25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She’ll Never Leave You

Many men struggle to achieve reciprocity from females they are in love with. And those who are already in a relationship sometimes fail to raise their ladies’ romantic feeling towards them to a new level.

If you fall into a category of men who want to increase the level of affection between you and your woman, then we suggest that you get acquainted with simple tips listed below.

1. Maintaining a physical contact

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: bodylanguagecentral.com

Touch a woman as often as possible, because physical contact plays an essential part in any romantic relationship and, most importantly, because females like being touched. Take her by the hand, hold her back and fix her hair.

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Start with soft, brief skin-to-skin contact and when you make sure there is no resistance on the part of a female, you can switch to longer and bolder touch. Gradually, you can move on to touching her legs, bottom and chest. Constant touching will weaken the defensive mechanisms of a woman’s body and mind.

2. Having a sense of humor

On every dating website, the majority of women’s profiles clearly indicate that a sense of humor is one of the most important qualities that ladies value in men. However, having a sense of humor doesn’t mean that you have to relentlessly crack jokes, be a barrel of laughs, make wisecracks about everything in the world and be the life of the party.

Actually, a women’s view of a sense of humor varies greatly depending on their age, level of education and social background. That’s why you don’t have to always be funny and amusing while interacting with a woman. You just need to look at things from an unusual perspective and express your thoughts by saying interesting phrases that have hidden meanings in them.

3. Bantering a partner

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: womenio.com

Taking everything too seriously is the most harmful thing for any relationship. Add some spice to your communication with a woman by bantering with her from time to time. You should do it carefully and playfully so as not to hurt her feelings.

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Poke fun at her quirks and minor shortcomings without showing any signs of aggression. In doing so, you will trigger a strong emotional response from a woman and cause a desire to prove you wrong. This will enhance your emotional connection with each other.

4. Maintaining a visual contact

It’s crucial to maintain an eye contact with a woman while speaking to her. When you look her in the eye, you send a clear message that you are sure of yourself and open to communicate. Moreover, you show a woman that she is the only person who matters to you at this moment.

You don’t need to stare at her face or examine it, since in this case you will look like a fake womanizer. Just keep your eyes slightly unfocused and don’t hesitate to look away shyly for a moment, if you still feel embarrassed around her. In doing so, you will look natural and hence become even more attractive to her.

5. Demonstrating weaknesses and imperfections

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: unsplash.com

Nobody likes geeks, moralists and smarties who know everything and always seek to teach and correct other people. And women are no exception. Don’t try to look too smart or morally impeccable when talking to females. In the best case scenario, you will quickly tire a woman.

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At worst, you will induce hostility on her part. If, in contrast, you are all right with showing your weaknesses and imperfections, a lady will see that you are a living man who has both strengths and shortcomings. In this case, a woman would feel her resemblance to you, since she is also not ideal.

6. Leading an active life

It would be a big mistake to treat a female as if she is the center of the universe. If you build a romantic relationship with a lady, it will be reasonable to keep living a fulfilled, vibrant and colorful life, take the time to pursue your hobbies, meet up with friends, hang out and enjoy yourself.

A woman needs to realize that apart from her, you have a job, friends and other things that require your attention. If you don’t put a woman on a pedestal and live an interesting, she will definitely want to become a part of it.

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7. Being proactive

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: pexels.com

Women are drawn to proactive and enterprising men. You don’t have to wait, until a female offers you to do something together or come up with interesting topics to discuss. Take the initiative and be the first to suggest interesting places to visit together, send entertaining and flirty messages to her cellphone, reserve a table at the restaurant, build a route and prepare all necessary things for a hike in the mountains.

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8. Taking a shower or bath together

Couples who take a shower or bath together note that such a joint pastime contributes to improving trust in each other and deepens their affection for one another. And this is not surprising, because taking a warm bath or shower not only relaxes muscles, but also relieves headaches, reduces anxiety and stress.

Being in a relaxed state, it’s very easy for a woman and a man not to feel embarrassed about flaws in their bodies, be comfortable in their own skin and unleash their sexual energy to the fullest. You can even add a playful element to this joint action by playing with soap bubbles.

9. Giving a foot massage

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: smartchristianwoman.wordpress.com

In the cultures of India, China and Thailand, the wonder-working benefits of massage have been known for a long time already. People living in those countries are well aware that the terminal points of a body’s energy meridians converge in foots. That’s why it’s believed that foot massage purifies negative karma between a man and woman at a subtle level.

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It means that if the experience of grievances has been accumulated in the course of a relationship, regular foot massage will clear the memory of that experience. Moreover, giving your partner a massage is one of the best ways to connect with her mentally and physically.

10. Playing role-playing games

A woman who has been in a relationship with her male partner for some time gradually starts losing passion for him. The good news is that this problem can be solved in a pleasant way: you can try to play intimate role-playing games with her in the bedroom. This is a great opportunity for her to see you in a new image and get back to old feelings.

11. Riding horses together

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: erich-hartmann.com

Horses are noble and majestic animals, so riding a horse creates an atmosphere of romance and charm. Moreover, horse-riding makes a woman happy, since it increases the amount of endorphins in the blood. If you have never tried to ride a horse together, now it is a great time to head for a local stable or horse-riding school, enjoy contact with those beautiful animals and enhance a woman’s tender feelings for you.

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12. Going in for sports together

According to numerous researches, doing sports together increases partners’ attraction to each other. During physical activity, the female body experiences physiological symptoms similar to those occurring when a person falls in love, namely, increased heart rate and respiration, increased perspiration and a sudden release of hormones. At an unconscious level, a female perceive those symptoms as an increase in affection for you.

13. Watching the stars together

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: bestlifeonline.com

Is there something more romantic than looking at the stars? If you want to make a woman love you more, you just need to bring a blanket, a bottle of wine and some snacks and go together to an open space in the nature after sunset. You both can lie down and search for some constellations or make a wish while looking at a shooting star. Such a pastime will only increase a woman’s passion for you.

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14. Taking part in volunteering activities with her

Statistically, the number of women who participate in volunteer activities significantly exceeds the number of men who are ready to help animal shelters, nursing homes or hospices on a free-of-charge basis. If you start helping your partner who is engaged in a socially useful labor at the call of your heart, you will open up from a new, noble side to her.

15. Dancing tango

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: iisd.org

Due to the presence of synchronized movements performed by partners during the dance, a female’s subconscious mind gets a feeling of fusion with a man, which in turn increases her attraction to him. One of the most effective kinds of dance is Argentinian tango. It’s believed that this tango helps partners reveal their inner femininity and masculinity to the fullest.

16. Cooking together

Certainly, a relationship between a man and a woman needs work, and a kitchen is one of the most suitable places where you can improve understanding of each other. It’s not for nothing that attending culinary master classes for couples have been on-trend lately.

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It will be a good idea to cook Italian carbonara or farfalle, Japanese sushi or tom yam, Mexican burritos or quesadilla. You’d see that a woman’s emotional attachment to you will grow during your joint activity.

17. Playing board games

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: propolski.com

There is a stereotype that board games are designed to be played by noisy bunches of friends. However, board games can also be helpful in creating an intimate atmosphere and providing a female with an opportunity to look at her partner from a new perspective.

There is a huge variety of board games intended for lovebirds, starting with erotic and ending with creative and psychological ones, so you have plenty to choose from.

18. Hugging as often as possible

Cuddling up with a partner contributes to the secretion of hormones such as oxytocin and endorphin. These hormones act on social instincts: increase a woman’s trust level and enhance empathy. The more often you snuggle with your female partner, the greater are the chances for building a success relationship with her.

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You really need to hug your partner on every occasion: when you leave the house, when you come home and when you meet each other on the way to the kitchen.

19. Being a mystery

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: wowweekend.vn

Humans are the most curious creatures on the planet by nature. And women are the most curious creatures among humans. For this reason, if you want to spark a woman’s interest in your personality, you should remain enigmatic and keep intrigue in what you are doing.

Don’t tell a female all the details of your past, use ambiguous phrases and vague words during a conversation from time to time. You should be an unexplored universe that she’ll want to discover.

20. Being silent

It may sound strange, but men who devote the large part of a conversation with a woman to keeping quiet rather than talking have the best communicative skills. No woman can resist an attentive listener.

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Let a woman talk about herself, her thoughts, opinions and views of different things without interrupting her. She will rank you higher than many other men.

21. Standing by your words

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: thesun.co.uk

Women respect those men who stand by their words and bear responsibility for their actions. Be responsible even in small things, be it a promise to call her or buy some bread in a grocery store. Your woman will appreciate this.

22. Taking care of your appearance

Being well-groomed and good-looking is not just the prerogative of women. It’s also important for men to pay attention to their appearance. Make sure that you have a neat haircut, trimmed fingernails and ironed shirt and trousers when you are going to spend time with your significant other.

23. Having your own pleasant scent

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: themachobeard.com

Females love it when their male partners have their distinct fragrance. A man shouldn’t allow himself to be stinky and smell like sweat. It would be reasonable to pick up perfumes, cologne water or toilet water in order to have your individual scent that your woman will associate with you.

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24. Behaving like a winner

It would be wise not to tell about your setbacks or let anyone else do it in the presence of your female partner. If you still want to say about the negative experience from your past, you need to present this information in a jocular and humorous form, since women give preference to successful men over losers.

25. Giving compliments

25 Real And Simple Things To Make A Woman Love You More: She'll Never Leave You
Photo: bodylanguagecentral.com

Ladies love being complimented. However, you should do it correctly so that your compliments don’t sound artificial and insincere. You should make remarks only about her current achievements and be able to justify your opinion about the object of your admiration in detail.

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That’s pretty much all we wanted to tell you about simple things that will make a woman love you more. If you exercise due diligence and follow the steps listed above, your female partner will never leave you.

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