9 clear features of German women that make them extremely special

9 clear features of German women that make them extremely special

In many ways, German women are no different from females living in other western countries. As many US, Canadian or Swedish ladies, they highly value gender equality, women’s rights and commitment to self-sufficiency and independence.

But at the same time, there is a unique national flavor in German women which sets them apart from ladies residing in other states.

Let’s find out what particular features make them so special.

1. German women are too worried about nature and animals

1. German women are too worried about nature and animals
Photo: damion.top

Most of the young German females are obsessed with environmental protection and animal welfare. They even try to change their habits and lifestyles in order to reduce damage from their activity to nature and animals. And they expect the same from their partners, friends and acquaintances.

If you date a German girl, don’t rush to post breathtaking images from an airport or the cabin of a plane on your social media, since in doing so, you’ll incur the wrath of your German girlfriend and accusations that you contribute to the pollution of the environment when traveling by plane.

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Moreover, a German woman can easily break up with her boyfriend if he is not averse to eating juicy steaks, pork chops, fried chicken wings or some other meat dishes.

The point is that animal welfare has become a big concern for many young Germans due to marketing activities of local food manufacturers that introduced the fashion for healthy food where animals don’t get hurt. For this reason, veganism and vegetarianism have become very popular among young people in Germany.

Not only do many young Germans not want to eat meat, but they also don’t drink milk if a packaging containing it doesn’t have a special badge indicating that cows that produced this milk hadn’t been held in captivity but grazed freely in the meadows.

2. They freeze their ovum to be able to give birth at later age

2. They freeze their ovum to be able to give birth at later age
Photo: ge.com

Cryopreservation of female germ cells is a very in-demand procedure among German women aged 18 to 28. Its popularity is due to the fact that young German ladies dedicate their youth to building a career and achieving financial stability, and hence many of them postpone the conception of a child until they reach at the age of 40.

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Resorting to cryopreservation is quite a convenient option for local women, since their ovum can be easily stored unchanged at minus 200 degrees Celsius for long periods, waiting for their female owners to ripe for understanding that the matter of procreation has become rather pressing and can’t be delayed further.

3. German ladies are adventurous and inventive

3. German ladies are adventurous and inventive
Photo: wixstatic.com

German women are extremely adventurous, which is not surprising given the fact that they live in a country where everything is expensive.

Germans are simply forced to be quick-witted go-getters. Take, for instance, their resourcefulness in finding ways to pay for rental housing. They can rent a 2-bedroom apartment for 800 euros per month, leaving one room to themselves, and rent the other room to tourists via Airbnb, earning 400 euros per two weeks. Thus, in the summer months, Germans manage to not only cover the cost of rental housing, but also earn additional money on top of this.

Moreover, smart German ladies know the secret to acquiring excellent ratings from Airbnb travelers. On the day of arrival of guests, they just put a chocolate bar on the guests’ bed. Apart from this, German females make sure that there are soap and shower gel in the bathroom. If you do the above, 5-star rating is guaranteed.

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Among other ingenious ways of getting some free goodies are participation in blood donations, clinical trials of drugs and different scientific researches. This makes it possible not only to make some money, but also undergo a free diagnosis of the body.

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4. They send gifts in unsightly cardboard boxes to hide their romantic sense

4. They send gifts in unsightly cardboard boxes to hide their romantic sense

In our time, it’s not a problem to purchase any goods in an online store and order the delivery of the goods to any location you choose. This is especially true for purchasing gifts for relatives and beloved people.

It’s interesting that Germans tend to send their gifts personally through regular post offices. The reason for this is that in Germany, unwrapped presents aren’t considered presents. You need to first take the time to wrap your gift and then send it to an addressee.

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It’s not hard to guess how heavily Deutsche Post is loaded with work due to the constant need of Germans to send packaged gifts. Because of this, there is an unspoken rule among locals that each customer is not allowed to send more than 5 parcels at a time so as not to delay the others.

However, this is not the most interesting part. The most amusing is that German females, in contrast to their male compatriots, never wrap their gifts in bright and beautiful gift packaging decorated with lovely patterns or tie a gift with colorful ribbons. Instead, she will prefer to pack a present for her boyfriend in a simple cardboard box. From this, we can conclude that it’s not customary for local women to reveal their romantic attitude towards their male partners through gifts.

5. German women blow their noses loud in public

5. German women blow their noses loud in public
Photo: sunshinecoastnews.com.au

Local women’s view on what behavior is acceptable in public and what is not sharply contrasts with the views of women belonging to other nationalities. For example, in Germany, it’s considered uncultured and impolite to sniff and sniffle noiselessly when you have a cold and runny nose. You’ll even be reprimanded if you do something like this.

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Instead, you have to blow your nose in public as loud as possible for everyone to hear. And this type of behavior is regarded as perfectly normal in Germany. No matter who a woman is, be it a professor lecturing in front of a big audience and speaking into a microphone or a girl sitting next to you on a train.

In both cases, they’ll blow their noses vociferously if need be. And they’ll be very surprised if you try to reprimand them for that.

6. They treat beer with respect

6. They treat beer with respect
Photo: pinterest.com

It’s hard to find bigger beer-lovers than German women. In Germany, beer is almost a lifestyle, and its consumption is quite a philosophy.

It’s interesting that most of German females are unpretentious in choosing this drink, so they enjoy drinking any kind of it, be it light or dark, filtered or unfiltered.

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However, when it comes to beer snacks, the preferences of Germans are quite clear. Along with beer, local females always buy fat, nutritious and hearty grilled sausages called bratwurst. In addition to sausages, German ladies like to order sour cabbage stew called sauerkraut.

It’s curious that you’re allowed to drink beer almost everywhere in Germany. Nevertheless, locals treat this drink with respect, so they never consume it on the go. In order to enjoy the taste of beer properly, females go to a pub, where each particular kind of drink is poured into a specific glass or flute designated for a selected kind of beer.

It should also be noted that German women like to mix beer with different sweet fruit cocktails and even syrups.

7. They are very reserved

7. They are very reserved
Photo: forum.facmedicine.com

The main feature of German women’s character is their extraordinary self-restraint. It’s almost impossible to find a female in this country who shows her emotions, feelings and views or share the details of her life in public. In the same vein, German females are not thrilled when someone else is overly emotional, curious and intrusive.

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They have special attitude to their own personal space and the personal space of others. They don’t climb into the soul of other people, asking questions about their personal life, and expect others to do the same with respect to them.

8. German women are plan-ahead types

8. German women are plan-ahead types
Photo: pinterest.com

German women like to plan everything to the smallest detail. This applies to both visiting a dentist and hanging out with friends.

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Personal budget is also subject to planning. If you ask a German female how much she spent on food, clothing and utilities in this month, she’ll immediately name the exact amount of money, down to the penny, without giving it a second thought.

9. They like to leave the windows wide open

9. They like to leave the windows wide open
Photo: bobvila.com

One of the most amusing features of German women is their pathological love for open windows. Although winters in Germany are not as harsh as winters in Alaska or Siberia, the temperature often falls far below zero.

In such circumstances, German females are not only in no hurry to turn on the heating, but they also try to ensure that the room temperature doesn’t rise above 18 degrees Celsius.

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So, if during a date with a German girl, she jumps up and runs to the window every half an hour in order to open it and then closes it after a 10-minute airing, it doesn’t mean that you have to smell your armpits to make sure that it’s not you who is the source of bad odor.

It’s all about local women’s habit of opening the windows wide open to get some fresh air.
As you can see, German women have many special features that are lacking in females who live in other countries. And it’s beautiful, because distinctive features are what make ladies attractive and desirable wherever they live.

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