7 reasons of NOT being in a relationship with this woman

Being in a relationship with a woman is a great responsibility. But let’s highlight TOP-7 reasons of… NOT being in a relationship with her.

7. Whims

Woman and whims are the two parts of one whole. The beautiful half of humankind cannot live without whims, because with their help women show their weakness and dependence on men.

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Through whims, women try to attract attention to themselves and get what they dream about. BUT! It is necessary to feel the edge of permissive whims and not to turn them into manipulation. Men perfectly see and notice everything. This causes in men a great dissatisfaction. If a woman goes on making quirks a man does not have the strength to endure, the only way sometimes is to break off.

6. Narrow mind – a hindrance for sincere relationship

A man is always looking for a woman, it is interesting to talk with. Of course, those men who are looking for a woman awhile are not much interested in her IQ level. But if it is a matter of long-term relationships, then men want to see only intelligent ladies next to them.

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7 reasons of NOT being in a relationship with this woman

Nowadays men think that the female brain is the sexiest thing in a woman. Men don’t want being in a relationship with stupid girls who are not interested in anything except TV series and women’s magazines. So, dear women, please make your inner world heaven and men immediately reach out to you.

5. Dissolute way of life

A man wants to be if not the first sexual partner in a woman’s life, then certainly not the twentieth. And definitely he is not interested in being in a relationship with a woman that can be known across the whole city.

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Women’s “Don Juanism” is called an impartial word, and the attitude of society is very negative towards it. Men, no matter if they’re womanizers or not, always prefer quiet, domestic and modest women for being in a strong relationship. Therefore, men do not always look at blondes that dressed too frankly.

So, we hasten to disappoint those women who choose for themselves the image of femmes fatales. The chance to meet the man of their dreams is very low. For men, it’s better not to have any contacts with such women, except those evenings when he wants to brighten up a lonely night.

4. Please, marry me!

Marriage is not the most important thing in a girl’s life – she has realized it when she already got married and faced the fact that real life is not the life of a fairy princess in a magical castle. However, it is pointless to fight the fact that girls want to marry. Moreover, this goal is not bad: on the way to marriage girls can grow wiser, become more self-controlled, disciplined and learn how to control their emotions.

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But sometimes the next day after dating a girl alludes to marriage. Perhaps, this is the most stupid thing a girl can offer to a man. So, how fast will a man run away from a girl dreaming about marriage him and nothing else? In 90% of cases, he will leave her without paying attention to anything.

Some girls are ready even to become pregnant for the sake of marriage. If a man wants being in a relationship and to marry a girl, he tells her about it. But if at this stage of relationships he is not ready for this, then it is useless to force events. So, men, be careful when a woman offers you sex without a condom.

3. Different tempers for being in a relationship

Sometimes only after wedding, married people realize how different they are. He goes to bed late and gets up late. She does the opposite. He watches football more often than she could imagine. You want the kitchen furniture to be made from red oak, and she wants the kitchen to be made from walnut.

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You are happy together, but now and then scandals arise over trifles. You cannot find a compromise and don’t make concessions. The only way out here is parting.

A man by nature likes to be a leader, therefore he wants his woman to give in to him in conflict situations. Then there is the only choice for her — if she loves you, if she wants to be with you, she will have to give in. And if not… So, don’t stay with her for a long period of time, and you do not have to call her witch during a quarrel.

2. You’re just a purse

We like to look after women. In addition, we are really happy to take women to a restaurant, we buy flowers and expensive jewelry, we take our girl on a yacht and to the resort, we try being in a sincere relationship. For this, we want to get a little: love and sex. I would like to emphasize the former, because we can buy sex for much less money.

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But if you are being in a relationship for a long period of time and the woman starts extorting money, this is an alarming call – you realize that you are just a sponsor for her body.

So, before you start dating a girl, offer to pay in a restaurant in half. If the girl is really interested in you, then she will definitely agree. And what could be better for a man than to know that a woman is with him, not just because of money?

1. Friend zone

She talks about her problems, worries, actions all day long; she talks about a new pair of shoes that she bought at the sale; she earned a discount card by three percent for buying herself a shoe, shampoo and makeup.

We have bad news for you. Man, you’re in friend zone! Run as fast as you can – she sees in you just a friend. Nothing more – she doesn’t want being in a relationship with you.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), women logic is one of the greatest mysteries of mankind. When you constantly hint at her that you like her, and you want to be with her, and she rejects it, then you should not spend on her neither time nor money. Reduce the time you spend on this woman or do not communicate with her at all. Move on and look for another woman who appreciates you as a male.

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This list can be continued. We singled out only the most common reasons why men leave women. And for what reasons did you not start a relationship with a certain woman? Leave your comments below.

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