Where the most beautiful European women live: TOP-10 countries

Where the most beautiful European women live: TOP-10 countries

Beautiful European women are the objects of desire for not only men living in Europe, but also for males from around the world. Let’s find out where the most beautiful of them live.

10. Italy

Local women are very cheerful and sociable. Italian women can impress you with their ability to pick out a good perfume and jewelry. They know how to wear scarves and pashminas properly, be well-dressed and look stylish.

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Beautiful European women living here are huge shopping fans. An essential part of an Italian woman’s wardrobe is a black gown, black trousers, shirts and a beautiful coat. However, in the evening, they normally put on a sexy low-cut dress and high heels.

Italians look much younger than their actual age. Perhaps, this has to do with local climate, lifestyle or the fact that the dishes of the Italian cuisine are diverse and well-balanced.

Where the most beautiful European women live: TOP-10 countries

Moreover, every reputable Italian female goes to a beauty salon once a week, even if she is in her late 60s.

9. Spain

The main feature that sets Spanish women apart from other European women is their temper. We have good reason to claim that a stereotype of the local ladies’ passionate temperament is true.

Spanish women’s emotionality is in their blood. It is hardwired into their genes. That’s why sparking a heated debate or making a scene followed by a torrid reconciliation, kissing and hugging are not alien to them.

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Such a distinctive Spanish temper often attracts calm and even cold Nordic-type men for whom the outbursts of emotions coupled with bright Southern appearance is perceived as exoticism, and hence is very attractive to them.

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By the way, Spanish females’ looks are admirable. Many of them conjure up an image of a famous dark-haired Spanish gypsy, Carmen.

8. Hungary

What distinguishes Hungarian women is that their life revolves around family. You don’t see too much of that in other European countries. Most of them enter into marriage before the age of 25.

Love and intimate relationships are welcomed by the government and society. The age of sexual consent in Hungary is set at 14. Hungary is a southern country, so local girls reach maturity early.

Local beautiful European women stand out for their special attitude towards their husbands and children. That’s why they are sensuous, caring and soulful.

Hungarian families are patriarchal. Because of this, women take not only their husband’s second name, but also their first name when registering a marriage.

Moreover, local beautiful women are good cooks and housewives.

7. Ukraine

Ukrainian women
Photo: commons.wikimedia.org

Ukrainian women are considered to be one of the most feminine and beautiful in Europe. They almost never go outside without putting on a make-up. Moreover, they know how to cook, because local ladies are convicted that the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

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Ukrainians are very different, but most of them have brown or green eyes, the well-defined contours of full lips, straight nose and dark or red hair. Their facial features are smooth.

Local beautiful European women are the happy owners of big breasts and long legs.

The majority of Ukrainians watches their body shapes and takes care of themselves, at least until they get married.

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Recently, local women have sought to obtain to make a career and rely on themselves, which makes them more unaffordable, and hence attractive.

6. Russia

The secret of a special Russian beauty lies in a wild blend of the East and the West. Many peoples and ethnicities inhabited and roamed through the territory of Russia: the Slavs, the Scandinavians, the Mongols, the Tatars, Finno-Ugric peoples and many more. Even today, Russia is home to more than 100 ethnic groups.


Interestingly, most of the local females can boast of an hourglass and pear-shaped body type, which is a sign of the high level of a female hormone called estrogen. It gives Russian women femininity.

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Local beautiful European women are hardy, patient, strong and hard-working. They stand out for their spirituality, lyricism and mystique. Russian females have a rare ability to dedicate themselves to a man and be compassionate.

5. France

France is considered a trendsetter for a reason. French women are known for their exquisite taste. You are unlikely to meet a French female wearing a mini-skirt, high heels and a thick layer of make-up on her face.

Local girls have an ability to underline their beauty without resorting to such primitive subterfuge. Simplicity, moderation and elegance are the foundation of their style. And this is the reason why the whole world admires them.

A French lady doesn’t tend to gain favor with men. She knows that she is beautiful without getting an outside opinion.

Local beautiful European women are emancipated and know exactly what they want. Asking a French woman out is not that easy. French girl is unlikely to throw herself into a short-lived romance.

4. Estonia

Estonian women prefer a quiet and measured life, and they are accustomed to living at a moderate pace. This particularity left its mark on local females’ temper; most of Estonian females are, in most cases, stable and balanced people.

They don’t tolerate insolence and brazenness. Estonian women like to be treated with respect and sensitivity.

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Most of the Estonians have serious faces, but their “protective mask” can be easily taken off, when properly harnessed.

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Estonians have fair skin, blonde hair, blue or gray eyes, narrow nose and pronounced cheekbones.

Local beautiful European women like to spend their free time in the open air. Moreover, they are keen on doing handicrafts, and highly appreciate when men present them with hand-made gifts. They consider it a sincere expression of your feelings.

3. Moldova

This country is known not only for its delicious wine, but also for their gorgeous women. These dark-haired, dark-eyed ladies with dusky skin tone can easily capture your imagination and heart.

Their height is above the average. Their appearance is reminiscent of Italian one – Moldavians have well-developed facial expressions and curly hair, and they tend to gesture. And their gesture is quite fun: Moldavian females’ body movements may be slow at some point, but the next moment, they are getting choppy, which gives local European women inexplicable allure.

With regard to their physique, it’s amazing. Moldavian women are rarely overweight.

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They really value their family – when a Moldavian girl moves abroad for permanent residence, she tries to take her family with.

2. Poland

Poland is a country with strong religious traditions and social culture. And this religiosity is also inherent in young people. It’s not uncommon for young Polish people to come by a church several times a day.

Moreover, it’s a home of gorgeous Polish females. They are sociable, easy-going and sincere in demonstration of their emotions.

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Despite being a part of the European Union and sharing European liberal value, Polish people preserved the gender division of labor.

They cherish women who can do house chores, cook meals, raise children and be decent wives.

Beautiful European women from Poland are charming, kind, hearty, sensitive and fragile, but at the same time they may be brisk and sharp-tongued.

1. Lithuania

The cold, low-key and aristocratic beauty of Lithuanian women coupled with their clear eyes and elegance can start a fire in men’s hearts.

Most of them are tall, fair-haired and green-eyed. These beautiful European women are modern and independent, but at the same time, they don’t strive to be feminists.

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For example, if you meet a Lithuanian female manager, you will see that they choose an original way of management – they cooperate actively with male subordinates. Lithuanian women try to give them a sense of indispensability instead of the suppression of men. As a result, it leads to the success of the entire enterprise.

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Moreover, despite being increasingly socially active, they still seek to create loving family and give birth to happy children.

As you can see, women living in the same continent, sharing the same values and being exposed to similar cultures can differ markedly. And this is great, because it makes the world a more interesting place.

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