What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

What Women Don’t Need: 10 Man’s Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

It is generally accepted that a female evaluates a man by his actions. And actions towards women vary from male to male. Oftentimes, men who have no clue what a woman needs make gross mistakes and do things that their significant others will never appreciate.

We will talk about these actions in this article.

1. Stripping a lady down with your gaze

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

They often ride the subway or sit in the guard booth at the checkpoint. However, sometimes they can be found in the conference rooms of large companies. Perhaps women can even meet them in the presidium of the Academy of Sciences, since they are omnipresent.

They do not make eye contact with females. If their gaze falls on females’ faces, then at most it lingers on women’s lips, and then their mischievous eyes creep lower…

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It’s difficult to explain how it happens, but some men can literally rape women with their gaze, which is definitely not the answer to the question: “What do a woman need from a man?”

A girl may feel like a ham on the counter when a man’s glassy gaze creeps back and forth over her chest, her stomach, her thighs…

Sometimes such strange men’s gaze is accompanied by the lusty movements of their lips, as if they were about to spit out a cherry pit. They are not exactly smacking their lips, but licking them from the inside of their mouth.

In such a situation, a female wants to take a shower immediately, because this is not what a woman needs. She begins to find a certain meaning in wearing a burqa and spacesuit on top, even if the lady isn’t a muslim. She may even want to have a plasma gun in her hands.

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The point is that undressing a woman with your eyes is not equal to having an admiring male gaze. An admiring male gaze is a compliment, it’s energy, it’s joy. It may at times be inappropriate, but it is pleasant all the time.

A male who looks at a woman with admiration has a handsome face, which is what a woman needs in a relationship. And when a female sits across from a gloomy goblin who methodically eats her body with dull eyes she will most likely hate that!

2. Being a selfie-man

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

There is a certain category of men who like to demonstrate their teeth (in case they are healthy, of course) when they are chatting to a beautiful woman. Such males normally have their favorite facial expressions that in their view suit them, and the males regularly show them off, especially when taking pictures.

And such men take pictures frequently. In doing so, they may simultaneously hug girls, if in their opinion the ladies are an acceptable element of decor. Sure, it’s hardly what women need.

Males of this kind would rather hang themselves than wear outdated jeans or, as they put it, a “loser jacket.” They are well versed in fashion, labels, food and perfume. They hang out at the gym, regularly posting their achievements on Instagram.

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Such men make sure that they eat only salad, so that they can fit into their Instagram in the future. They do not understand why old, bald and fat people have not shot themselves yet.

The type of men in question do not pass by a mirror or a mirrored display case without looking at themselves with an expression of complete approval. No wonder this is not something that a woman needs from her partner in a relationship.

You can swear that the males described above are gays. Anyone would swear. Nevertheless, they are not gays.

Anyway, such male’s conduct is not what women need. Females don’t care about them, since such men don’t give a damn about ladies, either.

3. Getting handsy

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

When talking to girls, certain men will furtively touch them. This is what a man need from a woman if he is obsessed with her.

Such males will hold girls by the arm, or slide their fingers over their chests. When helping women into a car, such males will touch the females’ buttocks.

They will do that as if by accident, but constantly. When communicating to women, the males will stand too close to them. If they are sitting next to a female, they will press themselves against women’s thighs. For sure, most women need a different attitude towards themselves.

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They are eager to hug and kiss when meeting women, which doesn’t look like a simple formality: they will press girls to themselves so hard that females’ busts will be flattened against their jackets, and the males’ lips will press tightly against girls’ skin.

Such men also love to wrestle with women, as if in jest. They like to slap females all over their body in a friendly manner.

Some women are accustomed to loudly expressing dissatisfaction in such cases (the men in question usually laugh cheerfully in response), but most girls remain silent. Not because they like it. Some of them just don’t focus on it or pretend that nothing like that happened.

However, no one likes clingy males, all women hate them in chorus. A woman needs a male who can keep his hands to himself.

4. Being squeamish

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

There is a specific category of men who never take a sip from their female partner’s glass. Such men remind their girlfriends or wives five times per day that a woman needs to be careful not to take the males’ toothbrushes (the one with two blue stripes on the left).

They tell women in horror that there are a couple of female hairs on the walls of their wonderfully clean bathroom and claim that women need to stop leaving their hair lying around immediately.

Males of this kind normally take their women’s things with two fingers. This applies not only to female underwear, but even to dresses. When holding those things in their hands they may even wince, as if they were touching a dead toad.

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If after fellatio a female reaches out to kiss such a man, he will jump back in panic and tell her that the woman needs to rinse her mouth and brush her teeth (Meanwhile, he will make sure that his female partner takes her green toothbrush, not the one with blue stripes!).

If a girl shows him a pack of tampons, he will probably die on the spot from disgust.

All these actions don’t turn a female on. A woman needs different treatment.

Despite the fact that women often reproach men for being pigs, excessive cleanliness and fastidiousness in men are extremely unpleasant to women. Especially if males’ disgust extends to the females themselves.

5. Talking a lot of nonsense

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Females can forgive a man for his lack of muscles, resources or blue eyes. But what ladies don’t forgive is his lack of brains. Although a lady can be delusional about her male partner and convince herself that the man is just mysterious and has an unconventional way of thinking, illusions crumble to dust when the man starts rambling, and rambling a lot.

In this case, a normal woman can’t stick her head in the sand. She is forced to listen and pass judgment: “Oh, my God! What a nightmare!”

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Ladies can’t stand chatty stupid men. A woman needs another type of male.

Thus, advice for men may seem very simple: if you suspect that a girl is smarter and more educated than you, it would be reasonable for you to keep quiet more or talk only about what is in your areas of expertise.

Don’t tell her about conspiracy theories like Dulles’ Plan, about the memory of water or the Elders of Zion. Moreover, it’s worth checking the text messages you send her with a spell checker to avoid being labeled as ignorant.

6. Trying to be agreeable

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Some men, having met a girl they like, try to seem nice. They try to adapt to the girl’s interests, do all that a woman needs and not argue with her unnecessarily, so as not to disappoint her.

However, women do not choose nice guys for relationships. And this can be easily explained. A woman thinks in the following way: if a man adapts to her, it means he does not have his own opinion. This indicates that he also adapts to those around him, which shows the lack of his character. And if problems arise, a woman will be forced to solve them herself.

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For this reason, nice males are not interesting to ladies. Women need those guys who are ready to take ownership of what they think should belong to them, who have their personal opinion and who do not adapt to anyone. Such a man is accustomed to being a leader, not a follower. He does not try to seem like someone he is not.

Yes, he will not tell a woman about his trips to a striptease club. But he will honestly tell her that steamed broccoli that his female partner likes to cook is not his thing, so he would rather eat dumplings or a pizza. It’s a paradox, but this is precisely why a woman is drawn to such men on an instinctive level. After all, he behaves naturally, without trying to please her.

7. Making concessions in conflicts

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Many people believe that apologizing after a fight with a girl is the main condition for reconciliation with her. But such advice will not lead to anything good, since this is not what women need in a relationship.

Let’s imagine a situation: you and your girlfriend or wife had a quarrel, and she insulted you. To prevent this from escalating into an even bigger conflict, you decided to make peace with her. You thought that your female partner is so proud that she would never take the initiative to make it up to you.

You are certain that if you do not take steps to meet her halfway, then your girlfriend will eventually break up with you.

You find a thousand reasons to go for reconciliation first, believing that the woman will appreciate your liberality and quarrel less often with you afterwards.

And what do such concessions in conflicts result in? Will the girl or wife begin to appreciate you more?

Certainly, not. She will develop a feeling of permissiveness. She will turn into a spoiled child. Of course, a woman needs another course of development in a relationship in the long run.

If something does not go according to her scenario, she will make a scandal where you will have to give in. Of course, she won’t work on her mistakes in the relationship, because you allow her to do everything.

For example, if you don’t let your partner go to a friend’s hen party for the whole night and you quarrel with her on this matter, then she is sincerely certain that it is not she who is bad, but you who are a domestic tyrant.

Therefore, concessions in conflicts do not lead to anything good. They only give rise to a girl’s permissiveness.

8. Having no secrets

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Let’s imagine that you met a girl you are attracted to and you decide to share all your secrets and even some of your friends’ secrets with her. She knows where and whom you spend your time with.

You think that she will appreciate it, but you are very much mistaken, because women need something different in a relationship.

Yoг may ask: “What are women’s needs, then?”

The point is that the most important thing in any relationship is intrigue.

If a woman knows everything about you, you are completely predictable for her. In this case, she will be very cognizant of the fact that you are attracted to her madly and will not go anywhere. And therefore, she does not need to make any effort to keep you.

She knows that you, like the dog Hachiko, will always follow her. This means she can switch to some other things of her own – to building a career, to self-development, to communicating with friends or taking care of a child.

How do you appear in the eyes of such a lady? As a completely accessible and absolutely predictable guy.

In this case, your value to her will be minimal. You are like a book she has read. She knows that you are willing to support her in difficult times and you will not cheat on her.

That’s why there is a big risk that she will switch to another man who will not fully open up to her, whom she will not be able to take under her control.

9. Taking excessive care of her financial needs

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Some men think that by providing for all the financial needs of a woman, they will look like a dominant and alpha male in her eyes, and she will definitely appreciate it.

Nevertheless, this is a misconception. If you hold such a view, you are still not familiar with topics like “What do woman look for in a man?”

If a woman does nothing for you in return, she will not appreciate your care.

Many men will argue that a woman being near them, not cheating on her part, and having sex with a man are big investments on the part of a woman.

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However, in reality, these are not investments.

The point is that being near is what healthy relationships imply anyway. Fidelity is also something which no normal relationship can exist without. With regard to sex, it is mutual pleasure.

As can be seen, all these things bear no relation to investments. This is what healthy relationships imply by default.

Investments are when a woman gives you gifts, spends her money on you, cooks for her man, takes care of him, and writes him love messages. That is what investments are.

Accordingly, if you invest more money in a woman than she does in you, then the lady begins to value you less, taking your care for granted.

If you are still interested in answering the question: “what are a woman’s needs when she aims to build a healthy relationship?”, then go on reading.

10. Putting her above others including yourself

What Women Don't Need: 10 Man's Actions A Woman NEVER Appreciates

Many men, when they enter into a relationship, begin to communicate less with their friends and relatives, especially if their girlfriends are against it. Such a man is ready to cancel all his plans for her sake.

For example, if a girl doesn’t want a man to go over to his friend’s house, a man normally gives in, because he does not want to upset his female partner. Moreover, he justifies his weak-willed nature by arguing that it is an extra reason to spend time with her.

At the stage of a more serious relationship, a man signs over his property to a girl or wife, since she allegedly wants to feel safe. He thinks that these are “manly actions” that show the seriousness of his intentions and the woman needs it in a relationship and will definitely appreciate it.

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But, of course, these actions bring the opposite effect.

If you put a woman on a pedestal, and you yourself are at its foot, then she perceives you as her subject.

With your behavior, you feed her sense of self-importance. She begins to sincerely believe that being in her company is already a gift for you. And if you also sign over your property to her, then the woman becomes independent from you.

That’s pretty much all we wanted to tell you about men’s actions that females will never appreciate. If you follow the recommendations mentioned above, you will definitely be able to figure out the answer to the question “What do women need in a relationship?” and build a strong relationship with your woman.

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