French women are the attempt to combine the elegance with the modern realities of life. How do these women maintain their style and independence, remain proud and attractive to all men?
What is their highlight, and what is their view of life? They are not like Russian women, but their desire to be happy and their sense of duty unites them with Russian ladies.
Family for a French woman – dream or reality?

Speaking about women in general and in particular, the topics of family and children immediately suggest themselves. French women fall into the category of beauties and fashionistas, and it would seem that there should be no problems with female implementation.
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But there is a slight hitch – as in Europe as a whole, feminization is strong in France. The customs of this country mean that women here are strong and strive to earn money. In a relationship, she shares the expenses and responsibility with her partner. French women are strict with children, but they’re not rude or indifferent.
Discipline is very welcome by French women. Their children are brought up well. It is also very interesting that the majority of French women do not support marriage, believing that it has outlived its utility. The most popular family “hearth” in France is a civil marriage, where children are born and houses are bought. Although, it makes one wonder whether the notorious independence of French women gives the rise to such numerous amount of divorce and informal marriage.
The relations of two French women can be called secular – if they are girlfriends. All attributes of women’s communication are collected in their meetings. But there is a big difference from the Russian friendship – the lack of depth. There is an exchange of news and compliments, superficial conversations, but the French women do not plunge into the problems. They have psychologists for these – and here you don’t know if this is good or bad. The sincerity and depth of relationships accepted in Russia do not resonate in France.
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The average age of marriage for French women starts at 27, and the birth of children is most often postponed until their full self-realization, when both housing and a car are bought. These women are practical in small things, let alone starting a family.
Self-realization and career

But French women have their own virtues as well – it is their self-confidence and high self-esteem. It is said that the women of France often “overestimate their own price”, but in fact, they demand retaliation for dedication.
French women are most often hardworking and competent in the field they work. Moreover, considering it’s not easy to find a job in France, they always work. At the same time, they raise children and run a house. A French woman would never marry in order to torment herself in marriage, burdening herself with all the responsibilities. French women require a response from the man, that is true and quite natural.
The French women’s attitude to their career is also very interesting – unlike Russian ladies, they do not work for an idea or just because of the good attitude of their superiors. French women are well aware of their rights that cannot be infringed. In France, a certain selfish attitude to own interests is very developed, the same is true for women. Standing on a par with men, French ladies are quite cold-blooded with respect to marriage and career. And that happens most often.
Fashion or practicality

French women dress simply – casual style is commonly used among those who are in a hurry to work or study. It is appropriate to say about jeans, sweaters, flat shoes – everything that is functional and comfortable. Accessories are welcome – scarves and glasses, brooches, umbrellas and interesting bags. But you won’t find too much here – hair in a ponytail, a minimum of cosmetics, pastel colors in clothes.
There are, however, some fashionable quarters in Paris. Women here are a little different, corresponding to fashion trends, but their lifestyle involves the creation of such an image. For an ordinary French woman, such a sophisticated outfit and high heels would just create additional difficulties.
But do not think that French women are such “aunts”. Not at all. The simplicity of their attire is not a random choice or something gaudy or sloppy. All shades and styles of clothing are matched perfectly, the look is neat and fresh. As French women say, you should not have fallen only for beauty – you can’t buy bread for it. And they are right.
Interests and hobbies

French women are essentially not stupid and do not build castles in the air. Most of them know their worth, and therefore they value time. Their leisure is their relatives and friends.
Family ties are extremely important for French ladies, and they often get together – the relatives of all generations. Friends and pleasure of talking result in joint trips to the movie and the gym. But most of French women study a lot in their youth, and then they work much, so they have friends according to their interests.