How to conquer a woman in the year of the Dog – 7 steps!

How to conquer a woman in the year of the Dog – 7 steps!

Wanna conquer a woman, but don’t know how? Here is the list of 7 important steps you should do to conquer any woman in the year of the Dog! Ignoring them, you’ll remain virgin and lonely…

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Nowadays, men have forgotten how to allure a woman. When any woman attracts their attention, they usually begin to compliment her with standard phrases like: “You’re so beautiful!”, “Why is such a gorgeous woman alone?”, “Let’s go somewhere together”, “I’m not like the other men”.

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For sure, most of the women have heard such words many times. It doesn’t sound sincerely, but somehow it’s a custom now. Men stopped striving. It’s about not only things that we say, but also things that we do. Of course, all women are different, and each one requires a special treatment, but we tried to compile the list of 7 common ideas how to sway a woman.

7. Be sincere in order to conquer any woman

You shouldn’t rely on strong pressure. You won’t earn scores on it. When you constantly tell her that she is beautiful and ring her up all days long, you won’t attract her attention. Slow down! If conversely, you try to look unapproachable and pretend that you don’t notice her, you again won’t achieve success. Both of those models of behavior are the manifestation of immaturity.

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How to conquer a woman in the year of the Dog – 7 steps!

Don’t act as if she is an object that you aim to sway. Instead, be sincere. Be yourself. Treat her like a woman whose respect you strive to earn. Release yourself from superficial glance and try to understand her better. She works, plans something, thinks something, somehow builds her life just like you. Express interest in all aspects of her day-to-day life.

Answer her SMS, pick up the phone when she calls you. If you do something for her, do it from the bottom of your heart. If you wish to conquer a woman, you will be able to learn to respect all aspects of her life, and she, in turn, will learn to appreciate, respect and trust you.

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It doesn’t matter whether you try to sway American or Australian women or any other nationality because this rule works with all of them.

6. Be confident

Confidence is manifested in your words and even more in your actions. She hears it in your voice, sees it in your eyes, feels it in your movements.

In a way, your behavior tells her, “I’m a man that you need. I intend to conquer you and make you mine”. She will immediately feel it even without words.

Although there are a lot of obstacles in life, don’t let yourself concentrate on a thought that you will lose her. Instead, be proud of how you treat her. Make her not to have a reason to find another man. If you suffer from uncertainty and jealousy, you will just push her further away. You will destroy all chances to build a healthy relationship. That’s why you should stop worrying about the other men.

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There is always someone who is more handsome, smart and successful than you. If you think of it all the time, you’ll never be proud of yourself. You won’t be happy yourself, and you won’t have enough resources to conquer a nice woman and make her happy.

Even if she devotes quite a bit of time to you, anyway it’s a kind of the manifestation of interest in you. Be confident and use what is given to you.

5. Be spontaneous

The older we get, the more structured our life becomes. Each day is planned and in most cases we don’t have enough time to take care of everything. Get away from this crazy schedule. Let yourself be a little spontaneous!

How to conquer a woman in the year of the Dog – 7 steps!

You shouldn’t plan a date or search for secret dating tips. Just ring her up and offer her to greet the sunrise in the mountains or enjoy the city all night long, organize a picnic in the park, take her out to your favorite show or a jazz concert.

The whole world surrounds us, and we can discover it without any schedule. The best moments in life always happen by themselves, and we can’t predict them. Standard dates are quite boring. Think of something which is more original.

4. If you aim to conquer a woman, show your respect for her

Men often forget that woman shouldn’t be treated like one of the guys. She deserves a little different attitude.

The first rule: don’t say offensive words. It’s disgusting! Would you really want that somebody ever talk this way to your daughter? Hold a door open for her, help her to sit at the table, pushing a chair in.

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Don’t build your relationship on sex. Show her that she is important for you not as an object of sexual drive, but as a personality. It will help you to conquer a seductive woman much easier.

Discovering each-other at an intimate level is one of the most exciting components of relationships as a whole. You create that connection which will feed your passion. In this case sex becomes not just sex but something much more. She will be encouraged that she is shown such respect, and her desire will become stronger.

3. Be interesting for her

Let women correct me if I’m wrong, having said that they are attracted by educated, smart and well-spoken men. Intelligence is the most powerful weapon in our arsenal.

How to conquer a woman in the year of the Dog – 7 steps!

Strive to learn something new every day. Expand your knowledge in spheres that she is interested in. When you conquer a woman, and she becomes a part of your life, you will be able to dream, make plans, make up your future life and implement your ideas. Fill your conversations with meaning. Talk about things that motivate and inspire you.

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Certainly, you can attract someone with appearance or major bank account, but a soul can be conquered only with a personality.

2. Be patient

As is known, “slow and steady wins the race”. Women find patience sexually attractive. Like you say, “I’m ready to wait because you’re worth it”. It’s important to remain sincere and honest, showing her your respect and appreciating her as a woman.

Then, probably, you’ll get a long-awaited prize and finally conquer a beautiful woman. If not, so be it. It’s also normal. Every moment in life is experience. You shouldn’t drop it.

1. Be a man

There is a lot of men in the world who live without a goal and passion. They don’t want to become vulnerable and are scared to open up to a woman. They look for the hottest women and try to conquer an attractive woman pretending to be someone who they aren’t in order to just use and break up with them before meeting another good-looking woman. Sometimes they come back and swear that now things will be different.

It’s deception. In fact, such behavior doesn’t make you a man. It makes you an unconfident looser! That’s why if you want to conquer a woman, you should appreciate and respect her, help her to grow, support and say that she is smart.

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If you think that you have done everything which is possible to seduce a woman, do something more.

If you can’t do it, don’t waste your and her time. If she wants something unprecedented, give it to her. After all, it’s not a big deal how much money you have and the attractiveness of your appearance. The most important thing is whether you’re able to make her feel special. Then it can be a chance that she will fall in love with you. And when it happens, keep doing it more and more.

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