How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

Making a female laugh is an effective strategy of courtship. If a girl finds you funny, you are much more likely to seduce her. To learn how to make a woman laugh, you should follow the advice below.

1. Don’t try to look funny

Do you have an innate sense of humor? If not, it’s time to learn how to make a woman laugh. But first, you should find out what can make laugh yourself. Remember all that can be funny in your view and try to make jokes based on your memories.

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Nevertheless, you shouldn’t try to look funny. Instead, strive to see humor in different life situations and express your perception of the reality. When you do that, you become a truly cheerful and begin to laugh sincerely. A woman will feel your sincerity and the ability to perceive the world as a place full of joy. It’s very important to them.

2. Respect your girlfriend

We would dare to claim that it’s quite useful advice for men about women. While respecting individuality and personal qualities of a woman, you begin to earn her trust. When there is trust, it’s easier to communicate with a girl and understand how to make a girl laugh.

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How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

All women are different from each other considerably. That’s why they laugh at different things. Something that works on one girl has hardly effect on the other one. Spend time on finding out what works best on a girl in your case.

If it turns out that nothing is funny to her, this is a signal that maybe, you two aren’t compatible. It may also mean that she has a string of bad luck and nothing can make her happy.

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Look at the way she reacts to people around her. By the way, it’s a good indicator of how much a woman likes a man. If she makes fun of other men’s jokes and doesn’t consider your words funny, you should step aside.

3. Listen to a woman

To come up with something funny, you should start to listen. Professional comedians watch everyone and everything around them in order to understand people. They record their observations and then share them with the public.

If you listen carefully, you find out what she cares about, what she thinks about, what she believes in. All these observations will help you to understand how to make a woman laugh.

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Listening to her, you collect materials in order to come up with something funny and always have something to talk about.

But first, make sure that what you have found out about her and are going to use in your jokes isn’t something sacred to her.

4. Relax

Jokes usually come to mind spontaneously, so don’t make efforts to make up a joke and don’t try to look more cheerful than you actually are. Trying to be fun, when you don’t feel like having fun, may just get you tired and discourage you from spending time with that girl. Don’t try too hard.

How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

Laughter will happen on its own, if both of you are relaxed and enjoy each other’s company.

There are times when something sad happens to you or her. In those moments, trust your gut feelings – they will let you know when you shouldn’t try when you learn how to make a woman laugh.

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Making a girl laugh is about your and her desires. It’s impossible to make someone do something if that person doesn’t want this, unless of course you are forcing someone to do this.

5. Laugh with her

Laughter is contagious, so it won’t be that hard to do this. If you laugh with her, it will elevate you in her eyes. It’s one of the most important dating tips. A woman instinctively wants her jokes to be funny, just like you.

If you find her funny, she believes that you are a special man who strives to be balanced with her rhyme and sense of humor.

Imitate her style of humor. Do this as good as you can, but at the same time don’t forget about naturalness of your behavior. For example, if your humor is kind by nature, then using of gallows humor will seem like redundancy.

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Follow her example only if you are absolutely sure that you know her style of humor.

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Learn what comedians and movies she likes. Watch them together to have a better understanding of how to make your girlfriend laugh. As soon as you find out her favorite comedies, try to quote lines from such shows. This will show her that you like her humor, and it will make you more attractive in her eyes!

6. Avoid being sarcastic

Sarcasm can discredit you for her. Don’t tell shameful jokes bordering on insult or rudeness. Avoid telling her ethnic jokes or the ones that discriminate on the basis of gender. These are quite complicated topics. You shouldn’t get into this, until you get to know each other well enough.

How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

Don’t make fun of her friends and family. And of course, don’t laugh at her weight or appearance. It doesn’t matter how funny and harmless you think these jokes are.

Moreover, you shouldn’t speak ill of people in general. Not just because humiliating people isn’t funny, but also because she can think that one day you will switch to her.

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When you get to know each other, you will be aware of her reaction to this kind of humor and will know how to make a woman laugh.

7. Tickle her

It’s quite a fun tip which you will hardly hear from a marriage guidance counselor. If you know a woman quite well, try to tickle her. Tickling will help you to break down the barriers to laughter. It’s hard not to laugh when you are being tickled, as long as a girl doesn’t mind being tickled.

She will hardly be grateful to you, if she can’t stand being tickled, and you don’t stop doing that. Try this: ask a girl if she is afraid of tickling and ask permission for checking this out.

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If she allows you to do this, take off her shoes and tickle her feet. Then go up. If she is laughing and happy, it means that everything is fine. Then give her the chance to tickle you.

8. Engage in active relaxation together

You don’t need to constantly come up with new jokes to learn how to make a woman laugh.
Joint visits to interesting events and active relaxation give you both a thrill and make her laugh.

How to make a woman laugh: 10 excellent pieces of advice!

You find out what works best on your girlfriend, but we can propose such options as bicycle or scooter rides, a city tour, alpine skiing, surfing or even jumping off a bridge on ropes, if you like risk.

If active relaxation is something new and exciting, it will definitely make her laugh.

9. Don’t keep quiet after laughter

A point of transition from laughter to conversation is very important. If you keep silent after telling jokes to a woman, it means that you still don’t know how to make a woman laugh. The point is that this silence will undermine all the good that humor brought to the conversation. You should always have something in reserve.

For example, if you have just told a joke, and she has burst out laughing, at least, be ready to say something like: So how long have you been living in this city?

Keep in mind that you don’t have to make jokes all the time. If you overdo jokes, it will get boring. If you won’t be careful, a girl will consider you a wet blanket and not a cheerful guy.

10. How to make a woman laugh even when you are away

Find something that makes a woman laugh even when you aren’t around. Send her nice, but at the same time witty emails. Such messages will boost her spirits, as well as will serve as topics for future conversation, when you meet again.

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Find websites where there are a lot of funny pictures depicting sweet fluffy animals, for example, a kitten sitting in a shoe, pigs wearing boots, pandas, friendship between a cat and dog, etc. Send her some of these images in order to learn how to make her laugh.

When you are away, you have time to think through new jokes and understand whether your jokes are hilarious. Be careful not to use clichés, because your girlfriend is likely to know them, so they won’t be interesting to her.

Make sure that you use new jokes which are appropriate for your situation. You can draw inspiration from the news and ongoing events.

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Remember that you don’t have to be cheerful all the time. Don’t show her that you are trying your best. Otherwise, she may think that you lack self-confidence and won’t take you seriously, let alone marry you.

How do you usually make women laugh? Feel free to share your stories in comments.

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