The sparkling history of Australia, its unusual nature and geographical location has always attracted attention and curiosity. But all these facts are not as interesting as Australian women. Every Australian girl is full of traits that are very attractive. And the first thing that needs to be known: more than 50% of Australians are women.
1. What is an Australian woman?
Australian women are beautiful in their own way. Like the USA, Australia is inhabited by many nationalities and cultures. Here you can meet tall and short women, women with black, blond and red hair, and other traits. But they all have one thing in common: each of them is beautiful.
2. Appearance of Australian women
As mentioned, Australia is home to many nationalities and cultures. Here you can find a variety of combinations: from dark skin and hair tone to women with blue, brown or green eyes. That’s all because Australian girls are multiracial.
But regardless of their origin, many Australian women follow a healthy diet and exercise regularly. Therefore, they all have an athletic physique and a healthy skin condition. At least, it is impossible to single out any individual features or standards of beauty. Australian girls are unique and diverse simultaneously. Which means only one thing: dating an Australian girl is a unique thing that keeps you up.
3. Personality
In addition to physical attractiveness, Aussies are also distinguished by their character. They combine the best character traits: they are open-minded and straight in their opinion, but at the same time cute and fluffy.
Getting in touch with an Australian woman is easy. They all love honesty and kindness, and do not show arrogance at all. That’s why they are so good.
Another great trait of Australian girls is that they are all sociable and easygoing. Even with a stranger, an Australian woman shows the maximum of interest and friendliness, she’s rather friendly. It is always cozy with a woman like this. Isn’t that what we’re looking for?
4. Character traits

If you want to find a submissive and obedient wife, then the Australian girl is not for you. Australian girls have a strong character, are easy to express their opinions and strive to be honest and straightforward. At the same time, they can be quite feminine and gentle.
So, if you are looking for a reliable and faithful partner who will show sincere feelings for you and always stand up for you, then you should definitely try to date an Australian woman.
5. Cute accent
Everyone loves a foreign accent. Australians speak with a very funny and cute accent, it is impossible to break away from.
6. Good food taste
Australia is known not only for its history and unique nature. But it also has a very diverse and unusual cuisine. Australians themselves are very selective in their choice of dishes, they know a lot about finding quality foodstuffs and know how to combine them in an unusual way. So, an Australian girl is not only an unusual appearance and a strong character, but also a chance to please your stomach.
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7. Rich cultural history
Most Australians come from rich communities with a rich historical and cultural heritage. Therefore, with a greater degree of probability, an Australian woman will amaze you with her knowledge in various fields, a broad outlook and a high level of etiquette.
8. Hidden skills
How many people living in big cities can serve themselves? Australian girls spend a lot of time outdoors, where they develop abilities that you would not think about. For example, almost every Australian woman knows how to skillfully put up a tent, cook meat over an open fire and other things.
Every Australian woman has many hidden skills and talents that not everyone can learn while living in a big city. But for Australians, this is not a matter of pride. They just enjoy what they do.
9. An Australian woman will pay for herself
It’s no secret that every woman wants her bill in a restaurant to be paid during a date. But Australians don’t count on it much and are always ready to pay for their dinner on their own, split the check in half or pay at the table next time as a “Thank You”.
10. She loves to travel

Australians love to travel. When for us this is sometimes a whole event for which we need to carefully prepare, an Australian woman is ready to go with you to travel all over Europe with one backpack on her back. So, the Australian girl is not only a trusted partner, but also a great companion.
11. She loves the summer
It’s not always summer in Australia. There are some areas where cold seasons come and can even snow. But most Australian girls are happy to share the pleasure of summer days with you.
12. Drinking
Fun-fact: Australians love to drink. Sometimes, even just being in a good mood can be the reason. This is a serious reason to date an Australian woman.
13. An Australian woman is fearless
In Australia, literally every living organism wants to kill you. Not surprisingly, an Australian woman grows up to be a brave and fearless person who will not panic because of some kind of tarantula.
14. Lifestyle
In order for a relationship to develop, it is important to have common interests with a person. This is about friendship, love relationships and everything else. And this point scares much: what if I have nothing in common with my girlfriend?
If you are planning to start dating an Australian girl, then the chance of not finding anything in common is zero. Thanks to multiculturalism and rugged terrain, Australian women are very diverse in their interests and are always ready to support any conversation or start to get involved in something new.
15. Preferences
If you work in an office and prefer to sleep on the weekends, then most likely you are unattractive to an Australian girl. But if your skin shimmers with a tan, you wear a rustic shirt and are always ready for any adventures, then you have every chance to attract an Australian girl.
16. Active lifestyle

Australian women are never afraid of competition and are always happy to take on a challenge. This also applies to sports. Australian girls are well versed in soccer and generally love active sports. If you have a boring job, an Aussie is always ready to turn it into an exciting quest.
17. They’re always ready for the worst
While other people are ready to literally go underground, just not to see problems, Australian women are ready to face any circumstances. They are not characterized by drama and panic. In any situation, the Australian shows restraint and consistency. God, yes, they themselves are not averse to dive into extreme situations.
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18. No affection
They have everything in order with the psyche, and they are no different from ordinary people. However, Australian girls never get attached to their partners, do not arrange shadowing and do not roll up scenes of jealousy. They simply don’t have any time for it.
19. Australian women always tell the truth
The stereotypes that Australian women always tell the truth are not so stereotypes at all. Many can find this offensive, but Australian women are at a loss for words. In any situation, you can always count on a straightforward reaction and the most truthful answer.
20. Deeper understanding
Despite their straightforwardness and some cynicism in critical situations, Australian women are always ready to show you their compassion and provide support in any difficult situation. Behind their courage, they hide a kind and sensual heart.
21. National pride
Although not every Australian woman can correctly pronounce the name of her country (just remember her accent), however, they are all true patriots and love their homeland. Therefore, you should not discuss politics or make any remarks about Australia in front of an Australian.
22. Early bird

Most likely, the Australian girl is an early riser. Australians are used to waking up at the first sunrise and taking the first train to work. Remembering their cuisine and their ability to cook, it is not difficult to imagine how wonderful the morning can be if you date an Australian woman.
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23. Marriage
Until recently, Australians were considered avid family men and women. Marriage for them was one of the most important stages in life. However, the trend has changed a bit lately. The pandemic and other economic situations have made their adjustments, and today an Australian woman is in no hurry to get married – at least until the age of 30.
Now you know all the features of Australian girls, and you can consider yourself completely ready for new dates and adventures.