American women are considered enviable brides, since they have the nationality of one of the most developed countries in the world. But is it worth building a family with females from the US?
Let’s learn about the downsides of living with an American wife, before you consider marrying one of local ladies.
1. Ladies from the US are obsessed with tattoos

Mania over tattooing has become widespread among American women in recent years. Tattoo festivals and conventions of tattoo enthusiasts are held throughout the US. Curiously, the growing number of mature American women starts taking interest in this type of “art”. They get a tattoo on any occasion.
A new drawing on the body may depict a certain period of a woman’s life. It may be devoted to a close relative who has died. Local females often think of drawing another pattern on their body as treatment of psychological trauma caused by a breakup with their partner.
It’s not uncommon for US ladies to arrange tattoo flash mobs where they engrave similar inscriptions expressing their political stance or view on gender-related issues. Overreliance on tattoos may result in a woman’s body starting to look like a ridiculous graffiti wall rather than a sexually appealing object.
2. US females use low voice to sound masculine

If you have ever been to European or Asian countries, you probably noticed that local women normally have high-pitched voices. Modern American females, in contrast, tend to speak with low crackling voice.
Linguists call this phenomenon a vocal fry. It lies in the fact that a female intentionally switches to the lowest possible tone of voice, and her vocal chords start vibrating inconsistently, thus producing unnatural choppy sound.
There is a strong probability that US women consciously talk in a low, raspy voice with a view to show that they have no less masculine traits than men, thereby demonstrating that they are equal to men in all respects. Most of American females adopted the habit of dropping their voices from influencers and celebrities such as Zooey Deschanel. It’s really annoying to live with a woman who sounds like a chainsaw.
3. American women don’t rush to become mothers

Like the females of many other Western countries, American women are in no hurry to give birth to children. The birth rate has dropped markedly over the last decades in the US. The increasing number of local ladies crosses the threshold of child-bearing age without having children.
Psychologists attribute this to the latest trends of American society such as economic instability, a desire to find yourself and a place in this world and aspiration to live for pleasure. Modern women from the US want to have everything except for children. Certainly, progress in the sphere of medicine as well as simplified procedures for adoption provide local females who came out of childbearing age with an opportunity to have kids.
However, even this doesn’t encourage US ladies to continue the line. This fact should raise concerns not only among US state leaders due to potential loss of taxpayers, but also among men who consider an option of marrying an American woman.
4. US family law works in favor of wives

Family legislation in the US guided by good intentions to support the family, is replete with laws that mainly protect the rights of wives and children, not husbands. The protection of women from divorce and consequences of a breakup with a husband are central in the family legislation.
And the worst thing is that it’s women who usually initiate a divorce process in the US.
If a man fails to settle the matter amicably with a wife who wants a divorce. He should be ready to spend the lion’s share of his income on an attorney to defend his rights during divorce proceedings, which usually last from 1 to 5 years.
If a husband manages to prove that he doesn’t make enough money to hire a lawyer, he will be provided with legal aid, which is usually confined to assistance in filling out paperwork. In case a woman can confirm the fact that she is not in a position to get a lawyer, she has all the chances to obtain professional legal assistance.
Moreover, in the US, you’ll have to give half of your assets and property to your ex-wife by a court decision no matter when you acquired your assets, before or after marriage. Even if you bought a house, won a prize in a lottery, inherited a large amount of money from your grandparents and then got married and become embroiled in a divorce process, be ready to give up half of that money and property.
However, this principle doesn’t work the other way around. If your wife, let’s say, has a house or money in the bank, you will most likely fail to sue her for half of her assets during a divorce process.
That’s because it’s common law that prevails in America, which is largely based on precedent. Given the fact that almost all previous legal cases related to the division of property ended in favor of women, the likelihood for a man to win such a case tends toward zero.
5. A husband can be arrested and punished for domestic violence without any evidence

If for some reason, conflicts have arisen in a marriage and have become known to others, for example, neighbors and acquaintances, then things are bad for a husband. If a wife or a neighbor decides to call the police and complain about domestic violence, policemen will come to their family house and a “guilty” husband will be arrested without the clarification of circumstances or providing evidence of a man’s misconduct.
As a result, in case there is no proof of aggressive behavior on the part of a husband, he will be detained for several hours, have the first police record and then released. If a husband earns one more police record for domestic violence and then becomes involved in a divorce process, he risks to be deprived of all his property by a court decision.
If a man is reported to the police for domestic violence or other misbehavior during a divorce process, a restriction order will be put on him, which means that he will be forbidden from approaching his wife and consequently their common family house. A man will only be allowed to come into the house and get his basic things such as hygiene products and clothing.
During divorce proceedings, the entire house will pass to the ownership of an ex-wife.
6. A man has to pay alimony to his jobless ex-wife

In the US, a husband is obliged to pay alimony not only to his children, but also to his non-working ex-wife, regardless of the causes of her being unemployed.
If an ex-wife doesn’t have a job, then she will receive alimony payments from her ex-husband until she obtains the necessary education or takes advanced training courses so that she can find a suitable job.
Alimony on the maintenance of a wife is usually established for the period of one year. They can be extended for up to 5 years if needed.
7. Children will remain with an ex-wife after divorce even if she is an alcoholic

Children stay with their mother after divorce in the US. In rare cases, if a mother is a drug addict or an alcoholic leading a rampant lifestyle, a court will take into account a child’s view. If a kid tells the court that he is unable to do his homework or get a good sleep because of his mother’s drunken parties, the court may rule that the father of the child can take him away from his mother for up to 50% of the time, but not permanently.
8. American females don’t like to cook whole meals

American women are not thrilled with the idea of spending their time on cooking nutritious and healthy full meals. Instead of preparing food “from scratch” they normally purchase semi-finished products in a grocery store that only need to be heated in the microwave oven before consumption.
If you are not willing to ruin your health or gain excess weight, you should question the need to marry an American woman.
9. They go to extremes when it comes to their physical shape

With regard to a body image, American female don’t exhibit much moderation. They usually fall into extremes in this respect. Some of them adopt the main motto of feminists regarding the body that reads: my body is my business. Such ladies don’t watch their weight. Others, on the contrary, don’t get of out fitness clubs and gyms.
However, in both cases they spend most of their free time on themselves, some waste it on eating, others on training. As a result, a husband remains deprived of time with his wife.
10. Local females don’t have complexes

Such values as tolerance and individualism are instilled in American women since an early age. Little US girls are told that they are impeccable and perfect. As a result, they grow into uninhibited mature females who don’t suffer from complexes.
It’s very hard for a man to live with a person who isn’t ready to notice her shortcomings and work on turning her weaknesses into strengths.
11. Women from the US may have strange concept of marriage

In the modern US, there are a lot of women who have untraditional notions of marriage. Some of them, for instance, may be the supporters of an open marriage, a family union in which sexual intercourses with other people besides a husband are acceptable by mutual agreement with him.
In their view, such a relationship is allegedly meant to increase openness between spouses and reduce the desire of partners to manipulate each other, thus allowing both spouses to retain a sufficient level of their independence, which is so valued by American women.
However, statistically, such marriages don’t last long.
12. American ladies don’t attach much importance to their clothing and make up

American females give preference to practical and comfortable clothing and don’t bother to put on makeup or take care of their hair in everyday life, forgetting the fact that wearing oversized t-shirts, bulky hoodies and sneakers as well appearing in front of a husband with disheveled hair is not the best choice if you want to remain attractive for your partner.
13. There are a lot of career women in the US

For many American ladies, building a successful career is the main priority in life. Even when they get married and have children, they don’t stop professional development or go on maternity leave. In the US, it’s not uncommon for husbands to stay at home with children while their wives go on business trips.
It’s important to think carefully whether you are ready to assume all family responsibilities while your wife tries to climb a social ladder.
14. Local females are overly self-confident

Assertiveness, confidence and straightforwardness are one of the calling cards of American women.
For example, when you attend a movie theatre and hear that someone in the back row eats popcorn while producing crunchy sounds, females of other nationalities will most likely endure discomfort silently, whereas American females will immediately turn to that person and start reprimanding him for preventing them from watching a movie.
They expect to get respect from society as a whole and men in particular. Unfortunately, in a family relationship, this may result in a wife trying to dominate over a husband.
15. They aren’t good at housekeeping

Being inspired by the ideas of feminism, American wives are perfectly aware of the fact that they are not maids or servants for their husbands. However, despite the fact that they strive for gender equality with men, some of them still can’t determine how to distribute domestic responsibilities equally between them and their male partners.
That’s why there are many US women who don’t do any house chores such as ironing, laundering or floor washing, believing that these activities infringe on their rights.
That’s pretty much all we wanted to tell you about the reasons for not marrying American ladies. As you can see, you have a lot to consider before you make a decision to link your life with a female from the US.