Top 11 Countries Where Women Mostly Want to Marry a Foreigner

Top 11 Countries Where Women Mostly Want to Marry a Foreigner

Many men struggle to find women who can potentially become their wives in the future, because they restrict their search to the territory of their own countries.

However, it’s known for certain that there are a lot of places in the world where attractive females will be happy to marry a foreign guy. Let’s see what countries those ladies come from.

1. Philippines

Filipino women

The Philippine Islands are a perfect place for living. This country can offer you great weather all year round, the warm sea, quality yet cheap food, affordable housing and local women who aren’t averse to marry a foreigner.

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In most cases, Filipino women are raised in poor families with many children. For this reason, they are quite willing to find a man from a different country who can not only provide for his female partner, but also support all other members of her family financially.

Once you start living with a Filipino girl, you won’t wriggle out of financial assistance to your new in-laws. Otherwise, you risk running into conflict with them.

The dream of marring a prince is instilled in local girls with the help of television and movies. Given the fact that local princes are already taken, some hope remains for foreign ones.

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2. Columbia

Columbian women

There is a huge number of young and beautiful single mothers in this country. This is because it’s quite common for a teenage Columbian girl aged 14 to start her sexual life before marriage. Such a behavior normally leads to early pregnancy.

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And this is where the fun begins. The point is that abortion is prohibited by law in Columbia. Moreover, pregnancy and childbearing are viewed as divine blessing by local society. So, women who have an illegal abortion incur criminal liability and face public censure.

That’s why you can easily find a young and attractive local woman who is interested in marring a foreigner in this country.

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3. Moldova

Moldovan women

When it comes to Eastern European women, Moldavian ones can be called the most gorgeous. Their black hair and pronounced cheekbones can easily become the subject of envy of fashion models.

And these angels are ready to build relationships with foreign partners.

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Moldavian women love well-groomed men who take the time to take care of their appearance. An attractive look signals to a Moldavian girl that a man has a high status in society.

Women from Moldova really want to find a wealthy guy from abroad, because the standard of living in their country leaves much to be desired.

4. Latvia

Latvian women

Latvian females are refined, feminine, level-headed, discreet and well-brought-up. And their character is consistent with the atmosphere of their country, which is full of small, cozy towns where noble medieval architecture exists side to side with modern vibes.

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You can take a romantic stroll along the beach of the Baltic Sea with one of the local beauties.

Latvians can boast not only of slim figures, light-brown hair and light gray or blue eyes, but also their openness to communication with foreign men.

5. Indonesia

Indonesian women

Foreign men from developed countries have always been attracted to exotic Indonesian women, and the latter have always reciprocated.

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The main difference between Indonesian females and their European counterparts is that the former are taught to think of a man as the head of the family. Moreover, if an Indonesian girl is raised in a family with male siblings, the boys will turn out to be right in any disputable situation.

In the modern society, such women are a great rarity. Every man who dreams of having a faithful, obedient wife and a keeper of the hearth will be glad to meet one of Indonesian woman.

6. Brazil

Brazilian women

Brazil is the home of females, most of which look like cover girls. Their thick hair, snow-white teeth, smooth tan skin and opulent curves can conquer anyone.

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Brazilian females clearly understand one thing: it is women that should take the initiative in relationships, because otherwise they may remain unmarried for the rest of their lives.

And their fears have a certain basis. The point is that Brazilian men are quite content with guest marriages or civil partnerships. It’s typical for local males to live like this until the age of 40 and only then start thinking about having children and getting married officially.

That’s why foreign men who are ripe for serious relationships will stand out favorably against the background of local men.

7. Greece

Greek women

This country can be proud of not only its huge cultural heritage, but also Greek women. A lot of men are interested in the successors of goddesses of ancient myths.

But how are modern Greek women similar to their ancient ancestors?

Most of local females have aristocratic appearance thanks to their refined facial features and thick curly hair. Greek women are distinguished by an agreeable character and cheerful disposition.

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They enjoy chatting, laughing, gesticulating and touching their interlocutors with hands. In short, you’ll not get bored with them.

However, with all their optimism, they hold a realistic view of life. They know that if you want to lead a fulfilling life, you need to build a strong relationship with a man and start a family. In other words, they put family values first.

8. Cambodia

Cambodian women

The first thing that comes to mind when you meet a Cambodian woman is that she is the most gorgeous creature you have even seen. Their smooth skin has a beautiful cinnamon-colored tan and noble silky gloss. Their distinct facial features, full sensual lips, chiseled figure and ideal body proportions can drive any man crazy.

And the good news is that local women will be glad to marry a foreigner.

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The thing is that it’s considered undesirable for a girl to remain single for long. Cambodian society condemns singlehood. That’s why the average age of marriage is 22–24 in Cambodia.

However, when it comes to marriage, local young females can face a problem: as a rule, their male compatriots can’t achieve financial soundness that will enable them to provide for the family by the age of 22-24.

This encourages Cambodian women to find a future husband abroad.

9. Venezuela

Venezuelan women

In general, Venezuelan girls are very temperamental. They are the burning mixture of African, European and American Indian blood.

Most local young females don’t burden themselves with career building and instead strive to marry early.

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Moreover, the high level of unemployment in their country doesn’t contribute to the improvement of Venezuelans’ well-being.

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For this reason, cheerful and friendly local women don’t miss the opportunity to get acquainted with foreign male tourists in the hope that it will grow into a serious relationship and marriage.

10. Vietnam

Vietnamese women

Although Vietnam is a socialist country, it’s quite a modern, vibrant and interesting place, not least because this is the homeland of many Asian beauties.

Unlike girls from other Asian countries, Vietnamese females are shy and timid when interacting with unfamiliar people. However, if you behave respectfully and understand their mindset while communicating with them, local women will show themselves as the most feminine and romantic persons.

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The main feature of local women is their submissiveness. This is what Western men raised in feminized European countries appreciate in girls.

Given the fact that their socialist country is different from Western capitalist nations in many respects, Vietnamese women have a keen interest in European and American cultures and, of course, in men from abroad.

That’s why the growing number of Vietnamese ladies prefer to marry a foreigner.

11. Cuba

Cuban women

Most people associate Cuba with mafia, cigars, tequila, spicy food and clean turquoise water of the Caribbean Sea.

Nevertheless, this country is also a paradise for those men who want to find a wife.

Local amorous women like to make eyes at male tourists. In Cuba, you can meet with both fair-skinned ladies, and mixed-race females of Spanish, African and American Indian ancestry.

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Their uninhibited behavior, a constant desire to dance, and seductive outfits can create an erroneous opinion that Cuban females are women of easy virtue, but this is not at all the case.

Respectful treatment on your behalf will help you develop a strong bond with a local lady and get a chance to continue your relationship.

Finally, our list of countries where women are glad to marry foreign guys comes to an end. Hopefully, you will visit one of the destinations listed above to try your luck there and find your future wife.

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