Is women cooking better than that of men?

Do women cook better than men?

«Women cooking is better than men’s one!» – told my girlfriend yesterday. What if she wasn’t right? Let’s discuss.

Cooking differences between men and women

A man can create the most delicious and perfect dishes. That’s why the best chefs in the world are men. The masculine nature is an aspiration to perfection. Therefore, the preparation of the most exquisite dish is possible only by a man. Also, men aren’t emotionally dependent on the time of year or their mood. The main principle of a male: I came, I saw, I conquered.

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We forgot the ancient knowledge of our ancestors about nutrition, and now we associate old times with oatmeal and vegetable soup. But this is a myth and people knew that food carries in itself not only a set of nutritional elements, but also an energy that was borrowed from a chef.

The feminine energy of Love and Creation permeates everything that was cooked with women’s hands. And the more femininity and love, the stronger the tastiness of food. Hence, the special taste of your mother’s or grandmother’s pies and pickles. For men, it is easier to make a lot of tasty dishes, but without delving into the subtleties of nutrition for each of the family members.

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The function of men is to arrange space. So, the set of products can be used in an ideally delicious way. The function of a woman is creation through her feminine energy that many times greater than the masculine. So, the food cooked by women becomes saturated with the energy of life and love. So, that’s why women cooking is different from the men’s one.

Cooking process of men and women

What is the subtlety of the attitude of women and men towards cooking food? It’s purely a matter of psychology.

Is women cooking better than that of men?

When a man starts to cook, he doesn’t have a recipe in his head, but a design for a future masterpiece. He is hovering over the future dish like a falcon. There is enough meat, greens, cheese, butter, spices, capers, radishes, kiwi and artichokes.

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The man is preparing a dish that will hypnotize with its smell even his neighbors. He will make any company to close their eyes with pleasure from its tastiness. This is the highest score, when somebody eats silently, because he can’t tear himself away! He will never copy the recipe as a photocopier, he will always find where to show off and make a dish personal, unique and unspeakably beautiful!

What women do better when they start cooking? A woman’s practical mindset allows women to cook «every day» meals for the whole family. Women think of tomorrow, and they always take care of their families. So, that’s why women cooking a tasty food, but sometimes without deliciousness.

On the contrary, men are ready to demonstrate their maximum potential in cooking. That’s why men are the best chefs in the world’s best restaurants. Speaking even more specifically: which of the famous chefs can you name? For sure, it will be Jamie Oliver, Gordon Ramsay, Paul Bocuse, Alain Ducasse and some others.

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What about women cooking? If you strongly wrinkle your forehead, you will name Nigela who prepares incomprehensible «yummies» on the TV, mixing semifinished products among themselves. Someone will name Julia Child just because she was filmed with Meryl Streep in the title role.

But in fact, don’t reduce the role of women in the cooking of elegant dishes. That’s why, let’s talk about…

Cooking stereotypes about women

“The women cooking is worse than men’s. The best professional chefs are men!” claimed critics in the 20th century. We must admit that the stereotype didn’t come from scratch. Cooking is a very hard work. But recently more advanced technologies have come to the aid of cooking. Women have «untied their hands» and actively began to occupy the profession of chef.

Is women cooking better than that of men?

More and more chef-women receive the highest awards (Michelin stars) and occupy prestigious places in popular chef ratings. For several years the famous rating «The World’s 50 Best Restaurants» includes in its list Nadia Santini who works at the restaurant “Dal Pescatore” in the town of Runate.

Is women cooking better than that of men?

Paula Deen is a bright representative of the American south cuisine. She is an example of the American success story. When divorced her husband, Paula got picked herself up and for the last 200 dollars she created a tiny firm for the delivery of home sandwiches. Now, she leads a popular cooking show on the «Food Network». Also, she led many courses and workshops. As you can see, these examples demonstrate to us, that women cooking is becoming more and more popular.

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When someone talks about cooking, most men think that it’s only women’s business. This is a common myth. Now it’s a 21st century and women study, work, decide the fate of countries. So never tell a woman that her place is in the kitchen, if you don’t want to get a frying pan over your head.

If we talk about stereotypes, then it is worth remembering Indian women. India is a country of hard male chauvinism. In spite of that fact, India was the leader among the countries in terms of the number of hours spent by the women at the stove. On average, women cooking food nearly for 13.2 hours a week in India. This is almost 2 hours a day for cooking. Then descending is South Africa, Indonesia and Italy.

So, who cooks better?

The question: “Who cooks better?” has been exaggerated for hundreds of years, and the end of the dispute isn’t visible. Based on the ratings of the best chefs of the world, the answer is – man. But is it so simple and straightforward? Of course not.

For women, cooking is a permanent part of her life. Therefore, this process becomes a routine for her, so she somehow stops paying attention to the taste of her dishes. Man cooks rarely, so he gives all his attention to cooking his dish, plus he does it being in a special emotional mood.

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Despite all the facts above, we can’t argue with science. Scientists, having conducted certain experiments on the topic of how men and women behave in the different circumstances, concluded that women cooking a little worse than men’s one.

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So who cooks more delicious food? Obviously, it’s all depends on of your feelings and taste preferences. Leave your opinion in comments.

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