Laotian girl, do not touch her under any circumstances. Remember that in Laos it is not customary to show your love for girls in front of people.

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It is also an offence for Laotians to touch someone’s head. So study Lao culture thoroughly before going on a date with a girl.

Laos is an amazing country full of pleasant surprises. Here you can find many great places to date a Lao girl. But before that, it is important to open your heart to meet these beauties and be sure to learn the traditions of Laos to avoid trouble. Respect the culture of another nation and be happy! All nations are submissive to love.

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