12 Things You Sould NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman

Thailand is a very common destination for foreign male tourists. And one of the main sights of this country is local women that immediately spark romantic interest in men.

However, the misunderstanding of local culture may lead to failure in love affairs. So let’s find out what you should avoid while being in the pursuit of a Thai date.

1. Getting handsy on the first date

12 Things You Sould NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: wksexcrimes.com

Thai women do not give men handshakes, not to mention cheek kisses, when they first meet them. For Western males, it’s rather common to shake hands with a girl, touch her or give her a hug when you are dating a Thai woman for the first time.

Thai females, in contrast, normally greet men verbally and give them smiles. Local girls can also say hello by means of the Wai (a customary greeting in Thailand composed of a small bow with palms clasped together in a manner akin to a prayer).

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In short, a female from Thailand keeps her hands to herself and doesn’t let men get handsy, either. You need to ensure that you comprehend this customary greeting called the Wai since local girls can feel uncomfortable and perplexed if you are not aware of it.

You will earn a Thai woman’s respect if you use conventional ways of saying hello. It is much better to meet a female in the way that is customary to her since she will think you are accepting of her culture.

2. Wearing casual clothing when dating

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: brides.com

Thai girls like to look beautiful and feminine in all settings. They closely monitor the latest fashion developments.

Since making an impression is crucial at the first meeting, every local female is interested in showing herself in the best possible light.

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A lady’s style of clothing might give away a lot about her fashion preferences. Therefore, you should try to dress elegantly and in a similar style as your date for your first meeting with a Thai female to show that you are a good match for her. You’ve to prove to her that you have a good sense of style, too.

Seeing Western men wearing T-shirts and shorts, dressed as though they are going to the beach, is not to local girls’ liking.

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3. Splitting the bill and going out to trendy eateries from the start

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: tripadvisor.ru

In the Thai tradition, men are supposed to cover all expenses, whereas Western men are used to splitting the bill on their first date.

However, you don’t need to pamper a local girl by visiting an expensive restaurant at the first meeting, especially if you don’t yet have a clear understanding of whether you are going to build a strong partnership with the lady.

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If you start throwing money around and treat your date to fancy restaurants or trendy bars at the first meeting, be ready to take yout Thai girl to dinner at expensive eateries and entertainment venues on every subsequent date. If you start demonstrating to females that you are a wealthy person, they will have higher expectations of you in the future.

We are not urging you to deny her anything. We say that you first need to make sure that a female is interested in your personality, not in your money.

Thus, our advice is to begin modestly by going out to simple eateries with a girl. After making sure that she is really attracted to you, you can reward the female by giving her more expensive experiences.

4. Rushing her into having sex

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: makehimyours.com.au

Many males from the West think that local females would consent to have sex with them right away.

Nevertheless, Thai females differ greatly by their upbringing and sex education. It would be incredibly discourteous to offer well-brought-up Thai women to have sex with you after the first date.

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Therefore don’t anticipate this from a cultured and self-respecting Thai woman if you’re seeking for one. You need to opt for a bar girl instead of trying your luck with decent girls if your intentions are frivolous and you just want to have a one-night-stand after your first date with a Thai woman.

Just don’t waste decent girls’ time, if you are not serious about them. Most likely, you will make your date feel uneasy if you start pushing her into having sex. In this case, she may start to pull away from you without you even noticing it. You need to take your time if you intend to start a solid and respectable relationship with a Thai woman.

5. Putting her in front of a choice – relatives or a boyfriend

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: marthastewart.com

Thai females normally enjoy a close connection with their relatives. So if you have the opportunity to catch up with her relatives and buddies, you need to take advantage of it.

Inviting you over to her house means that a woman thinks of you as a potential part of her family. Therefore, you need to be grateful for the invitation and turn your expectations from the bad to the good. If you’re a decent guy who is respectful to a Thai girl’s inner circle, they’ll welcome you into their family right away, even if you feel anxious or uneasy.

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It’s a huge mistake to force a local woman to pick between you and her relatives; Thais don’t operate like this. Instead, try to be open-minded and educate yourself about local ways of life.

Remember that both parents and lovers are very important to Thai girls.

6. Being sweaty and smelly

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: verywellhealth.com

Everybody is different and takes care of themselves in their own way. Remember that Thai women take great pride in their looks and personal cleanliness.

In contrast to many other parts of the world, Thailand experiences no freezing temperatures. Since scorching heat makes Thai people perspire and makes their garments smell bad, they need to take a soak in a tub or take a shower at least twice throughout the day.

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Moreover, they always wear new, crisp clothing, and refrain from putting on the same outfit after water procedures.

And Thai people expect the same from foreigners. Of course, a local female won’t like it when her date’s clothing and body smells like sweat. That’s why when visiting Thailand you should always maintain your cleanliness and freshness.

7. Speaking ill of her country

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: freepik.com

No matter whether you are staying in Thailand temporarily or permanently, you shouldn’t grumble about the fact that you don’t like something about this nation.

There are positive and negative aspects to any place on Earth. However, nobody would like to listen to your gripe about their homeland.

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Of course, you can talk to a female about what upsets you, but you don’t need to focus too much on the bad things about her nation. You just need to appreciate and comprehend that there are some distinctions between her nation and yours.

The point is that a local girl may start taking things personally and thinking that you are treating her disdainfully and discourteously. In this case, a Thai female might even dump you since she isn’t interested in spending time with a rude person.

8. Being lethargic and passive

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: asian-date.net

All spheres of Thai social life are deeply ingrained with the conventional roles of women and men, and dating a Thai girl is no different. Thai women are already earning nearly as much as males, and they can easily ask a guy out on a date.

However, Thai culture appears to still be heavily dominated by men, despite the fact that gender equality is rapidly spreading throughout other nations at the moment as globalization continues to spread its influence.

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Being passive and sluggish might not be the greatest approach while dating a Thai girl since the girl might think you’re not attracted to her.

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For this reason, you should constantly take the lead and set the direction for your relationship with your date.

In other words, you should behave like a dominant male who always knows what to do and is ready to take responsibility for both him and his girlfriend.

9. Giving her a reason for jealousy

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: thailadydatefinder.com

Despite the fact that Thai females typically respect her men’s personal space, they are extremely envious. They are suspicious of any interactions their boyfriends have with other ladies and occasionally throw unreasonable tantrums blaming males for having affairs with other women. Surely, there’s a valid explanation for this!

This kind of conduct can be annoying to someone from Western nations where ladies have been engaged in concerted efforts to be self-sufficient and powerful for ages. But it’s crucial to keep in mind that there are around four times as many females as males in Thailand!

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Moreover, local males are notoriously unreliable and infidelity-prone, which exacerbates the situation.

Due to the intense rivalry, Thai girls are forced to place a high value on appearance, put a lot of effort into looking great whenever they go out, and be jealous.

In order to prevent them from feeling insecure, be sure to constantly compliment your Thai date’s appearance and clothing choices and give her no reason to be jealous.

10. Looking for a girl in clubs and bars instead of using dating apps

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: partybangkok.com

The first Thai lady a foreign visitor will talk with will be a sex worker rather than with a white-collar worker, which is absurd given that prostitutes make up a very small percentage of the female population of Thailand.

The problem is that an ordinary foreign visitor attempts to make acquaintance with Thai girls in bars and dance clubs, which aren’t the best places to pick up a girl back home, not to mention in Thailand. In this country it can be difficult to distinguish between females of loose morals who are looking for clients in night clubs and bars and those who are there just for fun, especially in the tourist locations.

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In Thailand, most girls avoid going to discos where male visitors from abroad are likely to congregate.

Females both in Thailand’s rural areas and in big cities typically leave for work in the early morning hours and return home by 6 pm. After that, they may work out and get ready for the following day.

Thus, most ladies are only brought to a disco for a workplace party or a friend’s birthday. Therefore, reaching decent females in such entertainment places can be challenging.

For this reason, dating services can be helpful in this situation since you can learn about someone’s life right away from their account information and gradually get in contact and strike up a conversation with them by sending messages.

A lot of decent females who are eager to find a foreign guy employ dating websites for this purpose. They normally create profiles on such platforms as Thai Cupid etc.

11. Being annoyed by the presence of a female’s companion on a date

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: trulythai.com

The fact that Thai women frequently bring a companion on the first meeting with a male is an unusual dating phenomenon that could be regarded as an element of local culture. A companion might continue to accompany the girl on several subsequent dates as well.

When we say “companion”, we refer to a girl’s bosom friend.

A lady’s friend comes on a date along with her due to several reasons. The first one is historical. If back in the day a female wasn’t planning to marry a guy, she wasn’t supposed to be spotted with him in a romantic or courting situation.

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This has its origins in the outdated belief that a male and a female are considered romantic partners if they are spotted going out and dining with each other and engaging in other activities that pairs normally do.

Afterwards, the members of their community would be buzzing about them. The mothers and fathers of the couple would undoubtedly learn of it and get worried about the behavior of their children and the effect it will have on the family’s reputation.

Of course, having a companion on your first and several subsequent dates may bother you, but you shouldn’t get annoyed or angry, since such a behavior has a rational kernel. It’s probably the best course of action.

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If a woman’s buddy is present to make it appear more like a get-together of friends, but not romantic partners, the female would be more at ease.

Moreover, there is the matter of safety. You might be a psychopath or rapist, and she is not familiar with you well enough to find out whether you pose danger to her or not. A date who feels secure and at ease is considerably easier to get along with than the one who is frightened and anxious.

12. Visiting places that are only interesting to you

12 Things You Should NOT Do If You Wish Dating A Thai Woman
Photo: yaronkisawari.com

You really need to choose a location that honors Thai culture and displays shared interests when you go out with a Thai female, rather than giving preference to visiting entertainment venues that are only familiar to you.

To improve the eating experience, you need to look for establishments that provide traditional Thai food, including Gaeng Massaman or Tom Yum Goong.

For casual chats, you might want to pick peaceful cafes or beautiful areas like Khao Yai National Park. Make sure the place is secure, easily accessible, and offers a cozy setting for developing relationships and trust with a possible Thai partner.

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In addition, you should take part in events that demonstrate sincere curiosity and respect for local culture. For instance, to show appreciation for Thai history, you can visit sites like the temples of Wat Arun or Wat Rong Khun.

Apart from that, it would be great if you take part in gatherings that provide chances to learn about unique local customs, such as Thai festivals or night markets.

FAQ about dating a Thai woman

FAQ about dating a Thai woman
Photo: beablushingbride.com

Are Thai girls loyal to their foreign boyfriends?

If you treat Thai girls properly, they can be incredibly loyal and kind. They frequently support their partners no matter what, demonstrating a level of commitment that can be very heartening.

Traditionally, monogamy and restraint in the manifestation of a woman’s love for a man have been valued in Thai culture. The idea that Thai females should be faithful and sincere in their relationships still persists in Thailand.

How do I flirt with a Thai female?

It may include smiling, making eyes at an interlocutor, and cracking harmless jokes.

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How do I give a kiss to a Thai female?

The old Thai term for kiss, which is spelled “hăwm,” is literally translated as “enjoyable sniff.” As the name suggests, the Thai kiss is actually a sniff. It is performed by leaning your nose against the girl’s cheek or neck and taking a deep breath. A man’s level of attachment is frequently gauged by how deeply he breathes at this moment.

Will I get the citizenship of Thailand if I marry a local female?

FAQ about dating a Thai woman
Photo: thaiflirting.com

Having a Thai wife does not automatically grant you the nationality of her country. There is a particular procedure for achieving this, and you might have to submit an application for the citizenship of Thailand after completing an application for obtaining a permanent resident status.

At what age can a Thai girl start a relationship with a man?

Thai males and females can legally start their sexual life at the age of 15 in Thailand. According to local legislation, this is the age of sexual consent.

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Can I have a legal job in Thailand after marrying a local female?

Unlike other types of visas, a local marriage visa gives you the right to submit an application for an employment permit and start working for a local company.

As you can see, following simple rules and guidelines will help you avoid many pitfalls associated with dating a Thai woman. Being respectful to local traditions, taking into account the customary roles of men and women in Thai society and not rushing things will make your dating journey in Thailand unforgettable.

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