TOP-13 crazy and unusual gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

TOP-13 crazy and unusual gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

When it comes to choosing gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, men, normally fall back on trivial dull presents. Shall you pick up an unusual gift and make her happy?

13. Book

A well-chosen book will be long remembered. As you know, reading hard-copy books is pretty rare these days. This fact alone makes it an original gift.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, book

A popular work of fiction or some classic work is a safe bet that will take its rightful place in her home collection.

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If you are sure you know your girlfriend well, you can present her a fascinating book in some specific genre that will leave a lasting impression on her.

12. A pack of chewing gum, “Love is…”

It is quite a cool and romantic gift. “Love is…” will be a perfect gift for those girls who have a soft spot for this chewing gum and are partial to pictures and lines about love printed on their inserts.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, love is

You can get your flame a pack of chewing gum with a selection of flavors from her childhood as a stand-alone gift or as an addition to a gift for women on Valentine’s Day.

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11. Box of secrets

Your girlfriend will really enjoy unpacking a beauty-box filled with miniature cosmetic products. Unlike an ordinary makeup box, the content of such a box will remain a surprise to her until the unpacking of the box.

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gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

Your woman will definitely find some appealing and unusual novelties that she would care to try.

10. Pictures

You can do a book made up of any photos of the two of you together. The pictures of you together will let her know that you appreciate your time together, and you haven’t forgotten big moments she shared with you.

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gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, pictures

Another option is to choose one cool photo and print it on a canvas.

And if your girlfriend is a creative being, you can present her with painting-by-numbers made of the photos of you together.

9. Fuzzy slippers

Your fiancée will be fond of cute warm slippers, especially if the winters are harsh in your area. Fuzzy slippers create a sense of lightness and coziness, as if you are walking on clouds.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, fuzzy slippers

And since you are the one that gave it to her, your girlfriend will associate those sensations with you. You really need to consider choosing models that have sweet animals’ snouts. Girls really like them.

It’s important to make sure that the sole of slippers aren’t slippery. Otherwise, the cute gift for women on Valentine’s Day will turn into a traumatic trap.

8. A declaration of love made of computer keyboard keys

You will need the following components to create it: a photo frame with glass, old computer keyboard, paint, stencil, marker pen or black nail polish.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

First you need to remove a required number of keys from the keyboard, apply the white color to them and let them get dry, do a stencil with necessary letters. (You can download your favorite font on the web and print letters in this font, and then cut out the characters with a razor and use the sheet of paper as a stencil.)

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Place the stencil on dried-up keys and draw required letters on them using black paint or a marker pen or nail polish.

Glue the keys on a sheet of cardboard whose color contrasts with the color of keys. Get it framed. It can be a great gift for women on Valentine’s Day.

7. Board games

If your significant other and you are attracted to board games, then you can pick up a romantic or even erotic one that will brighten up your evening on St. Valentine’s Day.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, board games

Specialty stores are littered with various board games with a purpose, so you will have no trouble choosing the one you like.

6. Stabilized (preserved) flowers

This present will be perfect for those girls who are sad to see a beautiful bouquet withers in a couple of days. Stabilized flowers, for their part, retain their original appearance within a few years.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

What is their secret?

The point is that it’s not water that gets poured on these flowers at early growth stage, but a special chemical solution based on glycerin that gradually fills all the cells of a plant, resulting in a manufacturer getting “preserved flowers”.

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The manufacturing process of these flowers is environment-friendly.

Apart from their gorgeous appearance, the flowers also retain their fragrance for years. Moreover, they don’t require watering and don’t cause allergy.

5. Breakfast in bed tray

Breakfast in bed tray is a great idea for a gift for a girl on St. Valentine’s Day. Many online stores offer a wide variety of miniature tables made of high-quality materials.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

There may be inscriptions or images on the surface of the trays that are put on it upon your request.

You can also attach to the tray an emblem engraved with your girlfriend’s name and the words of love.

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This gift for women on Valentine’s Day will be not only romantic, but also a practical present through which you can serve your girlfriend coffee in bed. Moreover, it can be used as a laptop desk, if your significant other wants to get on the Internet while she is in bed.

4. Handmade gifts for women on Valentine’s Day

If your crush is a critic of superfluous consumerism and environmentally conscious person, she will be particularly pleased to get a handmade gift. Such presents have been trending over the last few years.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, hand-made gifts

Moreover, handmade presents definitely stand out among mass-produced off-the-shelf gifts. At least, doing something with your own hands is a pleasant experience.

Men who aren’t afraid of cooking can please their girlfriends with their culinary talents. Few women can resist homemade dinner by candlelight.

You can easily find any cookbooks and recipes on the web.

Your beloved woman will be also surprised by a handmade postcard or souvenir. You won’t have difficulty in making Valentine’s Day card.

For this purpose you need to scare up scrapbooking paper, colored cardboard and a couple of pins and a piece of silk fabric.

Carve the figurines of hearts or flowers out of colored scrapbooking paper and stick them on a sheet of cardboard or sew them with a thread.

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Create bowties or flowers out of silk fabric and pin it on the cardboard with the help of safety pins.

Put the card in an envelope and send it to your girlfriend.

3. Flipbook animation

To create an amateur cartoon, you don’t have to be an animator. Just take a pad of sticky notes or bind a stack of any other lightweight paper with the help of glue or staples.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, flip book animation

You need to draw your cartoon in pencil to be able to erase mistakes. Draw slightly different pictures on each successive sheet of paper. Upon the completion of creating animation, you can proceed to colorizing your cartoon.

The flipbook will help you express your feelings or tell your love story.

As an alternative to a cartoon, you can make a video clip. Edit the pictures of the two of you together and put romantic music or your girlfriend’s favorite song over the image sequence.

2. “Open when… ” letters

Take several envelopes, or better yet, create and decorate them with your own hands, and then write “Open when…” on them. The content of the envelopes will depend on the rest of the phrase.

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gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, open when letters

  • “… you get bored.” – Put your funny pictures in an envelope.
  • “… you want to hear how much I love you.” – Put a note with your phone number in an envelope.
  • “… you feel lonely.” – Put a note with the words of encouragement and support in an envelope.
  • “… we have an anniversary.” – Put an invitation to a restaurant or a gift certificate in an envelope.
  • “… you miss me.” – Put money for a cab to your home in an envelope.

1. Topiary

Topiary is a small ornamental tree made of natural or artificial materials. It is used as an interior decoration and is considered a good-luck tree. According to the rules of feng shui, it brings joy into the house.

gifts for women on Valentine’s Day, topiary

Heart-shaped topiary made of coffee beans will fit in well with the interior of your crush’s room. And you can create it with your own hands.

The following items will be required: old newspapers, tissue paper, threads, a stick for working with glue, coffee beans, flower pot, different sized pebbles and solid twig.

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Take a sheet of newspaper and ball it up. And then give it a heart-shaped form. Wrap it with three more sheets and give them the necessary form.

Now wrap the heart with threads all over the surface. After that, wrap it with tissue paper. And then, wrap it with threads once again.

Take a twig and wrap it with twine in such a way that it looks like a tree trunk. After that, put the tree trunk and the heart together using glue.

Now disseminate glue evenly throughout the entire surface of the heart and stick coffee beans on it tight to each other.

Take a flower pot, put a tree trunk into it and fill the empty space with modelling clay. And then, cover the modelling clay with pebbles.

Your gift is ready.

Please, share your ideas about gifts for women on Valentine’s Day in comments below!

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