American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

American women and British women speak the same language, as you know. But other than that, they are totally different. Let’s see how wide the cultural gap between these females is.

1. Tasteful women are unevenly distributed across the social structure of the UK

There are a lot of stereotypes about the national particularities of people. This applies, among other things, to people’s appearance. And American and British women are no exception.

It’s commonly believed that British women are not very beautiful, but rather pretty. But it’s not like that at all. You can meet many good-looking ladies in the United Kingdom.

However, the girls’ elegance and a sense of style differ depending on their belonging to a certain social class.

American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

In the USA, division of social classes is blurred and is purely theoretical. Of course, no one denies the gap between the rich and the poor in this country, but it should be noted here that, for example, a British woman from the upper middle class is highly unlikely to marry a man who belongs to a working class, whereas a female celebrity living in the US can easily enter into marriage with, let’s say, a janitor.

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Therefore, unlike Great Britain, the United States can boast of tasteful women evenly spaced across all the social circles.

2. American women, in contrast to British ones, are the regulars of beauty parlors

British women are famous for preferring to wear a natural makeup and reluctance to change who they are in order to fit this year’s fashion.

They don’t go to beauty parlors as often as American women. This is due not only to their upbringing or personal desire, but also the high cost of such services in the UK.

American ladies, in contrast, stand out in the crowd in this regard. And it’s not only about makeup, but also the basic principles of caring for themselves. These women’s favorite makeup technique is contouring – clearly marked cheekbones and the lines of a nose have long become a distinct feature of local women.

And while British ladies make their facial skin look healthy by putting on rouge, on the other side of the pond, females emphasize their cheekbones by using bronzer and putting highlighter on their nasolabial folds, noses and cheeks.

Snow-white teeth are another must-have for the girls from the US. However, as opposed to women from the UK, Americans address their dental problems quite radically. Instead of using toothpaste that has a whitening effect, they have their teeth whitened professionally and do it on a regular basis.

Moreover, many of them have porcelain veneers even if their natural teeth are not bad-looking.

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American women prefer to use cover-ups that give a matte effect so that their skin doesn’t look oily. This is particularly important in the case when they take selfies.

British girls normally use BB and CC-creams for this purpose.

If American ladies are forced to choose between highlighting their lips or eyes, they will definitely choose the impressive look of their eyes. They like to put on a smoky eyes makeup. Moreover, long fake eyelashes are in demand among them, which is rarely seen in Great Britain.

As we have already mentioned, women from the North America are the frequenters of beauty salons. Regular visits to a hair stylist and cosmetologist is a routine comparable to weekly visits to a grocery shop.

3. British women have a better taste in clothes

English women quest for comfort and strictness influence their style of clothing. In Great Britain, girls don’t rush to buy expensive brand name clothes, waiting for seasonal sales, since frugality is a distinguishing feature of British people.

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Local women give preference to trousers combined with a shirt or sweatshirt without a plunging V-neckline. With regard to shoes, they normally wear flats or trainers.

They don’t like bright outfits and non-standard combinations of clothes. British women are more attracted to the apparel of muted colors.

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American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

American women, for their part, are not as thrifty as their British counterparts. They won’t wait until their favorite outfits are discounted, but rather purchase them right away.

Moreover, as a rule, they don’t seek to look stylish or elegant. Local females don’t hesitate to put on a shapeless shirt or hoodie, a pair of jeans and flip-flops, even if they go to work or a business appointment.

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They are not embarrassed about the shortcomings of their bodies, so it’s not uncommon to see them strutting around in mini-shorts or tight skirts, even if they have cellulitis.

In addition, they like to mix the different incompatible styles and colors of apparel. In the US, you can meet women wearing multicolored fur coats and girls dressed in multilayered sporty style clothes.

4. American women are less reserved and family-oriented

With respect to the temper of British women, it’s not customary to show your emotions or lash out at anybody in the UK. That’s why, if you are planning to move in with a British girl, you can be sure that she will avoid rows and won’t break the dishes or make a scene.

Speaking of housekeeping, we can’t fail to mention that British girls are raised as practical and skillful housewives.

That’s why they eagerly do house chores, take care of the garden and prepare meals and share family responsibilities with men.

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This is in spite of the fact that local women are extremely self-confident and ambitious persons who normally make successful careers.

American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

When it comes to the character of American women, it’s safe to say that they are more impulsive than their British counterparts. Local ladies can easily let their emotions run amok. The reason for that is deeply rooted in their upbringing. Children in the US are perceived as personalities whose desires should be respected. That’s why they are allowed to do pretty much whatever they want.

And in general, being emotional is a part of the American culture of communication – a person who doesn’t express his emotions is considered suspicious.

As concerns to American females, they aren’t the role models of a housewife. Local women usually don’t cook at home. They really value their time as well as psychological and physical well-being. An American woman won’t spend her time on cooking and setting the table if she is tired, or she doesn’t have time for this. She would rather order food online, go to a restaurant, or just heat up semifinished products.

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The point is that local ladies don’t see cooking as care for their family. There is no home cooking culture in the US.

5. British ladies like to get wasted

The issue of harmful effect of women’s alcohol abuse is urgent in the UK. Although England is considered the birthplace of true ladies, local females of different ages are okay with drinking a glass of whiskey or gin and tonic after working hours.

Drinking is an essential part of British culture. A glass of beer or ale in a pub enables a person to relax, unwind and strike up a conversation with a stranger more easily. In this manner, local women relieve stress and take the edges off. As you already know, unleashing emotions in public or in the home is frowned upon.

American Women VS British Women: 5 Weird Differences

Nevertheless, local ladies often get out of line, and in the morning they don’t even remember how they managed to crawl home.

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And now let’s say a few words about American women’s attitude to alcohol. Notwithstanding the stereotype that most of US citizens eat unhealthy food and are obese, it might lead to the impression that their unhealthy habits also extend to alcohol abuse.

But in fact, many females are obsessed with following healthy diets and doing workouts. They rarely consume alcohol, and if they do, they prefer to drink cocktails rather than stiff drink.

As is evident from the above, both British and American women have their merits and demerits, so we can’t judge a woman by her nationality.

And which women do you prefer – American or British ones? Write your opinion in comments, please.

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