Top 7 ideas of Christmas gifts for women

Christmas is near, and it is time to come up with original Christmas gifts for women. Here are the top 7 ideas!

7. Good perfumes

Women like good perfumes. While this gift would seem obvious, you can come up with an unusual aroma for a piece of perfume.

Browse through a catalog of perfume manufacturers and visit the stores that sell perfumes where you can try the smells of the products. Think of a perfume your woman usually uses daily and purchase one which belongs to the same line, but with an unusual touch.

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If you hesitate, bring one of your female friends to the shop together with you and ask her to help you choose the right perfume. Most girls orient very well in different types of perfumes and will be happy to help you with the right choice for your woman.

6. Decorative cosmetics with Christmas elements

A lot of cosmetics brands offer special deals on Christmas. Original lines of cosmetics are slightly transformed in these products. Women love all things cosmetics and would appreciate you will present with a special gift.

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Top 7 ideas of Christmas gifts for women

Among well-known brands that bring specialty in their cosmetics series, there is Versace with its pearl boxes ornamented with silver suns and Christian Dior’s bright red powder boxes. These are excellent New Year and Christmas gifts because they bring retro charm, sense of nostalgia, anticipation, and evoke the feeling of lingering desire.

5. Pretty accessories

Jewelry, bags and all sorts of accessories from a pair of gloves to a silk scarf with Christmas symbols embroidered on them would be one of the best Christmas gifts for women, whether she is your mother, wife, girlfriend or daughter.

These accessories can be quite pricey, and women know that. They rarely shell off their own money on smaller things they almost never wear. But God, do they love to have them, even when they put it on only once or twice a year!

These kinds of accessories always work because they put even a mature woman in a position of a little girl, ever so anticipating being welcome into the world of little princesses who are always having special accessories on them.

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Perhaps here is the right place to note that women, contrary to what most men think, do not like accessories designed to make them beautiful. These are cosmetics and all sorts of devices women usually keep closed in their drawers.

The reason for that is these gifts, if they are presented, would have reminded her that she is growing old and needs something to stop the aging process and keep her beauty intact.

4. Porcelain

If you know that she loves porcelain, present her with a little porcelain vase ornamented with Christmas symbolic. The good alternative for porcelain would be a pack of glasses for wine wrapped in a Christmas-themed box.

Top 7 ideas of Christmas gifts for women

All table accessories, in general, always make an excellent gift, even if she has one of these already. These could be tablecloths or silverware. It is not recommended presenting her with knives, forks and tablespoons, as these remind her of a day-to-day routine, while glasses and napkins are associated with special dining occasions, such as Christmas table.

3. Lace with Christmas touch

Perhaps a bit too risky but still worth considering is the Christmas gifts for women with the element of laces. These are meant to be presented to your girlfriend or wife, and not to a woman you haven’t had a chance to get to know well yet.

Top 7 ideas of Christmas gifts for women

Browse through catalogs of the leading manufacturers and find out what they have in a special Christmas section. There are a lot of négligées and pajamas that would remind her of the magic dream of New Year’s Eve and Christmas.

Alternatively, these can be linens or napkins trimmed with lace. Many types of lace are considered the work of modeling and embroidering art. These include such brands as Mechelen, Venetian, Maltese, etc. They would always make excellent Christmas gifts for women.

2. Warm clothes

Perhaps you and your family reside in a country where winter season is prominent, and you have actual snow, freezing wind and all the rest of the charms of winter. Then a good Christmas gift for her would be a shawl or a sweater (even for a Cuban woman).

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These kinds of gifts are especially appropriate if you are choosing to celebrate Christmas in the countryside in the open.

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Women, even when dressed in a winter type of clothes, still want to look elegant and alluring. A designer’s shawl or a pullover purchased in the boutique can be a striking article of attire for any woman.

The advantage of presenting her warm clothes is that knitted items requires carefully forethought colors, but do not require fitting, and therefore they are easy to pick.

1. Toys for grown women

You’d be surprised, but every woman, even an aboriginal woman in Australia, likes toys. This is because she always keeps her child’s side close to her and is ready at any moment to transform herself from a mature woman to a little girl, who likes to cuddle with her favorite bear, panda or long-eared hare.

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You can even consider presenting her with a porcelain doll. You can add to this present a nice card with words like “this bear is the only one I can stand being next to you,” or, in the case of a pretty doll you can combine it with “she is almost as pretty as you are.”

These are our ideas for original Christmas gifts for women. Feel free to tell us what you think of them. Discuss in a comment section what your favorite choice among these is, or what a personal favorite that we forgot to mention is. Merry Christmas everybody!

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