Top 7 curious facts about Brazilian women

TOP-7 curious facts about Brazilian women

Brazilian women are famed exotic beauties. We will list the 7 features that help to understand how come women from Brazil are so great.

7. Brazilian women use cosmetics extensively

Brazilian women are the champions in terms of how much cosmetics they are applying to enhance their appearance.

Starting from their adolescence, they apply gallons of tonics, creams, lotions, with the help of which they take care of their skin and body.

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Every Brazilian girl has a huge assortment of cosmetics paraphernalia on her vanity table. Most of these cosmetics are manufactured not in Brazil, however.

Most women in Brazil, regardless of the social status they have, prefer cheaper cosmetics to the more elaborate and famed ones.

6. They have perfect skin

White hot celebrity women would have given anything to have that swarthy sun-tanned skin which is characteristic of Brazilian beautiful women.

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Top 7 curious facts about Brazilian women

They do not fear the sun rays and eager to bathe in the warm sun that is ever present in Brazil in any region. They are not afraid to get their skin burned by the sun and do not use sunscreens. They rarely wear shades, too.

Brazilian women’s skin is so healthy that they rarely get wrinkles until the very old age. Density and oiliness of their skin allow its elasticity while it is always looking fresh.

5. They have rich hairdos

Brazilians are endowed by Nature with luxury curly hairs that practically do not require any care and styling tools. It is curious that like many Latin women Brazilian curly women would actually swap their abundant dark hair to the lean straight blonde European type, which they secretly envy.

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Their envy and vanity make them often to go to a hairdresser to make their hairs straight and often light with the help of a variety of chemicals.

What about hair styles? The hairdo is what Brazilian girls avoid normally. They do not care about trends in the hairdos and are happy with what sort of mess they have on their heads at the moment.

The femininity in terms of their hairdo shows in Brazilian women in using big bright hairpins.

They love all things that look luxurious and overwhelming. Brazilian flashy women like to wear jewelry made of gold and silver since their early teens. If they cannot afford these, they simply put on large bracelets that are made of cheap material but would definitely catch an eye.

4. Brazilian women like carnivals and dancing

Brazil is an ever-dancing country. Like Cuban women, Brazilians love dancing.

Most people think of Brazil in connection with the dance called samba, which is both the dance and the music style. There are schools of samba all over the country, and any Brazilian girl knows how to dance samba since her childhood.

Top 7 curious facts about Brazilian women

Samba is considered to be a dance for a couple, as the partners mirror each other’s movements.

There are also popular dances Carimba and Lambada, the latter inherited most movements and style from the former.

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When Brazilian women dance lambada, they do it in a very sensual and provocative way, swinging their hips and waving a handkerchief or a gauzy skirt while dancing.

If you have a chance to visit Carnival in Rio, you will see Brazilian dancing women wearing garish provocative clothes moving all the way through the carnival to the rhythms of the ever-present music.

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They like to dance topless, as well.

3. The cult of Beauty

The curious fact about the Brazilian culture of compliments is that women say nice things to each other as often as men say these.

Brazilian women are constantly complimenting one another on their outlook or an article of a garment.

Surely, the looks seem to be everything for them. We mentioned applying vigorous methods to straighten one’s hair, but Brazilian picky women adopted all things women in Europe or America did to enhance their beauty. Brazilians wouldn’t hesitate to go through a plastic surgery operation, even if it can cost her a fortune.

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Not only hot celebrity women from Brazil, but any woman looks like she just came from an all-included beauty salon. Their nails are polished and shining, their skin looks like it have been peeled and oiled, and their make-up is flashy.

Brazilian women like to use in their clothing and make-up colors of bright red, burgundy, pink (bright and dark), dark brown, pale pastel-colored and white.

2. Brazilian women often get pregnant early

This concerns mostly Brazilian working class women from poor provinces and not so well-off country sides.

Top 7 curious facts about Brazilian women

Around 20 percent of Brazilian women get pregnant before the age of 20 and often carry all the responsibilities of feeding and raising their children alone. Yes, some fathers leave their families easily there. One of the factors that explains the early parenthood is that abortion is strictly prohibited by Brazilian regulations, even with a current socialistic government.

Of course, when a woman dedicated her late teens to raising a child, she would have a hard time getting to be properly educated.

On the other hand, they value when a man is able to love a woman and dedicates his time to creating a healthy family. Brazilian controversial women view marriage very seriously and are ready to dedicate all their lives to the chosen one.

1. Love goddesses

Brazilian provocative women are considered goddesses of love. Physical love comes as something natural for the Brazilians, as they are not hindered in their desires since their early teens.

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A huge factor in such an open approach to all things lovemaking comes from the culture of a naked body.

Being exposed to the sun for the most time in the year, sunbathing at the beaches, dancing at the carnival topless — all formed the natural and never-minding approach to love.

Even when they are busy with their studying or a working schedule, Brazilian lovely women would always find a time window to immerse in sensual lovemaking with their partners.

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