How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

Many famous singers don’t want to settle for on-stage performances alone and strive to seek glory as actors. Lady Gaga has recently swelled the ranks of such performers, having appeared in “A Star Is Born”. Let’s find out why and how she made the decision.

Ally’s story resembles Gaga’s own life

Getting an award for a part in a wonderful movie called “American Horror Story” directed by Ryan Murphy, Gaga confessed that as a child she had wished to become an actress (just as Beyonce) and not a singer. Now it’s safe to say that her potential as an actress has been fully realized in a Lady Gaga new movie, “A Star Is Born”. It has been premiered recently.

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Perhaps you have already seen Lady Gaga in “A Star Is Born” trailer.

“Today, I feel like a newborn,” said Gaga. “And I enjoy the new chapter in my life.”

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Gaga played a main role in a full-length musical called “A Star Is Born”. Her heroine Ally is the mirror image of Gaga herself. One of the world’s most renowned pop-singers of modernity was transformed and dissolved in her character, as if she lived her life.

Two years ago during the shooting of a documentary film telling the story of Gaga’s life she let it slip that she was starring in Lady Gaga remake of “A Star Is Born” directed by B. Cooper and played a role which had already been played before her by Judy Garland as well as Barbra Streisand.

After the first Gaga’s album called “The Fame” which came out in 2008, she turned from the artist fighting for survival and performing in a small New York club into a world pop culture phenomenon.

She released five albums, the compilation of soundtracks and eighteen singles, sang at the final game of the NFL, won 6 Grammys and 1 Golden Globe.

How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

There are a lot of fashion world awards, various collaborations with the world’s most renowned singers and several duets with a legend Tony Benett in her collection.

Gaga didn’t put on makeup during filming and didn’t want Ally to become her splitting image

You’ll hardly recognize this pop-singer in Lady Gaga, “A Star Is Born”. It’s almost impossible.

The point is that director B. Cooper insisted on actors’ abandoning cosmetics. Gaga’s character Ally is an open and defenseless person. She is a typical representative of American women.

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It’s exactly the kind of Gaga viewers had the opportunity to see several times, as follows: in her album called “Joanne”, in the sketches at Saturday Night Life show, in a documentary movie about her which was created for Netflix television channel where she starred wearing a tracksuit.

Playing the role of Ally, I extensively relied on my personal experience. And yet, I had to ensure that Ally didn’t become me, to strike a balance between two persons – me and Ally.” said the celebrity.

Ally is talented but unsure of herself. She writes a lot, but she doesn’t even think about public performance of her songs. Ally was discouraged from her dream of a big stage. Then, she was reluctant to Main’s (B. Cooper) offering to perform. Finally, she came across a manager who made her a pop-star.

Unlike Gaga, her heroine has a weak character and doesn’t know how to get along

As opposed to Ally, Gaga, in addition to all her talents (as a performer and a songwriter), has one more ability. She is an individual who has the understanding of the way to success. The way she thoughtfully releases each her single, pays very close attention to every album or EP, how she accompanies their releases. That’s what brought her to star Olympus.

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Lady Gaga’s main difference from Ally is that Gaga was once determined to be a celebrity and nothing could stop her. In her youth, Gaga realized that a well-brought-up and talented catholic girl Stefani Germanotta (it’s her real name) was, of course, quite a gifted individual in order to achieve success. However, only Gaga was able to break into a pop-scene already overcrowded by stars.

The role of Ally is provided her with an opportunity to see how her life might look like.

How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

“When I first watched Lady Gaga “A Star Is Born”,” said Gaga, “I thought it ended on a too somber note. At that time, I didn’t realize yet how sad Ally and Jackson’s story was from the outset. How weak Ally was! She worked as a waitress. She had an affair with Ramon relationship which was very important to Ally. She looked after her father and gave breakfast to drivers who came into her café in the morning. That’s why she totally gave up her dream of becoming a superstar.”

How did Gaga begin to shoot in Lady Gaga, “A Star Is Born”?

Gaga and the director B. Cooper got acquainted a few years back on the show “Saturday Night Life”. It happened after she had spoken at Sean Parker’s charity event, which was a turning point for their subsequent collaboration. The singer was already aware of the fact that the director was searching for a leading lady, and she risked.

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“I sent him the record of one of my songs. Cooper immediately called me back and offered to meet. I invited him to my house, cooked pasta and fed him. I conversed with him on a variety of subjects, and we laughed a lot.

Then Cooper suggested doing a duet, asked me if I knew the lyrics of Midnight Special, which his hero and my character were supposed to perform together. We typed up notation and lyrics, and I began to play the piano. How nervous I was then! I started, taking a peek at the notation, and then I heard Cooper’s voice… I froze… It just came out, I said: Dear God, Bradley, your voice is great! It’s unbelievable!”

Naturally, Lady Gaga insisted on singing all vocals in Lady Gaga “A Star Is Born” on her own. How else could it be?

Cooper made Gaga cry on the set

Many people search for the videos of Lady Gaga doing “A Star Is Born”. They can also be amused by an interesting incident occurred during the shooting of “A Star Is Born” by Lady Gaga.

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“I won’t forget our first footage together. We filmed it in a restaurant of Mexican cuisine. Bradley bought some tacos, threw them on my table, by uttering some words which weren’t included in the script. I had no idea what I had to do, that’s why I spoke a phrase from the script.

Cooper said something not relating to the scenario, once again.

How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

I was confused, without knowing what I had to do. And then I spoke a following phrase in accordance with the script. Seeing I didn’t depart from the scenario, Bradley asked me: “Are you all right?” And then I started crying,” confessed Lady Gaga. At the moment, she realized that she had to play off the script and act according to the present situation.

“A Star Is Born” helps Gaga get distracted

The role of Ally in Lady Gaga “A Star Is Born” is close to Gaga also because on her way to success she survived several painful breakups with her lovers.

“Performing on the stage and playing in movies I lose focus from everything: impressions, relationship in my family, pain or happy moments, ups and downs in my life, everything what this gorgeous, sparkling disco ball named Lady Gaga consists of.

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In one of the initial scenes of Lady Gaga “A Star Is Born” viewers can see Bradley Cooper’s hero named Main pop some pills, drinks something from a bottle and then enters the stage and keeps the viewers on their toes until bass notes stop, cameras flashing goes out, the limousine’s door slams shut behind him. And then total silence fell.

“As a performer, I feel the same way. I enter the stage and the crowd of tens of thousands goes crazy, I sing, dance, say something, but the show lets out and… that’s all. Complete silence falls. These are the most emotional moments.”

How and why Lady Gaga agreed to be in “A Star Is Born”

“Success tests relationships, tests families, tests friendship. This is the price you pay on the way to glory. But I can’t live without music or play and without pain in my soul which is always there for me. How could it be otherwise? Otherwise, all this makes no sense.”

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So, if you wonder what movie is worth seeing, our answer is “A Star Is Born” about Lady Gaga’s life.

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