20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You’d Vote For Them

It is generally accepted that politics is a purely male affair. However, women are also involved in politics. Some of them are very beautiful female politicians. Let’s get to know them better.

20. Eva Kaili

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: theparliamentmagazine.eu

Eva Kaili can rightfully be called the Aphrodite of the political world. She is not only the most beautiful representative of the Greek national parliament, but also the treasure of the European Parliament. She used to hold the post of Vice-President of this institution.

Before entering big politics, Eva made a career on television and was the most famous news anchor. She earned the title of the “sexiest TV presenter”.

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Greek media called her the most beautiful bachelorette of the main European legislature.

Although Eva could boast of worthy suitors, and among them were both MEPs and businessmen. At the age of 44, this representative of the hottest female politicians gave her heart to a 34-year-old Italian man who was also engaged in politics. In 2021, Eva gave birth to a daughter from him.

In December 2022, Kaili was accused of corruption and taken into custody in Belgium. The Greek MEP was involved in a case involving bribes that European politicians allegedly received from Qatar for supporting this country’s bid to host the world football championship.

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Kaili was expelled from the political party of her home country and also lost her position in the European Parliament.

The politician’s father was detained by police with a large sum of cash in a Brussels hotel.

Giving evidence, Kaili admitted that it was she who had given her father a briefcase with a cash bribe. The man was supposed to hide them.

19. Orly Levy-Abekasis

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: middleeasteye.net

51-year-old Orly has long proudly held the title of one of the most beautiful female politicians in Israel. However, despite her interesting age, she continues to hold this title.

After serving in the Israeli aerial forces, Orly went into the modelling business, making a rather successful career as a photo model. However, the woman did not want to be perceived only as a silly beauty, so Levy entered university to get a higher education. Orly received a law degree, and then abandoned modeling and went into television.

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Over the years of working in parliament, Levy has repeatedly become the star of political scandals. Sometimes she disrupted a meeting to approve the budget or called an employee “impudent”, and sometimes she even disrupted intra-party agreements.

Today, the woman who belongs to the cohort of beautiful female politicians solves the problems of difficult teenagers, works to reduce the gap between rich and poor, and promotes projects in the field of medicine that would improve the standard of living of the citizens of her country.

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A special topic for Orly is children, especially those who have been subjected to violence by adults. The kids’ problems are close to her heart, because she herself was the ninth out of twelve children in the family.

In her spare time, Orly writes songs for the rock band called Franks, in which her husband is the lead singer.

18. Mara Carfagna

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: giornalismo.luiss.it

49-year-old Mara began her path to a seat in the Italian parliament by participating in an Italian beauty contest in 1997.

Having taken the sixth place, Mara said many years later: “This contest makes you a woman, helps you grow up. Stress and the desire to win is what makes you understand who you are.”

Continuing to shoot for magazines, including men’s ones, Carfagna took up a career as a TV presenter. But soon she plunged into politics, and in 2006 she became a deputy from the Forza Italia party.

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Mara became famous for her high-profile initiatives. For example, this lady, who ranked among the hottest female politicians, proposed declaring street prostitution a crime, in which both the client and the prostitute should be fined, and she also fiercely defended gays.

With the light hand of Silvio Berlusconi, Mara was suspected of having an affair with the former prime minister. At one of the awards, the politician said that if he were free, he would marry Carfagna. Berlusconi’s wife categorically disliked the compliment, so Mara had to justify herself: she called Silvio’s words “gallant and harmless.”

Later, reporters found out about the phone calls between the ex-prime minister and the deputy, having detected alleged sexual innuendos in them. Mara had to sue several media outlets and quite successfully.

During her 20-year political career, Mara sat in the ministerial chair twice.

17. Sanna Marin

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: ilga-europe.org

One of the most beautiful female politicians and at the same time scandalous women in world politics is the 39-year-old former Prime Minister of Finland. At first, Sanna was admired as the youngest head of government in the world. She took office at the age of 34.

Then Sanna added fuel to the fire and began actively posing for glossy magazines. Her photos, sometimes very provocative, flashed on the covers of fashion magazines.

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Once Marin posed in a jacket on her naked body, thereby causing a storm of approval in the Scandinavian countries and beyond.

Sanna Marin is famous for being an ardent vegetarian, a fighter for the environment and conscious consumption.

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Curiously, the representative of beautiful female politicians grew up in a same-sex family.

The former Prime Minister spends her free time at rock festivals and with friends, sometimes throwing noisy parties with dancing and alcohol, for which she has to apologize and justify herself afterwards.

16. Tove Lill Loyte

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: klikk.no

Tove became a star in Norway in the late 2000s. By that time, the girl had won a Norwegian beauty contest in 2007 and received a degree in political science at university.

After that, Tove practically stepped from the podium into big politics, becoming the leader of the youth branch of one of the local parties and at the same time one of the hottest female politicians in her country.

At the same time, she starred in men’s magazines, often appearing on the covers. Tove’s fellow party members put up with the antics of the Norwegian beauty and took them quite calmly.

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However, the politician’s posing for men’s magazines caused bewilderment among potential voters, so Tove did not go beyond the youth wing of her party.

Afterwards, the female moved to Los Angeles to participate in a reality show, where she lived in a house with four Swedish models.

After that, Tove began to actively act in porn movies.

15. Kolinda Grabar-Kitarović

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: newsweek.com

The 56-year-old blonde with a gorgeous bust, who is known as one of the most beautiful female politicians, was born in a Croatian village at a poor family of a butcher shop owner.

Her grandparents had a great influence on the girl’s development, raising her as a true Catholic and an ardent patriot. They survived the attack on the village by Italian fascists in 1942. Her grandfather was able to escape to the partisans, and her grandmother ended up in a concentration camp. After being released from captivity, she became an anti-fascist.

Kolinda’s father dreamed of a son, so Kolinda grew up a real tomboy: she went hunting, shot a slingshot, and played football. Now in her free time, she still likes to shoot at the shooting range.

After finishing school, Kolinda won a grant and went to study in the United States. The American scholarship was sorely insufficient, so in her free time from studying, she had to work as a laundress.

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After returning to her homeland and entering college, she worked as a nanny and English tutor.

Kitarović became the first woman to hold the post of president of Croatia and the youngest ruler in the country’s history.

The representative of beautiful female politicians speaks 7 foreign languages.

This woman is distinguished by her simplicity and modesty. She can afford any luxury, but prefers to fly economy class, refuses to watch football matches from the VIP box, travels by public transport and buys food at the market.

Kolinda gained worldwide popularity at the World Cup, which was held in Russia in 2018. When the Croatian team lost to the French team, at the presentation of the cups she said: “This is not according to protocol,” and then hugged and kissed all the players, including the French.

14. Magdalena Ogórek

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: historia.org.pl

This 45-year old lady, who now falls into the category of the hottest female politicians, was a candidate from the left-wing democrats in the 2015 presidential elections in Poland.

At that time, bloggers dug up some dirt on the blonde. They say she starred in porn films.

In fact, Ogórek did star in films, but not in porn, but in a couple of erotic comedies. She has three films in total (all with supporting roles).

In 1999, Ogurek starred in a melodrama series, in 2003 in a comedy series, and finally in 2011 in a comedy whose title translates as “Show me, kitty, what’s inside you.”

It was the latter film that the “chaste” bloggers apparently considered pornography. But it wasn’t there.

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In addition to starring in TV series, Ogórek worked as a TV presenter for some time, and then changed her field of activity. Fortunately, the presidential candidate is not only beautiful, but also smart.

The woman in question belonging to the most beautiful female politicians has a PhD in humanities, specializing in church history. She is also the author of a book about the Polish Templars.

In the mid-2010s, the girl was also a consultant for the Central Bank, in the early 2000s she worked in the state administration, in particular in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In 2011, she participated in the parliamentary elections on a party list, but lost.

13. Rania Al Abdullah

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: concordia.net

The 54-year-old Queen of Jordan, who definitely belongs to beautiful female politicians, was born in Kuwait to a pediatrician and a housewife.

She attended a Kuwaiti school and then earned a degree in business administration from a university in Cairo.

After graduating, the future queen worked in the marketing departments of large tech companies in Jordan.

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In the early nineties, Rania’s family was forced to flee to Jordan from Kuwait when, after the liberation of Kuwait from Iraqi occupation, the Palestinians were accused of collaborating with the invaders. For this reason, her family settled in Amman.

Thanks to her work at the largest bank in Amman, which belonged to the sister and son-in-law of the country’s king, Rania’s fateful meeting with Prince Abdullah took place.

After that, the Prince, along with his father, King Hussein, came to the house of Rania’s father to ask for the hand of his daughter.

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The wedding of the young lovers took place just a couple of months after they met.

Afterwards, the young couple suddenly became king and queen! That’s how Rania fell into the category of the hottest female politicians.

It’s interesting that Abdallah was not supposed to become king. In 1999, King Hussein, who was seriously ill with cancer, suddenly changed the order of succession to the throne, and instead of his brother, appointed his son, Abdallah, as heir to the royal throne.

Neither Rania nor Abdallah wanted to be monarchs. But that’s what fate wanted.

Rania admitted: “I never wanted to be a queen. The day the prince and I got engaged, I made him promise that we would lead ordinary lives as ordinary people.”

In 1999, Rania became the youngest queen in the world at the age of 28.

12. Eunice Olsen

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: womentalk.com

47-year-old Olsen is a Singaporean lady of English, Portuguese and Chinese descent and one of the most beautiful female politicians.

In addition, the woman is an actress of popular TV series, as well as the winner of the local Miss Universe contest.

After winning the beauty contest, Olsen decided to radically change her life and started volunteering, and very actively. An attractive and young girl quickly drew the attention of the head of state.

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At 27, Olsen became the youngest woman in the circle of MPs of the country, having entered it thanks to the decree of the President of Singapore.

For five years, the girl who belonged to beautiful female politicians carried the heavy burden of a servant of the people, and in her case it is not an irony. Eunice was engaged in helping the poorest and most vulnerable citizens.

After leaving the parliament, she continued to engage in charity work. Her foundation collects funds for the construction of libraries and implementation of water purification systems in schools in the poorest areas of Cambodia, Laos and the island of Borneo.

11. Nikita Klæstrup

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: femina.dk

Nikita burst into moderate Danish politics like a furious meteor. The 30-year-old blogger and political commentator has yet to hold a single government post, but she constantly attracts the attention of voters.

At the age of 19, the head of the capital division of the youth conservative party took part in municipal elections for the first time. True, people discussed her curvaceousness more than her political program, since the topless photo of the candidate was published in the press. As a result, she did not take first place in the elections, but she still won.

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The Danish tabloid presented Nikita with the “audience prize” due to the fact that she was one of the hottest female politicians.

Being a special type of Scandinavian feminist who does not need to prove anything to anyone, Nikita criticizes the organizers of the national gay parade for creating a negative image of gays, has repeatedly called the hippie community in Christiania a disgrace to Copenhagen, and in her free time participates in candid photo shoots and a local reality show.

In 2015, Nikita became the most popular Danish politician and Danish woman in the Google search service. For this, it turned out to be enough for the student of the University of Copenhagen to wear an evening dress that was too open in the front. It happened on the anniversary of her native conservative youth party, which attracted a lot of attention to the event.

10. Carmen Kass

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: metromodels.com

To be a professional model, walk the catwalk in underwear, engage in politics and be one of the most beautiful female politicians? Travel around the world, showing the most revealing outfits, become the face of a famous perfume brand and at the same time win chess tournaments?

This seems incredible in our reality, but this is exactly how it is with Carmen Kass, one of the highest paid models in the world.

And this despite the fact that now Carmen Kass is 46 years old, which is quite a lot for the modeling business.

Carmen’s career began when a representative of a modelling agency once noticed a beautiful girl in an ordinary supermarket and offered her to go to Milan for a fashion show.

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Carmen was only 14 years old at that time, and of course, her mother was horrified by such a proposal. However, the girl forged her mother’s signature on the documents and still entered Italy.

In addition to working as a model, Kass is the president of the Estonian Chess Federation.

The girl has been playing this game since childhood and even tried to win the right to host the Olympic chess games in Tallinn.

In 2004, Carmen joined the right-wing party of Estonia, and later also participated in the elections to the Estonian parliament. Several thousand people voted for this representative of beautiful female politicians, but she did not enter the parliament.

9. Anna-Maria Galojan

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: ohtuleht.ee

Anna-Maria is a 42-year-old political scientist and former editor of an entertainment portal.

Anna-Maria is one of the most famous Estonian political figures in the world. And all that because she is associated with a high-profile corruption scandal, which the girl herself believes is far-fetched.

It all started quite normally: the beautiful Anna-Maria received a bachelor’s degree in political science from the University of Tartu, completed a master’s degree in international relations and became the leader of the youth wing of the Reform Party.

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Such a background promised the girl an excellent career as one of the hottest female politicians, until in 2009 a criminal case was opened against Galojan on charges of embezzlement of a large sum of money belonging to one of the Estonian public organizations.

As the organization declared, public money was spent on toiletries. After such an unfair accusation, the girl deliberately posed naked in a men’s magazine as a sign of protest.

The lady, who can be called one of the most beautiful female politicians, was sentenced to one year and ten months in prison.

In order to avoid going to prison, Anna-Maria left Estonia and went to London. After her application for political asylum was denied, in 2015 the girl was escorted to Estonia and taken to prison.

8. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: justicedemocrats.com

Alexandria is a 35-year-old American millennial star who achieved success not in rap or the film industry, but in serious politics. She managed to become the youngest woman ever elected to the US Congress and swell the ranks of beautiful female politicians, while not being a member of an influential family.

Alexandria was born into a poor family of an American and a Puerto Rican woman. She grew up in a multinational migrant environment.

The girl dreamed of becoming a politician, but at the age of 20, her dreams of politics had to be postponed: her father died, and she had to work as a bartender and waitress to be able to buy the house from debt collectors.

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She had an idea to create a publishing house that would publish children’s books telling a positive story about the Bronx. This allowed her to establish a dialogue with local officials and subsequently create her own campaign for promotion.

American publications call her the leader of all millennials: she is not afraid to express her opinion on social networks and even publishes revealing posts testifying to corruption and discrimination. This inspires other people who do not have a special education or great connections to apply for high positions and take an interest in politics.

Alexandria, who ranks among the hottest female politicians, communicates quite freely on social networks, easily answers tricky questions from subscribers and at the same time shares stories from her personal life.

7. Sethrida Geagea

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: lebanonews.net

Circumstances forced this gorgeous 57-year-old woman to go into politics. Her husband was arrested in 1994 for political reasons, and Sethrida decided to free her husband at all costs.

It took 11 long years to seek justice, during which time Geagea became one of the most beautiful politicians in Lebanon.

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It must be said that Sethrida had the makings of a political leader since her time at the Lebanese American University.

After that, the couple ran for local government together.

6. Vanja Hadzovic

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: tn.nova.cz

As an adviser to the Minister of Foreign Affairs of her country, this young Serbian girl became famous all over the world in 2013.

It was then that her candid photos were published in a Serbian glossy magazine. A scandal erupted around the future diplomat, although the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs himself stood up for his assistant.

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But things did not go beyond censure for the bold photos. However, this was the end of Hadzovic’s diplomatic career. She did not find herself either in the ministry or in big politics, although in her youth Vanja held the position of deputy head of the youth division of the Serbian Socialist Party.

In 2020, she was detained in a hotel with representatives of a Montenegrin criminal group.

Who knows, maybe she will return to big politics in the future and swell the ranks of beautiful female politicians once again?

5. Annalena Baerbock

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: weforum.org

The 44-year-old head of the German Foreign Ministry is currently one of the most scandalous politicians.

When Baerbock was running her election campaign for chancellor, it turned out that she attributed to herself a bachelor’s degree, which she did not have. Then Baerbock said that this was a translation error from English. And then people began to express bewilderment about how she got into a master’s program without a bachelor’s degree. However, this was explained by the peculiarities of the educational system of that time.

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During her speech at the forum of the American Atlantic Council, Baerbock said that her grandfather fought on the side of Hitler in his youth and that then the Wehrmacht soldiers laid the foundation for the unification of countries into the European Union.

In the early 2020s, Baerbock presented a book where she talked about her life and political views. And there was a scandal. Experts accused Annalena of plagiarism, claiming that she used excerpts from other people’s texts from the Internet without indicating the author.

Baerbock, who is considered one of the hottest female politicians, initially said that the scientist was trying to tarnish her reputation. But later Annalena Baerbock announced a reprint of the book, but she had abandoned the idea altogether due to lack of time.

4. Evghenia Guțul

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: universul.net

Evghenia was born in the Moldavian SSR in the village of Etulia. It is located a few miles from the border with Ukraine. Most of the residents of this area are Gagauz.

Today, this young 38-year-old girl governs the entire autonomy of Gagauzia.

In her youth, Evghenia received a law degree. For a long time, there was not even a hint of a future political career in the girl’s biography.

In 2023, Guțul put forward her candidacy for the upcoming elections for the head of Gagauzia, and then began to publish posts related to political activities on social networks.

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Interestingly, at the time of the elections in Gagauzia, she was officially unemployed.

Evghenia now lives in her native village of Etulia, before that she spent most of her time in Chisinau.

The lady in question, who is often described as one of the most beautiful female politicians, is married and says that she “married well” and can afford not to work.

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Evghenia is an active user of social networks. On Instagram, the woman posted about gender equality and advised her followers not to get married early, but to pursue a career. Guțul wrote that “it is much cooler to visit different countries than to cook at the stove.”

3. Giorgia Meloni

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: euronews.com

This 48-year-old politician grew up in Rome in a family of a writer of pulp novels.

When the girl turned 15, she became a member of a neo-fascist youth organization.

The female does not pretend that she totally rejects fascist ideology. “We are the offspring of our past. Our entire past. Like other peoples, the road we have taken is difficult, more difficult than many strive to tell us,” she wrote in her memoir. Meloni, however, insists that she rejects the cult of fascism.

At the same time, her party’s logo depicts a tricolor flame, which for many in Italy represents the eternal flame burning on Mussolini’s grave.

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Meloni supports Christian values and traditional gender norms. Her party opposes the recognition of gay marriages and even civil unions for gay couples. She and her colleagues have repeatedly voted at various levels against bills supporting the LGBT movement.

Meloni also opposes the simplification of abortion procedures, but not the possibility of terminating a pregnancy.

Georgia’s party opposes the broad granting of citizenship to legal immigrants and believes that illegal immigrants should be expelled from the country.

2. Natalia Poklonskaya

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: wikimedia.org

44-year-old Poklonskaya became famous due to the fact that during the revolution in Ukraine in 2014, as a member of the staff of the Ukrainian prosecutor’s office, she went to Simferopol, which was under Russian control, where she offered to help local law enforcement agencies prevent what was happening in Kyiv.

In March of the same year, Natalia was appointed prosecutor of Crimea.

Today, as an adviser to the Prosecutor General of Russia, Natalia could drive expensive cars, or, for example, buy herself a villa in Spain. But she behaves differently.

For example, this representative of beautiful female politicians asks uncomfortable questions to the richest deputies, causing anger on their part.

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And recently she became interested in Slavic runes. Now Poklonskaya publishes photos and videos where she is captured in Slavic outfits and with strange makeup on her face, on her page in the social network.

The new images gave rise to a lot of rumors, and the most unthinkable ones. Some people were even displeased, to the point that Poklonskaya was accused of “Satanism”.

She was even criticized by the Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, who expressed concern about the growth of neo-pagan sentiments in society. He emphasized that attempts to revive neo-paganism are associated with the cult of brute force and cruelty.

It is funny that such a fragile woman, who ranks among the hottest female politicians, is being accused of a cult of cruelty.

1. Olena Zelenska

20 Most Beautiful Female Politicians of 2025: You'd Vote For Them
Photo: unhcr.org

Particularly close attention to Olena Zelenskaya flared up after the sudden rise of her husband’s political career.

After finishing school, the girl received the profession of an architect, obtaining a higher education and graduating from the university with honors and a master’s degree.

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Olena Zelenskaya did not have to apply the knowledge she received at the university in practice. As she jokes, as an architect, she was only able to design a strong marriage, and build a beautiful family.

Vladimir, the current president of Ukraine, paid attention to the beautiful Olena in his youth. They ran into each other on the street, and Zelensky, who did not suffer from a lack of attention from women, immediately wanted to win the girl over.

Inventive Vladimir immediately found a reason to start an acquaintance: seeing a videotape with a cult erotic thriller in the hands of a student, which made Sharon Stone famous, he asked to watch it.
Olena agreed, attaching her phone number to the tape. Thus, a reason for a date appeared.

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A few years later, Vladimir and Elena got married.

Elena Zelenskaya could not have imagined that she would become the first lady of Ukraine.

That’s pretty much all we wanted to tell you about the most beautiful female politicians of the world. Some of them are well versed in politics and are in their place, some of them got into politics by chance. But it’s hard to argue that seeing them in person would make any man want to vote for them.

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