Black vs white women: who are more sexy?

Black vs white women: who are more sexy?

The race is still the subject, like a red rag to a bull. Yet national and culture differences were and will be the topic that always provokes people. How about black and white women?

Scandinavian facial feature – the most desirable

There is a theory established by Ethnic and Racial Studies – it says that in any race women have more complexes associated with skin color than men. The cultures of India, China, South America, as well as Arabic, regard the blonde women as the most beautiful ones — perpetuating the aesthetic standard of attractiveness: fair-skinned, rosy-cheeked, blue-eyed, blonde-haired – “Scandinavian ideal” of female beauty.

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After a while, the study showed that the upper classes of all races became more fair-skinned than other people of the particular nation. The reason is that they were repeatedly mixed with the European women of the above-described ideal image.

Black vs white women: who are more sexy?

Here are some famous Scandinavian type of white women:

  • Scarlett Johansson, half Danish, is probably one of the best examples of that Scandinavian facial feature.
  • Elsa Hosk is a supermodel from Sweden and now one of Victoria’s Secret angels.
  • Natalie Dormer has this ideal, as it was said, type of facial feature.

By the way, it says in some sources that Scandinavian girls have a good sexual appetite. Well, Swedish girls like Elsa are obsessed with sex – what can be the best county for lonely guys?

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There were a scientific study on human beauty with 300 respondents of various racial types participated. They were shown the photos of different women to determine the best type.

The study showed that all participants, even black, admitted the Scandinavian type as the most attractive one.

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Meanwhile, we do not forget how diverse the world is, and that would be a crucial mistake to skip another beautiful party. We just realized how many positives they have:

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  1. Black women do not need to spend money on a solarium or to curl their hair.
  2. Black women’s teeth always seem whiter than they really are.
  3. Every third white woman wants to make love with a black man.
  4. Dry muscles + fast metabolism + lack of subcutaneous fat = black women jump better than anyone, run 100 meters and play basketball much better than any white player does.
  5. White costumes perfectly suit black women.

Talent-beauty combination among the black

Black women: models as well as actresses and singers became a significant part of modern life. They developed the art culture and other spheres. Let’s look at some of the great black women in history.

Tina Turner is an American singer, dancer, songwriter and actress. She is a winner of eight Grammy Awards. Tina got the title of “The Queen of Rock and Roll” for her artistry, character and uniqueness. That American woman is listed in the top ten best dancers in the world. Rolling Stone Magazine called her one of the greatest singers of our time.

Black vs white women: who are more sexy?

Talented Whitney Houston is one of the most commercially successful singers in the world music history. She started her career touring with her mum around America. At a night bar of New York she was offered to take part in a very successful project. The sensational debuted album made Whitney a new star of pop music and the greatest star among black women.

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Lupita Nyong’o is one of the few African actresses who achieved international recognition. Lupita was born in Mexico but spent her childhood in Kenya, her historic homeland.

While studied at Yale University, Lupita began performing on the theater stage and worked as a technical staff in filming. For her first role in the film “12 Years of Slavery,” she received Oscar, and in 2015 the People Magazine put her on the first place of beautiful black women.

Sexual Beyonce is one of the best examples of the talent-beauty combination. Her parents were a great support to her from the first stage step. Such an example of high-class family in terms of cohesion of harmony and talents made her name recognizable in every single village and makes people to be proud of black women.

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Since we have gender equality outreach, everyone can be unique, and we now have many examples to prove it. It means that ethnicity, religion, culture, language and race must not be allowed to become the source of division.

But what is your opinion – are white women more sexy than black ones? Or vise versa? Feel free to write in comments.

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