Attention! A miracle happened! She agreed to a date with him. Although, the miracle is that a man tries his best to convince a woman that they need to see each other. So, she understands that this date is her lucky case. He is great just because he’s a super macho!
Unfortunately, something went wrong, and his beautiful girl ran away without even hearing information about a lot of love victories on his way. It was the first and the last of their date because he did lots of mistakes during it. So, it’s time to tell the truth about the TOP 9 mistakes that all men do on the first date.
1st Mistake. I’m a womanizer!
Hey, girl! I’m so hot and cool! I’m like that! There’s no one better than me in this world!
All girls listen to this and understand that they’re number 205 on this whole list. Dear beloved men, don’t talk on the first date (on the second and even on the third one!) about your former (or even current!) passions. Just believe that it’s better to talk about women with your friends when you go to the fishing trip. After all, if everything goes okay with the girl, she’ll remind you of this for the rest of her life.
By the way, there’s no need to rush to extreme either. For example, if you behave in an inexperienced way is useless too. Some women fall in love with virgins, but there are a little of them. You need to remember the measure that you aren’t a good boy, and you aren’t a hero-lover either.
6 good reasons why it’s hard to meet a woman, and how to overcome it
You’re pretty good, smart, well-built and so on.
2nd Mistake. Alcohol for Courage!

A lot of men drink for courage! Just imagine the situations that you drank alcohol, ate everything with great garlic portion and went to conquer another women’s heart.
Okay, it gives you some lack of modesty in communication. But it’s a bad idea to drink before the first date. Are you so shy and nervous? A drunk man isn’t so good. Those, who say otherwise, are grossly flattering!
It’s better to take a glass of tasty wine or beer on the date. Such a gesture is going to liberate and relax you and your company. But. . . .do not relax too much because this is the 3rd mistake on the date.
3rd Mistake. Loose Tongue!
The first date is over. You told about all your crazy friends, about all your relatives, gave out both your own and other people’s secrets. You shared your personal thoughts on the situation in the country and even showed attitude towards the price increases in stores.
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Everything that you told was special to avoid awkward pauses. Well, we congratulate you! It was your first and last date! This woman definitely won’t come to the second date. Why is that? A polite girl always listens to you, she’s really ashamed to leave you immediately.
If you really want to chat, then it’s better to talk about her. For example, just talk about what beautiful eyes she has, what a wonderful smile she’s got! Don’t overdo it either because flattering is a good thing, but a woman may think that you’re a typical womanizer.
4th Mistake. I’m so cool!
You borrowed a cool car from one friend, asked for a chic suit from another, took a perfume from the third – and that’s all for the first date!
Okay, a woman will appreciate and understand that you’re her Prince that she has been looking for a long time. Do you really need it? The secret always becomes clear! In general, why do you need this mercantile girl?
Let her immediately see everything as it is. Aren’t you so rich? So, you’re not rich but very reliable. Aren’t you trendy? So, you’re not trendy but neat and clean-shaven. What we have is the best! It’s no need to ask for help from others.
5th Mistake. I’m as a real gift!
Every man is unique. Who would argue with this? Why wasn’t there a flower on the first date? Some men think that flowers and gifts are stupid for the first time. Even if they’re right, it’s no need to ask a woman for a date! So, she’s interested in you, and you still come to the date without flowers.
Isn’t it indifference? Isn’t it greed, inability to care and unwillingness to do something pleasant?
A well-bred girl won’t hint with a glance that she’s unhappy. She’ll leave an unpleasant aftertaste inside. If a man sits in front of a woman and thinks that she must be happy only because he’s cool and fresh, he’s really mistaken. Wow, there is no cool at all!
6th Mistake. Let’s go to you!

He touched the handle and the knee, even brushed the crumbs from the girl’s lips with a gentle movement – but she just went to powder her nose and didn’t get back.
Who does like that? If a man is so sexy and hot, he always must be able to restrain himself. For the final effect it remains to call her to your house or just ask a woman for coffee at her place. It’s another matter if a man dreams of a short romance, and a girl doesn’t mind either – oh, yes, then the stars really come together!
If so, why do you need a date at all if you could just call and meet with her without any dates? Women love assertive guys, but deep down they dream about long-term courtship (and let it be sex on the second date!).
8th Mistake. You always MUST!
Are you kidding? Are you serious? Have you taken a list of strong requirements for the ideal woman with you? Such people do not exist at all (even men!).
So, some men sit and tell on the first date what every self-respecting woman must be able to do. Hooray! You have just lost your ideal life partner. What if she’s the one who really can give you a lot of emotions?
Remember, if a guy starts a date with claims or demands, it’s unlikely that he’ll get something after this conversation. The only thing that saves him is a date with a teacher who wants to re-educate him.
9th Mistake. Compare the girl with someone else
Oh, you’re like my mom, really! You even laugh like she does! You aren’t at all like my ex-girlfriend!
What to do with this information? Just imagine that you say that your partner looks like Angelina Jolie. It is so unpleasant when a girl is compared with former ones. You don’t need to find anything common with actresses or relatives – just easy to say that you’re fascinated by the beauty of your companion. Say this without any pathos!