Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

Dating an Australian girl: 6 pros and 4 cons!

Most of people living on earth have never been to Australia, that’s why the image of an Australian woman is based on prejudices and stereotypes. Let’s find out some real facts that will help you while dating an Australian girl.


1. Australian females are beautiful

For example, it’s widely believed that most of Australian women suffer from obesity. They also think that there is a shortage in women in this country. Moreover, they believe that Aussie girls are very unattractive.

According to the Australian bureau of statistics, there is almost an equal number of men and women in Australia. So they have neither men shortage, nor the lack of women.

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Of course, there are chubby females in this country, but the number of such women is insignificant, since they are fond of sports. It is almost a religion in Australia. There is instilled love to sports since early childhood here. Stadiums, parks and tennis courts are chock full of people as early as 7 a.m.

They are the happy owners of snow-white teeth, clear skin, healthy hair, straight back, slim figure and charming smile. Many of Australian girls are pretty and even unbelievably beautiful. You shouldn’t be surprised about it, because a lot of immigrants from around the globe have moved to Australia over recent decades.

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Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

That’s why there are a lot of women of different origin besides aboriginal women and Anglo-Saxons descent females.

As a result, it leads to a large number of mixed marriages. It’s not a secret that as a consequence of mixing of varied genes parents have very beautiful children. Healthy environment, good climate and a high standard of living in Australia also contribute to the improvement of their appearance.

2. They are happy and communicative

Aussie women are easy-going and smile a lot. There are a lot of happy people among them. Many foreign men wish to date an Aussie girl because of that, since, as it is known, happiness enhances attractiveness.

The researches of OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) have shown that Australians believe themselves to be the happiest people on the planet. 85 percent of respondents living in Australia don’t complain of health problems and like to devote their free time to people they love and recreation.

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With regard to clothes, Aussie girls prefer to wear loose and comfortable ones and almost never wear high-heels.

They don’t decorate their face with tons of cosmetics. They like to put on a light makeup – a small amount of concealer, mascara and lip gloss. And it makes sense, because hot climate is predominant in Australia.

Aussie women are mostly self-sufficient and confident. They live in the here and now and don’t look beyond the present day.

3. There are a lot of sportswomen among them

You will definitely be attracted to Australian women’s beautiful shape.

If you go in for sports, you won’t have trouble picking up Aussie girls, since there is a big category of females who are fond of vegetarianism and morning jogs in the park or even along the road side area.

Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

It’s not uncommon to see such persons who move in spurts from one traffic light to another, heading to a public park. Jogging every morning before work is trendy in Australia.

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After work these adherents of healthy lifestyle go to gym in which they lift some weight or just do their squats or twist themselves into various positions which are fashionable at modern yoga.

After working out local girls go to a cafeteria where they usually buy fat-free ice-cream. As a rule, they prefer to eat vegetarian food. Nevertheless, most of them don’t follow strict vegetarian diets. They just give up meat, because it’s fashionable. They also drink boiled water and hand out advice on how to live.

4. You have a chance to meet a businesswoman

Aussie business women and various female heads of major companies’ departments deserve to be included in a separate group.

Their luxurious expensive cars mostly pass by ordinary men who don’t even dream of hanging out with them. Men believe that such women have already picked up by Aussie Don Juans. But you have a chance to meet her in the street and hit on her.

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They are recognizable by their business suits consisting of a classic suit jacket and a skirt or trousers, a light shirt and dress shoes.

The indispensable attributes of an Australian business lady are a bunch of keys, a pack of cigarettes, a smartphone in her hands and a nametag with a picture of her which is attached to a ribbon hanging around her neck.

They look with steady eyes focusing on a spot which is located within tens of meters from them. Their upper body is tilted forward while walking in high heels.

When she gets closer, you can notice gold jewelry in very poor taste on her arms, neck and ears. Moreover, business women like to smoke on the go.

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5. Hanging out with social climbers and retired women can make you rich

Another category of local women is female social climbers who are confident in their career and retired women. As a rule, females aged 35-60 having above average income and enough free time to take care of themselves, work on home interior and live the high-life. They are good at carrying out various manipulations of their debit or credit cards.

Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

A lot of women who have built a successful career and retired Australian women often have several apartments which are rented.

They are hardly restricted in the means of subsistence. Their life is a stroll through shopping malls, fashion magazines and constant experiments in terms of their makeover, the change of their home’s interior and keeping their house in order.

You should even try secret dating with them ).

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Such women are well-groomed, leisurely and dressed very stylishly and tastefully. Each of them can skillfully emphasize her personality, charm and the sense of taste. They mainly drive German and Japanese cars. In their life everything is in such moderation and harmony that it’s impossible to find fault with them, except for one thing – there are very few of such women.

6. Office workers are open to making new friends

We should also mention such a category of Aussie women as the female office workers of major companies. It is a very interesting social class. Its representatives are holed up in air conditioning in their offices all day, doing almost nothing and don’t carry responsibility for anything.

As a rule, these Aussie girls manage to take time from their “busy schedule” to go get some coffee and come out for a smoke. They are very good-looking, since apart from hanging around in a huge office they have time and wish for self-care and putting on a makeup.

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If you want to become acquainted with them, you can find them in numerous cafes located on the first floors of office blocks. There they chat with their female coworkers. If they leave a cafe in order to face their manager, it means that they will come back in half an hour.

Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

As a rule, they are very sociable and willingly enter into a discussion, make a favorable impression.

Nevertheless, if you are a man of few words or your proficiency in English leaves much to be desired, you’ll most likely fail to communicate with those chatty Aussie girls. And if you have a way with words, these Australian girls become pliant and amenable persons and can give you a lot of special moments and unforgettable memories.


1. They are feminists

An Australian woman is economically independent from a man. Most of them even can be called feminists. And it’s not just famous actresses. Australian men and women doing the same jobs receive the same salary. And there are no sex-based restrictions in hiring.

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Moreover, the state instilled in women a consuming attitude to men. In case of any insignificant family conflict, an Australian woman goes to a family court and files a lawsuit against her husband without trying to solve a problem within the family. When a woman accuses a man of sexual abuse, she is more than 90 per cent likely to win a trial and seize half of his property.

Such trial practice has been supported by the state for many years. It has led local women to feel they can act with impunity. Consequently, a man begins to play a minor role in the family and society.

Local women can go grocery shopping barefoot, having dressed in a dirty t-shirt, without putting on a makeup and without combing her messy hair. They don’t wish to draw men’s attention because they don’t need their guardianship.

That’s why some Aussie men prefer one night stands and the services of hookers, since prostitution is legal in Australia.

2. Chubby women

One of the best dating tips is not to deal with local chubby women, since they not only don’t keep their body shape, but also sometimes don’t maintain personal hygiene.

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Of course, as in any country, there are women who have excessive weight in Australia. But it’s a small class of Aussie women. This class is mainly represented by the lovers of chips, beer and hamburgers. They are few in this country, but those who suffer from obesity almost don’t differ from their American counterparts in size. These girls look like “mobile food-processing factories” which turn products listed above into organic fertilizer relentlessly.

Dating an Australian girl : 6 pros and 4 cons

They always stand out in the crowd. Such Australian women usually wear half-shirts in light colors through which a red or blue super-sized bra can be seen. In this, their bellies hang off below their waists. So you are forced to witness reddish brown stretch marks on them and belly buttons piercing in such cases.

Their thighs are squeezed into jeans which are scuffed between legs because of walking. In addition, they often put rubber flip-flops on their dirty feet.

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Those Aussie girls are regulars at McDonalds’ restaurants, pastry and chips sections at the supermarkets.

While riding a bus or metro, they take a double seat. While walking down the street, they breathe loud, chew, sweat, and their bodies sway.

3. Lazybones

There is also a group of local girls under 30 who haven’t found their place in society yet. You can see them loitering around city squares and walking on the street with their female friends.

You probably won’t want to date an Aussie girl who falls into this category. Those lazybones are in constant motion. All they do is leer at passers-by and discuss with each other what is wrong with them. As well as chubby women they like to wear bright-colored bras which can be seen through white tank top with thin straps. Their shirts barely hide cellulite on their stomach.

Also, they can be identified by glued plastic nails and rubber flip-flops. Australian girls who belong to this category wear bags over the shoulder, sunglasses and hairstyles dyed a trendy color. They also have nose, belly and tongue piercing.

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One of their indispensable attributes is a ring on a toe and a tattoo on a shoulder or lower back. Australian women often get a tattoo of hieroglyphs whose meaning they can’t explain.

The most exciting part of their wardrobe is so-called pants and the way they wear them. They are usually dressed in pants with a drop waist or ordinary pants whose waistband is cut off with scissors. Thus, their buttocks are visible from astern and pubic hair – from ahead.

4. You can mistake an ordinary female for a prostitute while dating an Australian girl

Be careful not to pick up prostitutes instead of ordinary Aussie girls, since advertisements for massage, escort services, personal interpreters and so forth are all over Australian newspapers and magazine. Many of those who provide these services are prostitutes.

There are licensed hookers in Australia, since prostitution is a legal business here. Such girls cost an average 200-250 AUD an hour (it’s a daily salary of major company middle-managers). Licensed brothels are open 24 hours a day.

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Moreover, the government has recently authorized prostitutes to go into private practice in ordinary apartments. No wonder the large number of girls who want to swell the ranks of ladies of the night is growing each day. Many females from around the globe are standing in line of Australian Immigration Department for this purpose.

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