Date a tall woman: 8 pros and 5 cons

Date a tall woman: 8 pros and 5 cons

Many men wouldn’t mind dating a tall woman. But what awaits them when they want to make a move on a tall female? Well, let’s figure it out.


1. Their legs are sexy

Tall women are the happy owners of long legs, which is without a doubt their wealth. Many men go crazy for these sexy and seductive parts of their body and are keen to date a tall woman for that reason. These legs capture everyone’s attention. That’s why tall girls never blend in when they walk down the streets.

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2. Tall women are well-groomed

Moreover, tall women take better care of themselves than short girls. While not tall females can afford to look a little sloppy and unkempt, have messy hair and not to put on a makeup, a tall woman is always cognizant of the fact that they are the focus of close attention of people around them, so they can’t have the luxury of looking untidy.

3. They know how to act like a decent woman

Knowing that they are subject to constant scrutiny of other people, tall women always stay classy and carry themselves gracefully, which makes them look modest and dignified.

Date a tall woman: 8 pros and 5 cons

Going public with such a charismatic companion is a pleasant experience. A well-behaved woman doesn’t embarrass a male. Instead, she catches everyone’s attention and enhances a man’s self-esteem.

4. These females are always in good shape

As a rule, tall women are physically fitter than their short counterparts. It’s very rare for a tall female to be overweight. The height makes tall women look athletic, even if they skip their workout or don’t engage in sports at all.

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No wonder, there’s no shortage of males who want to date a tall woman.

5. People don’t want to mess with them

The height of tall women literally lets them look down on people who give them any trouble. They look impressive and convincing. When a tall woman stands in front of you, you would think twice before to make fun of her. Moreover, a tall female’s height will discourage you from being rude to her or arguing with her.

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Their look is like saying:“I’m above fuss and confusion.”

6. They arouse men quickly

Men normally love women with a twist. And tall women’s height is exactly what gives them spice. When a man sees that a female stands out from the crowd, he starts to realize that she turns him on.

But what is the reason for that? Everyone knows that height is not the only thing that adds spice to women’s appearance. Why do some men still not give preference to short women as a matter of principle?

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The point is that some men don’t even notice short women because they subconsciously think that tall females’ height is a sign of sound health. That’s why a tall girl comes across as the most fertile woman who can give birth to healthy children.

And that’s a good thing about them, because they can arouse you in no time.

7. They are feminine and well-built

They always look feminine. The proportions of their body seem harmonious and well-balanced. Their body movements are smooth and graceful.

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Moreover, they look beautiful in any clothes. Due to the fact that they look thin and well-balanced, tall women seem like presentable persons no matter what attire they wear.

Any man wouldn’t mind dating a tall woman, because going out with such a stylish and good-looking female is a real pleasure.

8. Tall women bring fun into your life

However, there are a lot of other merits of tall women besides their appearance. A tall woman’s embrace is very cozy, because the length of their arms let them wrap around you very tight. In addition, you’ll never let her out of sight in the crowd, which is very handy; you don’t need to text her to know where she is.

Date a tall woman: 8 pros and 5 cons

Their clumsiness is adorable. Every time she hits her head on a low door frame or strokes a ceiling with the back of her head, she becomes even lovelier.

If you have started to date a tall woman, you are lucky, because tall females’ long legs enable them to show up on time when you are waiting for her at the rendezvous point.

Now, you don’t need to bend over to kiss your girlfriend. Apart from that, girls who stand out for their height are very patient, which is not surprising, considering that they spend hours at the dressing room of a shopping mall until she picks up appropriate clothing and shoes.

Moreover, if you have moved in with a tall woman, now you have a great excuse to buy a new big bed.

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And on top of that, tall women have a good sense of humor. They hone this skill while responding to numerous remarks of other people regarding her appearance.


1. They refuse to wear some sexy outfits

Some tall women are sensitive about their appearance, so this sometimes affects the way they look. For example, many tall girls don’t like to wear high heels, because they make them look even taller.

Moreover, they normally don’t put on mini-skirts and short dresses, because their underwear will end up in sight of short people in this case.

2. Tall girls seek to avoid public areas

If you started to date a tall woman, and have decided to introduce her to your friends, hang out together and go places, you should bear in mind that some tall women aren’t fans of crowded places. They don’t believe they are able to fit in with the crowd.

Tall females believe that they stick out like a sore thumb when they come to a bar or nightclub.

3. They tend to slouch

Another thing that distinguishes tall women from short ones in a bad way is that they tend to slouch so as not to stand out in the crowd. And it’s not surprising, especially when most people she knows are two heads shorter than her, and her boyfriend is not a Gulliver, either.

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4. Maybe you have got the wrong perception of tall women

Your passion for tall women may be caused by the wrong perception of them, which may result in disappointment with those females rather than the enjoyment of relationships with them.

Date a tall woman: 8 pros and 5 cons

Those misconceptions derive from men’s attitudes. Tall women may conjure up images of a mother in a man’s mind. That’s why some men feel safe and protected when a tall female is around them.

Sometimes such males and females fit each other and get along well. But in specific cases, a man’s love for a tall woman means that he suffers from the Oedipus complex.

There is another category of men who also isn’t able to build a strong relationship with tall women, because they subconsciously regard them as a trophy. They start to date a tall woman, because they used to suffer a shortage of something in their childhood and now try to make up for it.

In their vision, the possession of something big demonstrates the owner’s significance. Such men need to see a therapist rather than dating a tall woman.

One more category of men is also distinguished by a specific psychosexual development. They know that tall women are in short supply. That’s why their value in the eyes of these men increases significantly, and they start to think of them as a fetish.

5. Shopping with a tall girl is a whole thing

It’s a difficult task to find the clothes of a proper size for a tall female, so it, you go shopping with your tall girlfriend, it may take you several hours to wait until your crush will get out of a dressing room.

The thing is that most attire is generally sewed to fit women of average height. That’s why tall female literally hunt for clothing and don’t even hesitate to visit men’s sections in search of clothing of sufficient length.

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As you can see, dating tall women have enough merits and demerits.

If a woman is embarrassed about her height, it will become an obstacle won’t let a man fully appreciate her personality and start dating her. If a female treats her height as an integral part of herself and respect it, then men will treat it in the same way.

With regard to men, if they feel passion for tall women doesn’t derive from psychological disorders, then the men can easily build a strong relationship with them.

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