Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

You can easily find a lot of beautiful Slavic women if you come to one of Slavic countries. Not for nothing, Slavs are the largest ethnic group in Europe. Let’s see in which counties they live.


Most of Russian women are the owners of brown, light-brown or blonde hair. Their eyes are also distinguished by the light shade of blue, gray or green.

Their type of appearance gravitates towards the Nordic or Finno-Baltic type. Local women are characterized by their delicate and proportional facial features. However, females who live in the south of Russia are remarkable for the coarser features of their faces.

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Russian women are reserved, submissive and patient in a relationship with their husbands. These beautiful Slavic women are willing to put up with their men’s shortcomings and forgive them a lot.

But if a Russian woman or her family member faces a challenge, her temper changes completely. She steps up to the challenge decisively and gives all of herself to fight against a menace or address the issue.

Where to find many beautiful Slavic women


Being tall, having blue eyes, long thick hair, delicate brows and a minimum amount of makeup are what makes Belarusian ladies stand out among beautiful Slavic women.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

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Their friendly and nice facial expression coupled with a light skin tone makes them look gorgeous.

Although Belarus doesn’t rank among countries with high living standards, local beautiful Slavic women have a good taste and know how to make a good use of their financial resources. That’s why they are always well-dressed and look elegant without spending a lot of money on clothing.

Belarusians are good at combining a career and a family life. A lot of local females have a higher education.


Polish ladies have long been famous for their beauty and sexiness. One of them even conquered the heart of Napoleon. Many justly consider them the icon of elegance and style.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

A lot of Polish girls resemble German women. They are distinguished by fleshy noses and wide mouths.

As a rule, local women look older than their actual age. Their demeanor and self-representation skills is what makes them special; even if a woman can’t boast of a bright appearance, she acts like a queen anyway.

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And this is the thing that jumps out at you when you first see them. Their shoulders are straightened, their back is straight, and they have their head on straight.


Coarse and expressive facial features, brown or black hair, dark big eyes, tanned skin, thick brows are what makes Ukrainian women different from other Eastern European females.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

Local girls are feminine, bright and cheerful. They always seek to look like a million dollars. Ukrainians belong to the beautiful Slavic women who don’t go outside without putting on a makeup, even if they just go grocery shopping.

Ladies from Ukraine are more rebellious, self-reliant and decisive than other beautiful Slavic women. In a relationship with a husband, they strive to rule a man rather than obey him, by combining passion and tenderness.

Czech Republic

Czech women’s appearance is a mixture of Slavic and Western European features. Their gentle natural beauty and, at the same time, freedom-loving and a scandalous temperament are what makes them an object of males‘ desire.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

Modern Western European trends, values, upbringing and influence have contributed to the fact that Czech females are in stark contrast to beautiful Slavic women from the Eastern part of the continent.

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These beautiful Slavic women are the owners of blonde and brown hair, fair skin, gray and blue eyes and slightly crooked noses.

It’s interesting that Czech girls don’t like to dye their hair or wear sophisticated hairstyles. They give preference to the natural color and form of their hair.


Despite being sexy, Slovak women don’t aim to stand out in the crowd. They appreciate comfort and put it first. Local ladies prefer sneakers and T-shirts over beautiful gowns.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

Whatever local females do, they do it leisurely. “Have the whole world wait” is their motto for life.

Slovaks tend to live frugally and skimp on everything, starting with heating and water supply of their houses and ending with manicure and haircut. Ladies who live in Slovakia don’t like to spend their free time online. They would rather go walking in the mountains or rollerblading.

These beautiful Slavic women aren’t willing to volunteer their time to do the house chores or prepare meals. Slovaks can easily make do with sandwiches.


Most of Serbian girls are tall, so they are more attracted to men of the same height.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

They are emotional and melancholic. Local beauties are accustomed to expressing their emotions openly and cracking jokes about everything they see, which comes as a shock for their low-key Western European neighbors.

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By the way, trying to hit on a girl on the streets of Serbian towns will lead nowhere. This is not the way it works in this country. If you want to find a date, you need to attend places designated for this purpose.

Serbians have huge families, because even second cousins are considered a part of a family and their problems are seen as no less important than your own.


Bulgarian females are mostly short. They are characterized by a fragile physique, narrow shoulders, elegant wrists and ankles.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

Pronounced cheekbones, strong jaw, big nose, narrow face and eyes are what make them distinct from other beautiful Slavic women.

In most cases, ladies with opulent curves are the representatives of the Gypsy and Turkish population of the country.

Due to the miniature body type and slenderness of local females, breast augmentation surgery is very popular among Bulgarians.

By the way, some Bulgarian women look older than they really are. This is because numerous local females have a way of smoking cigarettes.


Croatian women’s appearance is distinguished by narrow cheekbones, a pointy and slightly crooked nose and broad forehead. Many of them can boast of slim and physically-fit figures.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

As a rule, Croatians pay little attention to what they look like. Black T-shirts and blue jeans or shorts are one of their favorite pieces of clothing.

Local beautiful Slavic women are quite easy-going and open-minded. They prefer to live a quiet, measured life, without being in a hurry. It normally takes them half an hour to have a cup of coffee.

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Curiously, most of Croatian girls are very patriotic. That’s why their national symbols find expression in their items of clothing.


Montenegrin’s women are tall and slender creature with almond-shaped eyes, shiny hair and delicate facial features.

Where do the most beautiful Slavic women live?

They pay considerable attention to their appearance. Montenegrins regularly get a manicure, do their hair, take care of their skin and buy expensive perfume.

Local females are family-oriented. Most of adult women have at least 3 kids. They don’t like when their husbands cheat on them, but they are forced to tolerate such behavior, because a divorce process is very expensive in their country.

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Montenegrin think highly of their moral character, because Montenegro is small, everyone knows each other and gossip spread very fast. So it will be hard to whitewash themselves, if their reputation is tarnished.

As you can see, beautiful Slavic women live in countries that belong to both Eastern and Western Europe, which results in them having different mentality, behavior, appearance and so forth. But there’s something that they all have in common. We’re referring to their attractiveness and sexiness.

And you can see it with your own eyes, if you visit one of these Slavic countries.

Which Slavic women do you mostly like? Share your opinion in comments below.

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