Great Bulgarian Women: 15 Surprising Facts and Features

Great Bulgarian Women: 15 Surprising Facts and Features

Bulgaria is a beautiful country located in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula. Its cultural and historical detachment from Western European countries let this nation preserve its uniqueness and originality. The same goes for the inhabitants of Bulgaria, especially women. Let’s figure out what’s so special about them.

1. They have a distinctive look

Most Bulgarian women are distinguished by short stature. They can’t be described as slim, but at the same time they can’t be called chubby. As a rule, the body type of Bulgarian woman is sturdy. Their average height is 5’4”, and the weight of an average Bulgarian female is 143 pounds.

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Another distinctive feature of their physique is a pear-shaped figure with a low thin waist, narrow rib cage, disproportionally short legs and quite graceful thin arms and wrists. They can boast of delicate face features, smooth swarthy skin and magnificent thick dark hair. However, there are also Bulgarians who are blond-haired and brown-haired.

Moreover, remarkable is the fact that the owners of long, thin aquiline noses are not a rarity in Bulgaria.

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2. Bulgarian women are sporty

Bulgarian women pay special attention to body culture. Due to the warm climate, there are a lot of open swimming pools where local women go swimming, playing water polo and jumping off a diving board.

In addition, Bulgarian females like to attend sports areas, parks and gyms where they enjoy jogging, playing beach volleyball and lift weighs with a view to build muscles. It’s no surprise that local females are good-looking and have a sporty appearance.

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3. Depilation is an integral part of their daily routine

Although Bulgarian women aren’t deprived of natural beauty, they are not averse to improving their appearance. One of the main procedures carried out in beauty salons is hair removal that applies to almost every part of a woman’s body including upper arms and legs, the area above the upper lip, breasts, back and buttocks.

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Depilation is also the part of Bulgarian females’ daily morning routine. They shave their hands and arms while taking a shower every morning.

4. They are all right with breast augmentation, but have no desire to get Botox treatment

Bulgarian women

The next most popular procedure for the “upgrading” of a body is breast augmentation. Parents normally give money to their daughters as a gift on the occasion of high school graduation. It’s not uncommon to see a Bulgarian woman sunbathing topless on the beach. Seeing such a lovely picture, you’ll notice that every second woman has a fake breast and small scars left under the boobs after surgical intervention.

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At the same time, it’s interesting that local women don’t usually make rejuvenation injections such as Botox and hyaluron.

5. Bulgarian women like getting their hair styled and dye hair blonde

No self-respecting Bulgarian woman goes outside without having her hair styled. The diversity and exquisiteness of women’s hairstyles arouses admiration. You can meet a female with both an extravagant retro hairstyle and hair that is coiffed in a modern style. Curling irons are widely used in hairdressing salons with a view to give extra volume to a female’s hair.

As is the case with women from other nations in which the number of dark-haired people prevails over the number of fair-haired people, Bulgarian females like to turn into blondes. However, a red pigment contained in their hair prevents them from accomplishing their goal. That’s why they often use a special hair balsam that gives their dyed hair a silvery hue. Needless to say that such a procedure makes the hair look unnatural.

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6. They deal with conflicts calmly

It’s hard to imagine a Bulgarian woman in an irritable or aggressive mood. They never yell at their husbands or partners or sort things out with them in public. This is not because they are weak-willed or afraid of their men.

In case of conflict with men, Bulgarian females normally hold a grudge and remain calm. After mulling it over for some time, they come up with an adequate and elegant response to an unfair attitude to themselves.

There is a historic background for such a cautious and well-thought-out behavior. Bulgaria was ruled by the Ottoman Empire for 5 centuries. To avoid getting into the hands of invaders and being harassed by them, local women needed to act sensibly, rationally and decisively.

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That’s why if a Bulgarian woman pierces you with her stare and doesn’t say a word, it means that you’re in big trouble.

7. Bulgarians are heavy smokers

A lot of women smoke in Bulgaria. This country is one of the leaders in terms of the number of female smokers in the European Union. Most interestingly, the number of smoking women exceeds the number of men who smoke cigarettes in Bulgaria.

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Curiously, this pernicious habit doesn’t prevent local women from living to an old age. And what’s more, their life expectancy is 7 years longer than that of Bulgarian men.

8. They are fastidious in their choice of food

Bulgarian women

Bulgarian women give preference to a peculiar diet. They eat a lot of beans, lentil and rice. Local females also enjoy eating fresh feta cheese or hard yellow cheese, sour milk and famous Bulgarian yogurt.

They also like Black Sea fish, especially such species as goby, mullet and flatfish as well as particular types of meat, namely, pork and chicken. A lot of vegetables, fruits and greenery, such as peaches and tomatoes, arugula and spinach are always present in their diet.

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At the same time, they keep away from buckwheat, millet, semolina or oatmeal. Moreover, you won’t find beef on their dinner table.

Bulgarian women prioritize natural food over semifinished products that are sold in grocery stores.

9. They are not afraid of work

Despite all their love to home comfort, few Bulgarian females dream about devoting themselves to households. There are very few housewives in Bulgaria. Most local girls and women prefer to acquire vocational education and realize themselves in society.

Even in retirement, they strive to continue to work with a view to keep themselves from getting bored or with a view to help their children and grandchildren.

10. Bulgarian women nod to say “no”

This peculiarity is one of the strangest things that come to mind when talking about Bulgarians. Local women give small, sharp and fast nods of their heads as a sign of protest or disagreement. If, in contrast, they want to express agreement with someone, they shake their heads slowly and surely from side to side.

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11. They eat yellow meat

It is known that the color of meat is gray. We are used to the fact that meat producers paint meat in pinkish color.

Bulgarian manufacturers of meat, in contrast, paint their production in yellow color. You can easily find it on the shelves of local grocery stores.

12. Bulgarian women don’t put their ambitious ahead of family well-being

Like other European women, modern Bulgarians are very active and goal-oriented. They master new professions and pursue careers on an equal footing with men.

Young girls and women travel a lot and take interest in the world of movie making and show business. It’s no surprise that there are a lot of famous Bulgarian female models in the fashion industry.

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Since their country is the part of the European Union, local ladies strive to get a good education and complete an internship in the most developed European nations. After that, they build a career and upon reaching the age of 30 they start thinking about the beginning of family life.

At the same time, Bulgarian females approach the role of mother, wife and daughter with great responsibility, since they highly value traditional family relationships.

Local women seek to have at least 2 children.

13. They aren’t frivolous

Bulgarian women

Bulgarian women are not inclined towards casual relationships and one-night-stands. That’s why it’s hard to find women who have a desire to meet a foreign tourist.

Of course, you can make an acquaintance with a local girl on a pub or at the disco, but even in this case you shouldn’t count on a roll in the hay that same night.

This is because the Balkan countries, including Bulgaria, are distinguished by adherence to traditional moral values.

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So, if you want to visit Bulgaria to start a vacation romance, it might be reasonable for you to choose a different tourist destination.

14. Bulgarian women like to spend time with family members

Bulgarian women place a high value on the family. Moreover, they attach great importance to childbearing. The joint celebration of festivities and holidays, no matter how significant they are, implies the participation of several generations of the family.

It should be noted that to show the hospitality and friendliness of the family, your dinner table needs to be laden with food. That’s why Bulgarians normally gather at a lavish dinner table set with many different dishes.

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So, when you choose a Bulgarian woman, you should remember that you choose not only a partner, but also her family members you will have to spend a lot of time with. In Bulgaria, there is a saying: a man who wants to find a good wife should find a mother-in-law first.

15. They like to be all dressed up

Bulgarian women

Bulgarians have produced high quality leather goods since the period of the Bulgarian Kingdom. That’s why today you can easily find women’s shoes that are locally manufactured. They vary from shoes with hidden platform to comfortable sandals.

As for clothes, Bulgarian women prefer wearing bright dresses complemented with accessories such as golden and silver jewelry, bits of fur, ruffles, rhinestones and beads.

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That’s pretty much all we wanted to tell you about the female representatives of the Balkan country called Bulgaria. Now you know their distinctive features and what you can expect from them.

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